Welcome to Photos of the Little Rock Fire Department Apparatus and Stations Retired L.R.F.D. Apparatus and Stations
L.R.F.D. Retired Apparatus and Stations LRFD Engine 6 - Apparatus is a 1974 (Circa) IH/ Boardman
1000 GPM Pumper. Little Rock Owned 16 Boardman Pumper
during the 70's and 80's
Note the 1937 American LaFrance in the right bay. It was used to get hose
under a low overpass at some point and time, after it was no longer assigned
as a regular pumper. The L.R.F.D. owned two 1937 American La France
pumpers, along with 7 1929 American LaFrance Chain-Drive Pumpers.
L.R.F.D. also had two American LaFrance Service Ladder Trucks (no aerial
ladder), and a wood American LaFrance Aerial from the 1930's era.