WHAT'S NEW AT THE NLRFD Updated Dec 30, 2004

December 30, 2004:
Station 9's Webpage has been updated. New photos are posted. Included are Standby Engine 102 as it appears
with "SE102" lettering on the apparatus, photos of the Detroit Diesel of Engine 9 and photos of Station 9 with
apparatus parked on the driveway. Click on STATIONS above and then click on STATION 9.
A structure fire occured on Garland Avenue in Park Hill sometime after 12:00 Midnight on December 30, 2004.
Rescue 80, Engines 6 and 7 and Truck 7A responded along with Battalion 924. Rescue 80, which would be the
first due company at the fire scene, was utilized to pump. The wisdom of having a fire apparatus at Station 5
which has the capability of pumping a large capacity (1000 GPM) of water was certainly evident at this fire.
Photos of NLRFD apparatus at the Garland Ave. Fire may be view by clicking on FIRES (above) and 12-30-04.
December 29, 2004:
The new "Smoke House" for the N.L.R.F.D. arrived yesterday at Central Station. The Fire Safety House will be
used as an educational tool, primarily for the younger citizens of North Little Rock. The Fire Safety House will
train the youth of the city in proper procedures to rely on in the event of a fire. The Fire Safety House was
purchased with Federal Funds, and Consequently did NOT result in the expenditure of any North Little Rock
Funds. Photos of the "Smoke House" may be viewed at: http://www.nlrfd.com/prevention.html
The Webpage for Station 10 was updated today. Some new photos were added. Click on STATIONS above and
then click on STATION 10. The new webpage for Standby Engine 103 is available from Station 10's webpage.
It also can be viewd by clicking on the APPARATUS link above, and then by clicking on the MASTER LIST OF
December 24, 2004:
The Arkansas Democrat Gazette gave an excellent illustation in today's newspaper of what the HUMAN side
of being a firefighter is all about: Members of the North Little Rock Fire Department and (North Little Rock
Police Department) paid a visit to a family who had suffered a tragedy a few years ago. At least two children
in the family were terribly burned in their home, when a flammable device was thrown close to them. The
gifts, according to the Democrat Gazette, had been collected by students at St. Patrick's Catholic School.
The concern for this family is obviously still present.
A structure occured today in the 4500 block of Randolph Road. The house was engulfed in flames when
firefighters from nearby Station 7 arrived. All residents of the structure who were home escaped with their
lives. Engines 7, 9, Truck 7A and Rescue 80 all responded.
December 20, 2004:
51 Photos of the Velvet Ridge Fire on December 10, 2004 have been given to this website by Sherwood F.D.
Lt. Dustin Haworth. The photos are posted at: http://www.nlrfd.com/12-10-0-4.html .... Click on each photo to
enlarge it.
December 15, 2004: Truck 7A's 2002 Pierce Platform was back in service yesterday.
December 10, 2004:
A spectacular fire took place today at the Highcliff Apartments located on Velvet Ridge Road. High winds
had to be dealt with in extinguishing the fire. The websites of various local television stations reported that
from 40 to 50 people were left without a place to live as a result of the fire. The fire began about 10:00 A.M.
this morning. North Litle Rock Fire Companies are expected to remain at the scene through the night, putting
out hot spots and making certain that the fire doesn't rekindle.
Battaltion Chief 924 responded to the blaze. Engines 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 responded. Engine 1 also responded. Engine 1's
crew worked overhaul from Engine 6's apparatus, which was already hooked up to a plug. Engine 6 was operating
from Engine 1's pumper this evening in Station 6. Engine 2 was also working overhaul this evening. Truck 7A
responded to the blaze. Rescue 80 responded as well.
During the course of the fire, Little Rock F.D. sent two engine companies to fill in at Central. Engine 3's 2004 Pierce had just arrived back at the N.L.R.F.D. after some warranty work. This apparatus was placed in service with an off-duty crew
which had been called back to service at Station 9.. Sylvan Hills F.D. filled in at NLR Station 6. The VA Fire Department filled in at Station 3.
