Untitled Document

North Little Rock Fire Department Training Facility
and Tower Remount Road at the NLR Airport

NLRFD Facility (above) and Training Tower -Remount Road - Next to the National Weather Service and The North Little Rock Airport
The building in the picture above is located on Remount Road next to the National Weather Service and was the home of Crash 2.
  The North Little Rock Airport is adjacent to this site.  Tests and "hands-on" training can be conducted on this site.

(Above Photo Courtesy of NLRFD Battalion Chief Lee Wilkins)
CRASH 2 - 1975 International Airport Crash Truck
Formerly Housed at NLRFD Training Tower.


In the photo above, the Training Tower of the Training
Facility on Remount Road can be seen.

Above: A different shot of the Training Tower. The 2003
Ferrara Heavy Rescue was not in service yet when this
photo was made. Immdiately above: A front shot of Crash 2