December 24, 2003: Engine 4 returns to its '87 Pierce Arrow 1250 Custom Pumper as of 12/22/03.
December 19, 2003: Engine 4 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of 12/18/03.
December 6, 2003: The Open House at Station 5 was today. CLICK HERE for photos. The NLR Christmas
.................................Parade is tomorrow afternoon.
December 3, 2003: An Open House will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2003 at the Park Hill Station let the public view the new Ferrara Rescue Pumper for Station 5. Station 5 is located 3417 Magnolia Street.
November 28, 2003: Rescue 80's New IH/Ferrara continues to be readied for service with the installation
...................................of radio equipment and decals identifying the apparatus.
November 24, 2003: Reflective Lettering has been applied to the sides of the new IH/Ferrara Heavy Rescue
...................................pumper. It now proudly sports "North Little Rock" in red reflective letters on each side
...................................and."Fire-Rescue" in gold letters.
November 22, 2003: The new Heavy Rescue/Pumper for Park Hill Station moves toward being ready to go in
...................................service by late November or early December. A tarp for the hose bed was installed this
...................................week. The GMC Hazmat Van has been moved to Station 2, at least for the time being.
...................................Work on the interior still must be completed, along with lettering.
November 11, 2003: Pictures of the New Park Hill Rescue/Pumper taken at Central on 11/11/03 are now posted
...................................on the Web site.: Click HERE to see the Photos.
November 10, 2003: The New Ferrara/International Heavy Rescue/Pumper arrived at the N.L.R.F.D. on the
...................................evening of November 10, 2003. It looks FANTASTIC! Pictures here in N.L.R. will be
...................................posted in the near future!
November 7, 2003: Engine 3 returned to its 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom Pumper this afternoon after 10 days
.................................on Standby Engine 101. The NLRFD awaits the delivery of the new Heavy Rescue/ Pumper.
November 6, 2003: Pictures from the final inspection of the new Heavy Rescue/Pumper at the Ferrara Factory
.................................are now posted on the Web site. The pictures are courtesy of NLRFD Chief Joe Mc Call.
.................................CLICK HERE to see the final inspection pictures.
November 2, 2003: The official inspection of the new Ferrara/ IH Heavy Rescue Pumper should take place
.................................this week in Holden, LA at the Ferrara factory.
.................................Engine 3 continues to remain out of service awaiting parts: motor mount, surrounding
.................................mountings and a radiator fan blade.
.................................The arrival of the Heavy Rescue for Station 5 will replace a badly worn and undependable
.................................apparatus; however, this will still leave the N.L.R.F.D. with one pumper which will be 17
.................................years old in January, 2004 and is in REGULAR SERVICE. The Aerial Ladder Truck at
.................................Central Station, Truck 1A, will soon be 23 years old, and is in REGULAR SERVICE. This
.................................apparatus responds on every structure fire south of Interstate Highway 40 in the city.
.................................Truck 1A makes a large number of runs each year.
.................................Painting is completed on the van which is being converted into a Hazmat Apparatus.
.................................CLICK HERE for pictures of the van in various stages of being repainted.

October 28, 2003: Retired N.L.R.F.D. Captain Haskel "Hack" Richards passed away on October 26, 2003.
...............................Funeral Services for Capt. Richards will be on Wednesday (Oct 29th) at 1:00 p.m. at
...............................Husson Funeral Home at 7700 J.F.K. Boulevard in Sherwood.
October 28, 2003: An engine mount on Engine 3'S 1992 Pierce Arrow broke this morning. The broken engine
...............................mount caused the engine, obviously, to drop on that side. This caused the radiator fan to
...............................come in contact with other parts of the engine. The fan is obviously to be replaced, as is the
...............................motor mount. The wait for parts from Pierce will be the main concern on an apparatus of this
...............................vintage. Engine 3 makes an extremely high volume of runs each year.
October 25, 2003: The New Ferrara Rescue Pumper for Station 5 is nearing completion. It could well be
...............................delivered by the middle of November, 2003. The latest pictures from Ferrara may be viewed CLICKING HERE.