December 8, 2004:
Apparently, Truck 7A is undergoing rather extensive repairs to the rear brake system. The apparatus was
observed today at Central with all of the rear wheels removed. Standby Aerial 1 (1975 LaFrance Snorkel)
continues to fill in as Truck 7A.
December 6, 2004:
The NLR Christmas Parade has been rescheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 12th.
It was postponed from December 5th because of rain.
December 5, 2004: Truck 7A has been operating on Standby Aerial 1 since December 3, 2004.
December 3, 2004:
Engine 4 is operating on its normally assigned apparatus as of 12-2-04. Preparations for the NLR Christmas
Parade are underway. The NLRFD'S official parade pumper ('59 LaFrance) and the '31 Seagrave of Local 35
were both observed at Central today.
November 30, 2004:
Engine 4 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of 11-30-04.
November 23, 2004:
Standby Engine 103 is now designated as "S103." This completes identification of all reserve pumpers.
November 20, 2004:
Gold Identification Lettering is beginning to show up on more Standby Apparatus in the North Little Rock
Fire Department. Standby Engine 102 now has "S102" on its front. The same identifcation is on each side.
The "Co.No. 9" is was left on the door of the pumper, which really shows the historical significance of the pumper,
since this was the last NLRFD pumper to be lettered as "Co. No. " as opposed to "Engine ..." as the pumpers
now are indentified with.
Standby Engine 101 now has a webpage: http://nlrfd.com/se101.html. This page can be viewed with the link to the
left, or it can be reached from Station 1'S webpage, or from the Apparatus Master List.
November 18, 2004:
Standby Engine 101 now sports the gold letters "S101" on the front of the pumper, as well as on each side.
The lettering really looks sharp. Photos of Standby Engine 101, as it now appears, will follow in a few days.
November 18, 2004:
November 13, 2004:
Truck 1A returned to its regularly assigned apparatus, the 1981 American La France 100' Aerial late on 11-12-04
November 10, 2004:
A cable on the top section of the Aerial Ladder of Truck 1A snapped this morning during training
at Central Station. The ladder will not fully retract now, until repairs are made. Truck 1A's crew
is operating on Standby Aerial 1 (the '75 Snorkel) until the '81 American LaFrance can be repaired. Truck 1A is running out of Station 8, since Standby Aerial 1 will not fit in Central.
November 8, 2004:
THE FIRST 100 YEARS by Lee Clark is almost ready for publication. It will be available for sale
AFTER the Official 100 Year Book of the North Little Rock Fire Department is distributed.
THE FIRST 100 YEARS is approximately 160 pages long. It contains 140 photographs of the Argenta/North Little Rock Fire Department at this point.
Photos start with horse-drawn hosewagon days and continue until the present day N.L.R.F.D.
There are several charts of apparatus assignments through the years, lists of chiefs, lists of the locations of all known NLR Fire Stations, etc. A substantial amount of research through old
microfilm of the Arkansas Democrat and Arkansas Gazette and North Little Rock Times, as well
as old Minutes and Ordinace Books of Argenta/ North Little Rock has taken place.
October 28, 2004:
There are still more updates of the Chief's Page. Walter Powers' term(s) as Chief are futher defined.
Tom Exum's term(s) as Chief are further defined. (Click on INFORMATION and then click on NLRFD Chiefs.)
October 27, 2004:
The Chiefs' Page has been updated. Another name has been added. (Click on INFORMATION
and then click on NLRFD Chiefs.)
October 26, 2004:
The 1987 Pierce 1250 Pumper officially became Standby Engine 101 today.
October 25, 2004:
The 1981 American LaFrance Pumper, which had been designated as Standby Engine 101, became
Standby Engine 102 today. It is still housed at Station 9. Also, the 1985 Seagrave Pumper, which had
been designated as Standby Engine 102, became Standby Engine 103 today. The '85 Seagrave is still
housed at Station 10. This leaves the designation of Standby Engine 101 open for the 1987 Pierce
Pumper. The '87 Pierce should be designated as Standby Engine 101 in the near future.
