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Photos of the Little Rock Fire Department Apparatus and Stations
Retired L.R.F.D. Apparatus and Stations

L.R.F.D. Retired Apparatus and Stations

Former Little Rock Fire Department 2015 E-One Cyclone II Custom Pumper - Assigned as Engine 3.

This Pumper was a total loss after an accident with LRFD Engine 11,
which was operating on Reserve Engine 6. The accident occured
on or around May 20, 2021. Both Pumpers were deemed a total loss.
No lives were lost in this unfortunate accident.

An Emergency Purchase of Three New Pumpers & One Mid-Mount
Aerial Tower was passed by the L.R. City Board at their meeting
on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 @ 6:00 p.m.

Specs of LRFD Former Engine 3
Waterous CMU 2-Stage 1750 GPM Pump

Cummins ISX12 450-hp engine
UPF Poly 750-gallon tank;
Foam Capable Front Jump Line
Two 30 Gallon Foam Cells

LRFD Photos Home Page
Retired Apparatus
34 Amer LaFrance Pumper
44 Amer LaFrance Aerial
49 Seagrave Pumper
Early 50's ALF @ Sta 4
2nd Early 50's ALF @ Sta 4
3rd Early 50's ALF @ Sta 4
Early 50's ALF As Eng 17
Early 50's ALF - Eng 17 (2nd)
Early 50's ALF At S17
Another Early 50'sALF At 17's
53 Dodge - Former T3
53 Seagrave As E4
62 ALF Pumper
64 Mack Pumper
66 Mack Eng 1
66 Mack Eng 2
66 Mack Eng 5
66 Mack Eng 5 & 72 ALF T-4
66 Mack Eng 8
69 IH/ALF Aeral
Early 70's Ford/ Boardman E3
Early 70's Ford/Boardman E7
Early 70's Ford/ Boardman E13
72 ALF Aerial
75 IH/Boardman E6
75 Snorkle T2
76 Mack Aerial
77 IH/ Boardman E9
81 Mack Eng 5
87 Pierce Eng 8
Sta 1: 7th & Chester Macks
Sta 1: 7th & Chester Old Aerials
Sta 1: 7th & Chester View C
Sta 1: 7th & Chester View D
Sta 7- 77 Mack Aerial & 72 ALF Aeri al
Old Sta 10 - 77 IH Boardman & Old ALF
Sta 11 - 60's ALF 100' Mid Mount
Sta 12 - 73 IH Boardman Pumper
Old Sta 14 - 73 IH Boardman Pumper
Old Sta 15 - 75 IH Boardman
Sta 16 - 76 IH Boardman & Old Seagrave
Old Sta 17 - Two 50's ALF Pumpers
Old Sta 18 - 84 Mack E18 & 75 IH T6
Old Station 19 - On Dixon Road