...............................The 1988 GMC Van given to the N.L.R.F.D. by the City to be used as a Haz Mat Vehicle being painted. Photos of the apparatus as it is being painted may be viewed by
...............................CLICKING HERE
October 16, 2003: Engine 7 has returned to the '95 E-One Custom Pumper, which is the company's regular
October 15, 2003: Engine 7 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of October 14, 2003. Engine 7's '95 E-1
................................Custom is undergoing brake repairs. The '88 GMC Van which will become a HazMat
................................vehicle of the N.L.R.F.D. is being painted at Old Station 8. Pictures of the October 7,
................................2003 N.L.R.F.D. Fire Fest are now on the Unofficial Web site. at: ................................
October 4, 2003: Sherwood F. D. held its Fire Fest and Parade Today. NLRFD Engine 9 was in the Parade.
.............................Standby Aerial 1 was at the "Muster" at St. Vincent's North. CLICK HERE for Pictures of
............................. The Sherwood Fire Fest.
..............................N.L.R.F.D'S Fire Fest will be on Tuesday, October 7th.
October 1, 2003: Truck 1A is running on its '81 American La France 100 Rear Mount as of today.
September 30, 2003: Truck 1A is operating on Unit 936. Its 1981 American La France 100' Rear Mount is in
...........................the shop again to check the hydraulic outrigger system.
September 23, 2003: The New International 4400/Ferrara Heavy Rescue/ Pumper is now under construction the Ferrara Fire Apparatus Company of Holden, LA. The new Rescue/ Pumper will replace
.........................a worn out mini-pumper/rescue unit at the Park Hill Station. Click HERE to go to the Apparatus
.........................On Order Page.
......................A 1988 GMC Van (Industrial Size) has been donated to the N.L.R.F.D. by the City for conversion a Haz-Mat Unit. This apparatus will be large enough to carry most all materials needed for
...........................any Haz-Mat Incident. A "BEFORE PICTURE" is posted here: CLICK HERE
September 11, 2003: Truck 1A's '81 American La France returned to service.
September 10, 2003: Truck 1A is out of service as of today. Unit 936 is filling in.
September 7, 2003: Truck 1A is now sporting new Rear Strobe Lights. The units replaced were the originals
..................................installed in 1981. The new strobe lights are identical to the rear strobe lights on Rescue
..................................19, except for the color: Rescue 19's rear strobes are amber; Truck 1A's are red.
August 19, 2003: Engine 4 returned to its regular apparatus - the Pierce Arrow ('87) as of 8-18-03.
August 16, 2003: Engine 4 is running on Standby Engine 101 as of today. The '87 Pierce had a battery
.........malfunction this morning.
August 10, 2003: Information on the 1951 Chevy Pick Up and a HUGE Update have been added to the
................."MUSEUM: Click this go to the "Museum:"
August 5, 2003: Information on the 1929 Whippet has been added to the "Museum." Click this link go to the "Museum:"

July 11, 2003: Engine 7 returned to its regular apparatus, the '95 E-One 1250 as of today.
July 9, 2003: Engine 7 is running on Standby Engine 101 as of this date.
July 2, 2003: Engine 6 has returned to its normal apparatus - the '95 E-One 1250 Custom Pumper.

June 30, 2003: Engine 6 is operating on Standby Engine 101 while brake repairs take place on the '95 E-One
.........................Custom Hurricane 1250
June 25, 2003: Truck 1A has returned to its regular apparatus: - the 1981 American La France 100'
.........................rrearmount aerial.
June 23, 2003: Truck 1A is running on Standby Engine 101 as of June 23, 2003. The hydraulic outriggers on the
.........................'81 American La France are being repaired.
June 8, 2003: More pictures have been donated to the Web site. for the "Museum" by Gretchen Spinelli, Tom
........................Malone and Jim Roberts. A few of these are ready for viewing at: ........................
........................L.R.F.D. Captain Bob Franklin is providing me with many, many old pictures. His knowledge of
........................the NLRFD is incredible!
June 5, 2003: There is a new photo in the "MUSEUM" portion of the Web site. Click on the link below , and
.......................scroll down the page. Old Central is pictured with a Seagrave ladder and Pumper about 1955.
