Photos From June 10, 2010
On June 9th and 10th, 2010, all three standby engines
of the N.L.R.F.D. were in service at the same time.
On the afternoon of June 11, 2010, only Standby
Engine 103 was still in service at Station 10.
Monday, June 14, 2010 saw Engine 10 return to its regular pumper.
Above Left: Standby Engine 102 ('81 American LaFrance)
running as Engine 4
Above Right: Standby Engine 101 ('87 Pierce)
running as Engine 2,
Immediate Left: Standby Engine 102 ('85 Seagrave)
running as Engine 10. (The '81 LaFrance Aerial shown
at Station 10 (former Truck 1) is a Reserve Aerial, which
is normally housed at Station 10.
Click on any photo for a larger view.