OF THE N.L.R.F.D. (Photo by Lee Clark)
This 1971 Ford/ Boardman, an 1000 GMP Pumper was delivered in 1971. It was assigned to Station 2. It later became the
first NLR Engine 10 (Below) with a new paint job from the State Prison Paint Shop. This pumper was the last gasoline fueled
pumper that the NLRFD purchased. When this apparatus went to Station 2, the 1955 Seagrave went from Station 2 to
Station 4 in Rose City, and the 1947 American La France at Station 4, went to the Park Hill Station.
The '47 American La France at Park Hill (which still had the original V-12engine) became the first line reserve
pumper of the department. This left the '51 Ford/Seagrave and the '39 Seagrave as reserves. The '36 Ford went to Burns
Park for a while, where it was used to water areas in the summer months.
(Photo by Lee Clark)
The 1971 Ford/Boardman as Engine 10. This was the final regular assignment for the pumper.
Above Photo by NLRFD Battalion Chief Lee Wilkins
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