June 1, 2003: The fire on May 29th marked the first time in a number of years that saw off duty Fire Fighters
........................called back to duty. This also marked the first incident since the Acme Feed Fire that saw Standby
........................Apparatus pressed into service. This fire (May 29, 2003) marked the first time in the City's History
........................that a Standby Aerial Truck (Standby Aerial 1) was manned without another aerial being out of
........................service. Incredibly, the NLRFD managed to save every building around the old warehouse.

May 31, 2003: An old warehouse at 5th and Vine Streets was fully involved in fire when the first NLRFD units
.........................arrived on late during the night of May 29, 2003. The fire was shown on local news the next
.........................morning. Among the NLRFD apparatus responding were: Engines 1,2,3,8, Rescue 19, Truck 1A
.........................and Truck 7A. During the course of this fire some Off-Duty Fire Fighters were called back on
.........................duty. Some of the Fire Fighters called back went to the fire scene. Others, it seems, manned some
.........................Standby apparatus, including Engine 101, Engine 102 and Standby Aerial 1. One local Television
.........................Station (KARK) reported this to be "one of the largest in several months in NLR."
/////////////////////////Before the incident concluded, Engine 7 was called to help battle the fire with an exposure.
.........................Engine 10 was called for cleanup with hose.
May 28, 2003: The Apartment House Fire at the West Scenic Apartments resulted in Battalion 924, Truck 1A,
.........................Engines 1,3,6, 8; Rescues 19 and 80 being called to the scene. The building appeared to be
.........................totally involved when the NLRFD arrived. Truck 1A's aerial ladder was in use as a ladder pipe.
.........................All residents of the building escaped with their lives. News reports were that all were uninjured.
.........................The NLRFD did a terrific job of saving other buildings next to the building on fire.
May 27, 2003: 10 Units of the West Scenic Apartments burned early this morning. More details later. Several
.........................companies were seen on the scene on local TV. Open House at the new training facility at
.........................2400 Willow is today from 2-5pm.
May 26, 2003: An independent testing firm tested all aerial devices today. Truck 1A, Truck 7A and Standby
.........................Aerial 1 all passed the "exam."
May 24, 2003: Open House will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2003 from 2:00 -5:00 p.m. at the new Fire
.........................Marshal's Office/ Training Center and 24th and Willow Streets. The public is invited.
.........................(This is the former Utilities Accounting Building.)
.........................As of May 23, 2003: Engine 6 returned to its regular apparatus, the '95 E-One 1250 GPM
.........................Pumper. The E-One now is air-conditioned.
May 20, 2003: Engine 6 is running on Standby Engine 101 as of May 19, 2003. The '95 E-One is having
.........................air conditioning installed.
.........................About 4:00 a.m. this morning (May 20th) an alarm was received for a house fire close to the
.........................intersection of "A" and Orange Streets. The house wall completely involved when Rescue 80
.........................arrived on the scene. Engines 6, 9 and 7 were at the scene, as well as Truck 7A. It was
.........................necessary to change shifts at the fire scene. Possibly some apparatus was there for this reason.
.........................An elderly resident of the house was found dead, after the ruins of the house were searched.
May 17, 2003: Personnel from the NLRFD has returned from Holden, LA. The pre-construction conference has
..........................been completed with Ferrara Fire Apparatus for the new Heavy Rescue for the Park Hill Station.
......................This morning an alarm was sounded for Engine 1 for a car on fire at the Mc Donald's Restaurant Broadway and I-30. Upon arriving, Engine 1's crew found a van fully involved in flames at he window. The call was made for a full response. (Rescue 19, Truck 1A, Engine 2 and
..........................Engine 3. By the time the other companies arrived, Engine 1 had knocked down the fire using a
..........................1 3/4 " line off the booster tank. The van appeared to be heavily damaged, and the wall of the appeared to have some damage as well. The restaurant was observed open after the department had obviously approved. The van was towed away from the scene. NLRFD
..........................vented smoke out of the building and made a terrific save on the structure.
