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Of The North Little Rock F.D.
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1966 American La France Pumper of the N.L.R.F.D.

(Photo by Lee Clark)
When this 1966 1250 GMP American La France pumper arrived at the NLRFD, the big story in the newspaper
was that this was NOT the low bid.  Perhaps the big lesson here was that one gets what one pays for.  This
pumper was in the department, AS AN ON LINE PUMPER until 1996 for THIRTY YEARS!   It was Engine 1 from 1966
until 1982. The next assignment for the '66 ALF was Engine 3 from 1982 until 1985.   The 'LaFrace was Engine 8 from
1985 until 1996. It blew an engine around 1979-80 and had a Detroit Diesel installed. 

(Photo by Lee Clark)
The truck is now owned by  Lee Church, Chief - Sherwood F.D.  It is use for birthday parties of children, much
to their delight, I'm sure! "One of the lucky ones!" Former NLRFD Engine 1,3 and 8 has a great home today.
It is owned by Sherwood Fire Chief Lee Church, and is WELL cared for.

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