October 24, 2004: As of Oct. 22, 2004, Engine 9 was operating on its regular apparatus again.
October 18, 2004: Engine 9 is running on Standby Engine 101 ('81 American LaFrance) as of 10-18-04.
October 16, 2004:
Engine 4 began operating on the 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom Pumper on Friday, October 15, 2004. This apparatus is
five years newer than the 1987 Pierce Arrow Custom that Engine 4 formerly operated on. This change marks another
"bench-mark" in the NLRFD: All front line engine companies now have an apparatus with a COMPLETELY ENCLOSED
CAB. The logic: Improved safety and protection for the fire fighters on the apparatus.
The 1987 Pierce that was formerly Engine 4 is now at Central. It will now become a standby apparatus.
October 11, 2004:
a very significant event in the history of the N.L.R.F.D. took place. The last fire apparatus on which fire fighters had
to ride the tailboard was decomissioned today! This vehicle was the 1976 International/American LaFrance pumper
which had been designated as Standby Engine 103.
This pumper was the last of three identical pumpers delivered to the N.L.R.F.D. in August, 1976. Photos of this
apparatus can be found in the MUSEUM section of the website. The '76 International is now at the NLR City Shops,
awaiting the highest bid at the City Auction.
October 8, 2004:
Several photos of the NLRFD Fire Fest at the McCain Kroger Store parking lot on 10-5-04 have been added to the
website. Click on INFORMATION, then click on NLR FIRE FEST, and then click on Fire FEST 10-04.
October 3, 2004:
The webpages of the following stations have been updated: Station 1, Station3 (photos of the new Pierce
pumper) and Station 9. These webpages now reflect Standby Apparatus as it is currently assigned.
The 1976 International/American LaFrance Pumper, which is currently Standby 103 will most likely see
retirement as soon as the '92 Pierce Arrow is assigned as Engine 4. The current Engine 4, a 1987 Pierce
Custom, would then become Standby Engine 101.
September 30, 2004:
Engine 3 began operating on its new apparatus about 5:00 p.m. yesterday. The 2004 Pierce Custom Contender
pumper is now operating as Engine 3 at Station 3. Station 3'S Webpage has several photos of the new pumper.
Former Engine 3, the 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom, is at Central undergoing minor repairs. It will then apparently
be sent to Station 4 as Engine 4.
September 27, 2004:
Engine 3 should be operating on its new Pierce Contender Custom pumper in the next few days. The pumper
is being fitted with hose bed covers early this week.
The 1977 Chevrolet light rescue has been moved to the MUSEUM Section of this website, since it is already off
of NLRFD Property and is at the site of the NLR City Auction.
September 22, 2004:
The new 2004 Pierce Contender Pumper continues to have equipment added at Central Station. The Contender,
which will soon become Engine 3, now has "ENGINE 3" in gold reflective lettering on the rear roll-up door. It has
"NLRFD" on the front, just below the windshield, and a decal of the NLRFD Official Logo on each side of the cab.
A new "section" of the NLRFD Unofficial Website has been added. The INFORMATION Drop Down Menu on each
webpage, now has an option entitled COMMUNITY SERVICE. Photos of NLRFD Firefighters collecting for MD are
currently here. Other photos will be added as community service events take place.
September 9, 2004:
It looks like there will soon be another NLRFD Apparatus to be placed in the Museum Section of this website.
The original Rescue 80, a 1977 Chevrolet light duty rescue, is being readied for the NLR City Auction. This old
vehicle first was the Bomb Truck (hence it vehicle identification of "80" ... Signal 80). Next it was Rescue 80
which ran out of Station 6. This gave the city two rescue companies for the first time.
September 5, 2004:
The NLRFD will be collecting money for Muscular Dystrophy through today. NLRFD Firefighters were observed
at the Kroger store at JFK and McCain yesterday. Photos are now on the website homepage.