May 12, 2003: The NLR City Council Approved 8-0 a Resolution sponsored by Mayor Hays to accept the bid Ferrara Fire Apparatus of Holden, LA for a new Heavy Rescue/ Pumper for the Park Hill
..........................Fire Station. The expected delivery is 150-180 Days. The total cost of the apparatus is
..........................$249,467.67. This includes a 1000 GPM Pump, On Board Cascade System, 300 Tank along
..........................with all of the other needed equipment. America's Bravest in Jacksonville is the local
May 6, 2003: The Fire Marshal's Office of the NLRFD and accompanying personnel have moved to the old
.......................Utilities Accounting Building at 24th and Willow Streets. The NLRFD and NLRPD will each
.......................have half of this building for their use. The portion the NLRFD has been given also has a large
.......................classroom for training purposes.

APRIL 25, 2003: The following item was found on the North Little Rock Web site. to be approved
on April 28, 2003 the City Council: R-03-45 Mayor Hays Accepting the low bid of Medtronic Physio-Control
for .the purchase of automatic external defibrillators for the NLR Fire Department
APRIL 22, 2003: Standby Engine 103 is now housed at Station 8. Crash 2 is now housed at Station 9. No news
..............................if this is a permanent arrangement.
APRIL 15, 2003: Engine 8 is operating on it regular apparatus as of 4/15/03.
APRIL 14,2003: Engine 8 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of this date.
APRIL 12, 2003: Services for Batt. Chief J.W. Springer were this morning at 10:00 a.m. Chief Springer served 47 years,
7 months, and 23 days in the NLRFD. He retired May 24, 2002.
A fire occurred today at Pete's Shoe Store in Levy. Apparatus was on the scene for several hours. Companies
included Battalion 924, Engine 6, Engine 8, Engine 3, Truck 7A, Rescue 80 and Rescue 19.
APRIL 8, 2003: Truck 1A has returned to its regular apparatus ( '81 American La France 100' Aerial) as of
APRIL 7, 2003: Truck 1A is running on Reserve Engine 101 as of today. The '81 La France Aerial got quite a
...........................workout yesterday at the fire at Pack Carpet Center. Engine 10 is running on their regular
...........................apparatus as of today.
.....................Update on the fire at Pack Carpet - Highway 70 & Highway 161: By the time the incident was
......................over, practically all of the entire "Front Line" apparatus in the Department had responded -
.......................either to fight the fire, or to stand watch and help with "mop-up." Engines 2,10,7, Truck 1A and
.......................Rescue 19 responded on the initial alarm. Engine 1 responded on the second alarm. Engine 3,
.......................was called to the scene in the early afternoon. Next, Engine 8 was called, and then Rescue 80.
.......................Rescue 80 was on the scene at 8:00 on the evening of April 6th patrolling for flare-ups.
.......................Engine 6 responded next to take over from Rescue 80. Engine 9 and Engine 4 each took a turn.
.......................Apparently, Truck 7A was the only Company not to respond to the fire.
APRIL 6, 2003: A major structure fire occurred the morning of April 6, 2003 at the intersection of U.S. Highway 70
.and State Highway 161 in one of the buildings of the Ron Pack Company. The fire was in an all
......................metal building, which was well involved by the time the first units of the NLRFD arrived.
.......................Engines 10,2 and 7 along with Rescue 19 and Truck 1A responded on the first alarm. Engine 1
.......................was called soon thereafter. By the time that I arrived, Engine 2 had laid a five inch supply line to
.......................Engine 10. .I watched Engine 1 lay a five inch line from the plug at the intersection of Emily and
.......................Highway 161. This was an extremely long stretch of five inch hose. Engine 10 was supplying
.......................3 inch hand lines from the 5 inch supply line when I arrived. Engine 1 supplied a 5 inch line,
.......................which was wyed into two 3 inch lines to supply Truck 1A. Engine 1 also supplied a 5 inch line Engine 2. Engine 2 used its deck gun on the west end of the fire. Engine 7 did not lay any hose.
...........................Rescue 19 was very busy keeping air bottles filled. Engine 8 filled in at Station 2. It made at
...........................least one run during the fire to a point east of the fire.
...................The North Little Rock Fire Department did an incredible job of keeping this fire contained to the building. Another building which was very close to the building on fire was completely saved!
...................Battalion Chief Dixon was the Incident Commander. Other Chief Officers of the NLRFD were
..................on the scene as well.
