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Of The North Little Rock F.D.
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1936 Ford/ Seagrave Pumper of the N.L.R.F.D.

This 1936 Seagrave on a Ford chasis was the engine at NLR Station 3 from 1936 until 1947. It replaced the older
apparatus, which was no doubt worn out.   This was the last open-cab fire pumper purchased by North Little Rock, as
is the oldest known surving pumper of the NLRFD. The fireman standing next to the right front tire is the late Chief
Roy Nichols, who was the NLRFD'S Chief when this vehicle was ordered. He once told me that Seagrave was the
apparatus he most prefered.The 36 Ford/ Seagrave was assigned to Station 6 in Levy after the two '47
American LaFrance pumpers arrived in late 1947 (or early 1948) , and one of the two new LaFrance pumpers
was assigned to 15th and Pike.

This Ford/Seagrave remained at the Levy Station from late 1947 until 1951, when the '51 Ford/Seagrave was purchased and
gave Levy (Station 6) a closed-cab apparatus. The June 7, 1951 Arkansas Gazette shows a picture of the newly arrived '51
Ford/Seagrave. In June, 1951, The '36 Ford became a reserve pumper.
A newpaper account in the Ark. Democrat April 17, 1949 shows NLRFD Chief Caldwell in the Levy Station holding a fire ax over
the pumper. The caption was to the effect that the pumper was too old for the job. The apparatus was then a reserve and later
was used by the city in Burns Park until it was sold to Jeff Monroe, owner of White Small Engine Repair Co. He still owns the
apparatus today.
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