August 25, 2004:
The 2004 Pierce Contender Pumper which wil soon become Engine 3 was still at the radio shop as of late this
afternoon. Work continues to allow the NLRFD'S latest apparatus to be ready for service at Station 3.
August 21, 2004:
The 2004 Pierce Contender 1250 Custom Pumper is at the radio shop while a Department Radio is installed in the
new pumper. The 1981 American LaFrance Pumper (Engine 101) has been housed at Station 9 since August 18th
or 19th. The 1976 International/American LaFrance Pumper (Engine 103) is now at Central. The radio has been
removed from the old pumper, and evidently plans are still to retire the '76 International from the NLRFD after the
2004 Contender goes in service.
August 17, 2004:
The new Pierce Contender Custom 1250 GPM Top Mount Pumper arrived at the NLRFD today. The new pumper
will be assigned as Engine 3 when it is ready to go in service. Engine 3's 1992 Pierce Custom will become Engine 4
and Engine 4's 1987 Pierce is to become Standby Engine 101. Photos of the new pumper are on the website
homepage. (Click HOME above.)
August 9, 2004:
Station 2'S Webpage has been updated with some new photos of Engine 2 and the HazMat Van. Station 8's
Webpage has also had a new picture added with Engine 8 and Command 1 both in front of the station.
The "J. W. Springer" is becoming a "full-fledged" Fireboat, in addition to its capabilities as a rescue boat.
A Hale Portable Fire Pump was installed on the "J.W. Springer." This pump is from the Hale Transportable
Series and is a Model HPT200-B18. It is powered by a Briggs and Stratton/ Vanguard Engine two cylinder/18 HP engine.
The pump has as 3 inch intake, which would receive water from the Arkansas River, and a 2 1/2 inch discharge outlet.
The pump can produce 225 GPM at 50 PSI. (This information is from the Mid-Atlantic Supply Corp's Web site.)
August 6, 2004:
A new photo of the J. W. Springer, provided by Jerry Reagan, is now on the Web site. It can be viewed by clicking
on the "Apparatus" option above, and then by clicking on the "Roster of All Present Apparatus" option. The new
Pierce Contender Custom is now slated to be leaving the Pierce assembly line sometime later this month.
Its arrival in North Little Rock will be during the latter part of August, or early September. . Other apparatus
arriving from Pierce usually goes to the Pierce dealer, Pro Fire (in the Memphis area), for a few minor adjustments before arriving in North Little Rock.
August 3, 2004:
The new Pierce Contender 1250 GPM Pumper is still slated to be delivered later this month.
July 24, 2004:
"Bugs" continue to be corrected on the new Unofficial Web site. Photos of the Oct, 2003 Fire Fest were
reloaded on the new site today, as well as photos under the MISC NLRFD PHOTOS Section. Please notify
me of any missing pages, photos, links, etc that are found. I'd really appreciate your help!
The NLRFD awaits the arrival of the new Pierce Contender Pumper, which is slated to arrive in North Little
Rock in early August, 2004.
July 20, 2004:
The NLRFD Unofficial Web site. is now housed at its new Web site., complete with its own URL:
Please look thorough all pages, and report any missing links or pictures to me at leeclark01@yahoo.com
It will be greatly appreciated.
July 8, 2004:
Engine 7 Returned to its regular apparatus today. The '95 E-One Hurricane Custom 1250 has been undergoing
Command One, the new mobile command center, is officially housed at Station 8 as of today, also.
July 3, 2004:
Engine 7 is again operating on Standby Engine 101 as of July 1, 2004. Decals and Logos have been applied to
the new Mobile Command Vehicle. It will be known as Command One. A recent photo of Command One is
available on the homepage of this Web site.
