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Of The North Little Rock F.D.
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1951 Ford/ Seagrave Pumper of the N.L.R.F.D.

(Photo Courtesy of Jenneta Martin)

(Photo by Lee Clark)
This 1951 Ford- Seagrave 500 GPM was purchased for the Levy (#6) Station.  It spent its
entire life as an "On Line" NLR Pumper at this station.   The truck became a reserve in
1966. It was often seen at the Training Tower.    This was QUITE an improvement from
the '36 Ford - Seagrave, which this pumper replaced at Station 6. It was sold in a public
Auction in 1976 to the Runyan Acres Fire Department. Above is '51 Ford, just before it
was sold along with the '39 Seagrave at auction.
The truck presently is owned by the
owner of Kidd's Garage near Mc Almont. It sits on his property there. The arrival of this
pumper and the 1951 Seagrave 1000 GPM Custom marked the first time in the NLRFD'S
history that none of the front line apparatus were open cab.

Photo Courtesy of Jenneta Martin)