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Of The North Little Rock F.D.
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1951 Chevrolet Pick Up Truck Of The N.L.R.F.D.

(Above Photo Used With Permission of Bill Treadway)

Including this Pickup Truck as a Fire Apparatus was done for the same reason that Unit 938 was
included: Both vehicles are used as vehicles which have responded to alarms. In the case of the
'51 Chevy Pickup, this is evidenced above. This vehicle was purchased in November, 1951 from
Scroggs Chevrolet Company at 119 West "G" Street - Park Hill. The cost: $1,697.00. This included
a trade in allowance of $246.35 for the 1939 Ford Panel Truck.

Also pictured above: The 1939 Seagrave Pumper (note spot lights on top of windshield) and the
1936 Ford/Seagrave Pumper. The engine housing had been removed on the '36, evidently in an effort
to keep the truck from overheating. The scene pictured above was most likely the flood of 1957.
The Arkansas River was above flood stage for some time. Many, many homes in NLR close to the
Arkansas River were flooded. The scene above was on Pike Avenue at the intersection of Broadway.