North Little Rock Fire Department Unofficial Website

North Little Rock Fire Department
1959 American LaFrance 1000 GPM Pumper
On the Roster For Over 50 Years - 1959-2010.

Former Parade Pumper of the N.L.R.F.D.
1959 American LaFrance
  1959 American La France of the NLRFD was used for Parades and Special Occasions. The
'59 LaFrance attained"Special Status" in 1995, when the decision was made to keep the old
pumper as part of the NLRFD'S Heritage. It was, however, sold at the annual NLR City Auction
in October 2010. The pumper was originally Engine 5 when it arrived in 1959.


Photo by Battalion Chief Lee Wilkins

The 1959 American LaFrance 1000 GPM as it appeared sometime in the late 80's or early '90's. The '59 LaFrance was
first assigned to Station 5, where it remained until sometime after the ISO Inspection of 1963. The '59 then
went to Station 3. In 1982, it was a reserve, but only briefly, and then became Engine 8. In 1985 the pumper
became Standby 101 when the 1985 Seagrave pumper arrived until the 1992 Pierce 1250 was put in service in
the summer of 1992. At that point, the '59 LaFrance became Standby Engine 103. In February, 1995 two
1250 E-One Pumpers arrived. At that time it was decided to keep the '59 American LaFrance on the roster.

Left: The Parade Pumper as it appears today. The top of the pumper was removed and major body work was
performed (including a new front panel). A superb quality paint job was also applied to the old pumper.