North Little Rock Fire Department Unofficial Website

Photos from NLRFD Incident at 7th and Magnolia on December 19, 2005

An alarm sounded for a fire alarm at the Old Union Rescue Mission Lodge at 7th and Magnolia for Engines 1,3, 2, Truck 1, Rescue 1
and Battalion 924 about 3:00 p.m. on December 19, 2005. Smoke was visible when the webmaster of this website arrived on the
scene about 3:05 p.m. Engine 1 attacked the east side of the structure, forcing entry to find the source of the fire. Engine 3 attacked
the west side of the building. There was a door for entry on the west side, however part of an outer wall had to be opened to find the
source of the fire on that side of the building. Engine 1 utilized handline for its attack. Engine 3 utilized its "trash line" for attack.
Engine 2 stood by a plug initially, but was called on to the scene for manpower. Rescue 1 provided manpower and equipment.
Truck 1 provided manpower, fans and other equipment. Car 946, Car 931
and Car 945 all responded to this incident. Engine 6
filled in at Central Station for the length of the incident. The last two photos on this page show Engine 6 leaving Central. Note the
section of 5 inch hose extending downward from the hose bed cover on Engine 6 in the last photo on this webpage.


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All photos on this webpage are by Lee Clark. Permission should be granted before any photo is used.