Viewers of this Web site. will notice that most of the web pages with sounds now have a SOUND CONTROL on the
page, usually at the bottom of the page. The default will be for sounds to be turned OFF, since pages will load
quicker. If the visitor wishes to hear sounds, he or she simply has to click the SOUNDS ON/OFF button, and
sounds will be heard, beginning with the next page loaded. (To hear sounds on a page already loaded, click
the button, and then press F5.) Eventually, all web pages with sounds will have a sound control.
The sound buttons and code are the courtesy of my son, who is a Computer Science Major at Texas Christian
University. I realize that the advertisements on the sides (and numerous other places) on the Web site. are become
a real distraction. Plans are for the Unofficial NLRFD Web site. to move to a site which is ADVERTISEMENT FREE
in the NEAR future. Plans are also to have a WEBSITE DOMAIN NAME purchased to go along with the new site.
Your thoughts are welcomed at leeclark01@yahoo.com
June 26, 2004:
Engine 7 returned to its 1995 E-One Hurricane Custom Pumper on June 25, 2004. Standby Aerial 1 is now
in quarters at Old Station 8, along with Standby Engine 104 ('59 LaFrance Parade Pumper). The Mobile
Command Vehicle is now housed at Station 8.
June 24, 2004:
The HazMat Van (Unit 938) is fully operational now. NLRFD personnel have performed essentially all of the necessary
work for changing a former NLR Maintenance Van into a Hazardous Materials Response Apparatus. Photos of the
GMC HazMat Van are on Station 2'S Web page.
Engine 7 continues to operate on Standby Engine 101 as of June 24, 2004.
June 21:
A Farber Specialty Industries Mobile Command Vehicle arrived at the North Little Rock Fire Department this morning,
June 21, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. The Mobile Command Vehicle will be used by both the North Little Rock Police and Fire Departments, and will afford command officers a safe and secure place from which to operate at a major fire department or police department operation. The Mobile Command Center will be housed at Fire Station Number 8. Standby Aerial 1 will be moved to Old Station 8. Photos of the Mobile Command Center are available at
June 20, 2004:
Engine 1 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of June 20, 2004. The HazMat Unit (938) has received
all lettering and decals applied to its apparatus. A rear bumper and trailer hitch will be installed on Monday,
June 21, 2004. As soon as emergency lights are installed, the renovation and conversion of the 1988 GMC
van should be complete.
June 15, 2004: Engine 7 returned to its regular apparatus, the 1995 E-One 1250 Custom as of 6/14/04.
June 13, 2004: Engine 7 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of June 13, 2004.
June 12, 2004:
Five new North Little Rock Fire Fighters graduated from the Training Academy at Camden, AR yesterday.
These newest NLRFD members will go on official duty either today, tomorrow or Monday, depending on
their assignment to A,B or C Shift. Three other new NLRFD Fire Fighters who were also recently hired had
already graduated from the Fire Academy at Camden. They have already been assigned to a shift.
This should help provide adequate staffing to all companies. NLRFD members who have been called to active
Military Duty, along with a few retirements, have left the NLRFD in need of these additional Fire Fighters. Thanks
to Mayor Hays and the City Council for
May 27, 2004:
Truck 1A returned to its regular apparatus, the 1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount sometime after
noon today. All of the HazMat Apparatus has been returned to Station 2. Truck 1A is now operating out
of Station1.
The North Little Rock Times Reported in today's edition (Thursday, May 27, 2004) that the Pierce Demo Pumper
from Daytona Speedway in Florida was sold before North Little Rock was able to complete details for its
purchase. Pierce, however, agreed to sell the NLRFD an identical NEW pumper which is now on the assembly
line for the same price as the Demo Pumper: $185,000.00
Delivery is expected in early August, 2004. The new Pierce Contender will be assigned to Station 3 at 15th and
Schaer. It would then be most likely that the present 1992 Pierce at Station 3 would move to Station 4, and
the 1987 Pierce at Station 4 would be a Standby Pumper. The NLR Times reported that a 1976 pumper would
be sold. This is the current Standby Engine 103. This is the only remaining pumper in the NLRFD (Eng 103) on
which fire fighters must ride the rear tailboard.
May 26, 2004:
Monday night's NLR City Council Meeting was a very busy meeting, as far as the NLRFD was concerned.
NLR Fire Station Number 8 is now the Chester Roberson, Sr. Memorial Fire Station. It was named in memory
of a former NLRFD Member who recently passed away.
The NLR City Council also approved the purchase of a new Piece Contender Demo Pumper from Pierce
Manufacturing Company at its last meeting on May 24, 2004. The pumper is a 1250 GPM apparatus. It will have
roll up doors, a 1000 gallon tank and a trash line in the front bumper. Many, many thanks to Mayor Hays and the
NLR City Council for approving funding for this badly needed apparatus. Delivery of the Demo Pumper might be
expected in early August, 2004.
For more information on the new NLRFD Pierce Pumper, click on "APPARATUS" and then on "APPARATUS ON ORDER."
May 24, 2004:
Truck 1A is out of service as of May 24, 2004. The support structure that the aerial ladder rests on needs repair.
Standby Aerial 1 (1975 American La France Snorkel) is filling in as Truck 1A. Since the '75 LaFrance will not fit in
Station 1, Truck 1A is running out of Station 2 until the '81 LaFrance 100' is back in service.
The HazMat Van and Trailer have been moved to Central to make room for the ladder company to take up temporary quarters at Station 2. About 7:00 p.m. this evening, the Hazmat Van was parked inside Central. The Hazmat Trailer
was attached to the '88 Chevy Dual-Cab pickup (former 938). This unit was parked in the lot behind Central.
May 22, 2004:
The Web page for Station 10 has been updated with several new photos. Many of these photos can be clicked
on for a larger image. With Windows 98 2nd Edition or Windows XP, the photos can often be enlarged to a
still larger picture if the indicator becomes visible in the lower right portion of the photo. Station 10'S Web page:
May 8, 2004:
Station 3'S Web page has been updated with photos made on May 8, 2004. Station 3'S Web page may be viewed at:
May 3, 2004:
Engine 9'S Pierce Contender returned to service today. Engine 10'S 2001 Pierce Contender Pumper was out of
service today while an exhaust "No Smoke Box" was installed. Engine 10 spent today operating on Standby
Engine 102, the 1985 Seagrave 1250.
May 2, 2004:
Engine 9 is out of service, as of May 2, 2004. A "No Smoke Box" is being installed on the exhaust system of the 2001 Pierce Contender so that exhaust fumes will not be present in the Engine Room after the pumper leaves on an alarm.
Engine 9 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of May 2, 2004.
April 28, 2004: The 1988 GMC HazMat Van is now in operation. It is known as Unit 938. The 1988 Dual-Tired
Chevy Pickup which had served as the "power-unit" for Hazmat 938 is currently at Central Station. The
Chevy Pickup is now hitched to a boat trailer which is carry the J.W. Springer. The boat ramp at the
Arkansas River is out of service, due to the recent high waters of the Arkansas River. In the event that
a River Rescue is needed, the J. W. Springer would respond from Central Station, along with its crew.
April 22, 2004: Ida Jane (Youngblood) Ueckman has donated via Jim Dancy some incredibly historic old
photos of the 1947 Seagrave Aerial Truck soon after it arrived in NLR. For the present time they are posted
on the homepage of the museum portion of the Web site.: http://nlrfd100.tripod.com They will be posted on the
Web page for the Seagrave Aerial Truck in the museum portion of the Web site. at some later point.
April 18, 2004:
The NLRFD Unofficial Web site. has been updated in several areas:
(1) The Drop Down Menus have been redesigned so that they are easier to read and navigate. The lines in between each item are gone, and the colors have been changed.
(2) A new picture of Standby Pumper 101 has been added to the Web site. It is shown on the Apparatus Master List Page for all NLRFD Apparatus. It is also shown on Station 1'S Web page
(3) The NLRFD Master Apparatus Web page has been redesigned completely. Apparatus is shown by type (pumper, aerial, rescue, etc) and then by the date acquired.
April 5 , 2004:
Work on the GMC Haz Mat Van is progressing very quickly. The interior is virtually finished at this point and the exterior is ready for lettering and lighting. A canopy similar to those on the two heavy rescues has been added to the right side
of the apparatus.
Engine 2 returned to its regular apparatus on Friday, April 2, 2004.
April 1 , 2004:
Engine 2 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of 4/1/04. The '98 Spartan/E-One is undergoing routine
brake repairs.
March 28, 2004:
I'm in the process of updating records of Chiefs of the NLRFD (of any Rank of Chief). Please check the
list: http://nlrfd.tripod.com/chiefs.html ... and let me know of any additions or changes that you have.
Records seem to be a bit confusing at first. For instance, newspaper microfilm of the Gazette or Democrat
reports that B. Carrol was installed as Chief Sept 1, 1919. Department records seem (at first) to contradict
this. It looks like things changed quickly in the early days of the NLRFD.
PLEASE E-MAIL ME AT: leeclark01@yahoo.com with any additions or changes, especially of District
Chiefs, etc.
Work on the GMC Hazmat Van is progressing rapidly. The interior is practically finished. NLRFD Firemen
of 1920 would have NEVER imagined such a vehicle. The Haz-Mat Trailer will remain with equipment
for a more major incident. Lettering, warning lights and emblems should follow soon on the GMC Van.
March 18, 2004:
The "MUSEUM" portion of the Web site. has undergone a MAJOR upgrade, with drop-down menus on
most web pages now. Several new donations to the Web site. have been added, including a picture of the
very first Station 2 on East Broadway that the NLRFD rented, beginning in 1925. The apparatus in this
picture is the 1917 American LaFrance. It had just been overhauled.
The "Yearbook" of the NLRFD seems to be coming along very, very well. I have already put my deposit
down with the department so that I get a copy of this fantastic book. I encourage each of you to do the same.
More information is available by calling 340-5377, the NLRFD'S non-emergency number.
Work is progressing quite well on my book. The history of the NLRFD turns out to be more interesting at
every turn. My book will not be published until sometime after the official NLRFD Yearbook is published.
February 29, 2004:
The web pages for Station1 and Station 4 have been updated with new pictures to reflect the change in apparatus
at these stations: Battalion 924 now has a 2004 Ford Expedition at Central Station. Rescue 18 at Station 4
now operates on the 1992 Ford/Central Mini Pumper/Light Rescue.
February 21, 2004:
Standby Aerial 1 began operating at Station 7 as Truck 7A on February 20, 2004. The 2002 Pierce Platform
received repairs to its front suspension. The repairs were completed on the 2002 Pierce Platform late on
Saturday, February 21, 2004 and the Pierce Platform returned to service at Station 7.
February 13, 2004:
Rescue 18 at Station 4 received the 1992 Ford-Central Mini-Pumper/Rescue (former Rescue 80) as its apparatus today.
The former Rescue 18, a 1977 Chevy Rescue will be kept in reserve for the time being.
February 9, 2004:
Work on the GMC Haz-Mat Van continues, with the interior presently having shelving added.
February 6, 2004:The new 2004 Ford Expedition assigned to Battalion 924 went in service late on the afternoon
of Friday, February 6, 2004. This new vehicle was purchased with Act 833 Funds (State Funds), so there was no
expenditure of NLR Funds. The Dodge Durango which had been Battalion 924 is now 931- assigned to the craning division.
February 2, 2004:
A Web page on Retired Chiefs' Cars of the NLRFD has been added in the "Museum" Section of the Web site. Click on
History of the NLRFD at the Top of the Homepage. After going to The Museum, scroll down for the page on Retired
Chiefs' Cars. If you know any names here, please let me know.
January 19, 2004:
The Web site. has undergone another major update. Although much of the update is not visible to the viewer,
much has been done in the way that things operate according to "html" and when the viewer clicks his or her
The following things ARE visible to viewers:
(1) Photos of the fire on East Drive on 1-16-04 have been posted. Click on "Major Fires" and then "1-16-04"
......on the pop-up menu. This fire was significant in terms of department history, since it was the last alarm that
......the 1992 Ford/Central Mini Pumper responded to as Rescue 80'S regularly assigned apparatus. Several
......shots of the Central Mini Pumper are included. Great job by the NLRFD at this structure. They even had
......to battle blown insulation in the attic.
(2) Rescue 80'S new International/Ferrara 1000 GPM Pumper/Heavy Rescue went in service in Friday,
......January 16, 2004. This is the MOST PHOTOGRAPHED apparatus in the Department at this point!
......Pictures of the apparatus beginning with its construction at Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Holden, LA are
......now on the Web site. Click on "Stations" and then on "Station 5" on the Pop-Up Menu. There is a
......special Pop-Up Menu on Station 5'S Web page only which shows pictures at Ferrara (used with their
......permission.) It also shows pictures of the final inspection taken by the Department (Chief Mc Call),
......the arrival of the apparatus at the NLRFD, its exhibition at an Open House at the Park Hill Station on
......December 6, 2003, the exchange of apparatus at Central and, finally, the arrival of the new Rescue 80
......at Station 5.
(3) Please help me find "bugs" and missing links in the Web site. If you find anything, please don't hesitate
.....to contact me at: leeclark01@yahoo.com
January 16, 2004:
The new Ferrara Heavy Rescue Pumper went in service today, January 16, 2004 about 1:30 p.m. The new
apparatus first paid a visit to a Promotion and Retirement Ceremony at 2400 Willow. After pulling into
Station 5 for the first time, the booster tank was filled. Rescue 80 has already made at least two runs on the
new Ferrara/ International.
There was a structure fire this morning just off of East Drive. That fire was the last run for the 1992
Ford/Central Mini Pumper as Rescue 80. Several photos of that incident will be posted on the Web site.
in the next couple of days.
The 1992 Ford/Central Mini Pumper was stored this evening at Old Station 8. Plans are for it to become
Rescue 18 at Station 4.
January 14, 2004:
The new Ferrara Rescue for Station 5 should be put in service most any day. The radio is installed, the truck
is loaded with hose, including 1200 feet (no less) of 3" supply hose, and 600' of attack hose, including the two
100' trash lines and a new "NLRFD" emblem has been placed on each of the cab doors. The "changing of the
guard" will be noted on this Web site.
A new 2004 Ford Expedition has arrived at the NLRFD. It will become Battalion 924'S vehicle. This
apparatus will afford much more room for storage of needed documents and equipment for quick use on the
scene of any emergency. The Dodge Durango is possibly going to the Training Division as a vehicle.
January 12, 2004:
Standby Engine 103, a 1976 International/ American LaFrance was in service very briefly today as Engine 9.
The batteries on Engine 9 were low, and the pumper obviously would not start early this morning. Since Standby
Engine 103 is housed in Engine 9's quarters, it was put in service for a few hours, until the Pierce Contender
could have its batteries charged. This makes the first time since April 20, 2002 that Standby Engine 103 has seen
service. It did NOT respond to any runs this morning. Standby Engine 103 is the last apparatus still owned by the
N.L.R.F.D. that does not have a crew cab. The three firefighters on duty could have all been seated in the cab of the '76 International, if an alarm had come in.
The new International/Ferrara Pumper/ Heavy Rescue for Station 5 is getting very close to being place in
service. The new apparatus is back from the Ferrara factory, after being checked over for final service.
An official N.L.R.F.D. decal has been applied to both doors to add a bit of decoration to the truck. New hose
has arrived for the new Rescue 80, also. The apparatus will carry 1000 feet of 3" supply hose. It will carry
400 feet of attack hose (1 3/4") in the hose bed above the pump panel. It will also carry an additional 200' of
attack hose: 100' of pre connected attack hose with a nozzle in each of the two "trash lines."