.......................As of 8:00 p.m. Sunday evening (April , 2003), many companies had rotated in and out of the fire
...........................scene. Engine 8 had spent some time at the fire scene. Engine 10'S regular apparatus was still the scene tonight a 8:00 p.m. and crews were to be rotated in and out throughout the night keep watch on the fire scene. Engine 10'S 2001 Pierce 1250 had a 5 inch supply line already
...........................charged, so if any more fire was found, it could quickly be extinguished. Rescue 80'S crew was
...........................taking their turn at the fire scene at 8:00 p.m. tonight.
...........................Engine 10'S regular crew was back at Station 10 as of 8:00 p.m. They were running on Standby
...........................Engine 102, while their regular apparatus was at the fire scene. This marks the first time that
...........................Standby Engine 102 has been used as a reserve engine.

March 26, 2003: The "Museum" of the NLRFD Unofficial Web site. has moved to a new Web site. on Tripod.
.............................It can be accessed from the Unofficial Web site. or by its URL:
.............................There are many added pictures here now of the NLRFD'S past.
March 22, 2003:There has been a major addition to the Web site. of pictures of major historical significance to the
NLRFD. They may be viewed from the Home Page under the link: "Historic Pictures Donated by Capt. Jim Dancy."
March 19, 2003: NLRFD Lt. Beau Bufford (Station 1) and FF. Michael Jordan (Station 10) now are both
in active Military Service in the defense of our Country. Please keep both men and their families in your prayers.
March 18, 2003: Engine 1 has received a new pair of Grover air horns. They sound identical to the air horns
on Rescue 19. The original air horns on Engine 1 were somewhat hard to hear. There will be NO PROBLEM
hearing the new Grovers on Engine 1!
March 13, 2003: Engine 2 returned to its regular apparatus - the 1998 Spartan/E-One 1250 Pumper.
March 12, 2003: Engine 2 is running on Standby Engine 101 as of 3/12/03. The '98 Spartan/E-One is receiving
some upholstery work and a new hose bed tarp. Engine 10 has also received a hose bed tarp recently.
March 1, 2003: The NLRFD Made it through the snow and ice during the week of February 24, 2003 without
any major fires reported.
February 25- 27, 2003: The Winter Storm which hit Central Arkansas on the evening of February 24, 2003
resulted in tire chains being placed on NLRFD front line apparatus. Chains remained on all vehicles as of
Tuesday afternoon, February 25, 2003, but were removed by February 27, 2003.
February 12, 2003: Engine 7 and Truck 7A both recently had Ward Diesel filters placed on their exhaust systems.
(This is listed on the "Reserves" Page as "Exhaust Modification.") These filters will hold the exhaust for 45 seconds
to allow the apparatus to clear the station and then release. The filters also pull a lot of dangerous gases out of the
February 5, 2003: A structure fire early this morning at a four-unit apartment building in the 5100 block of
North Walnut Street resulted in Engines 6,7,9, Rescue 80, Truck 7A and Battalion 924 being dispatched to
the scene. The NLRFD made a great save at this fire. The morning news on local television showed the ladder
of Truck 7A raised. Firefighters at Station 7 were seen laying out numerous sections of hose to clean. Two trucks
from the American Red Cross were observed in the area after the fire was over.

January 31, 2002: Engine 7 returns to its regular apparatus - the 1995 E-One Custom 1250.
January 30, 2003: Engine 7 is running on Standby Engine 101 as of 1-30-03.
January 27, 2003: Engine 3'S 1992 Pierce Arrow 1250 pumper returned to service today after starter repairs.
January 23, 2003: Engine 3 is running on Standby Engine 101 while the starter on its regular apparatus is repaired.
January 21, 2003: Truck 7A returned to the 2002 Pierce Platform/Quint today. Yesterday marked the first
time in 18 years that the NLRFD has had a standby ladder truck actually filling in for a front line ladder truck.
The last time was in 1985, when the '46 Seagrave filled in as Truck 1A, while the '81 La France was returned
to the factory for repairs to the aerial ladder. The '46 Seagrave was sold soon after that. It also has been 18 years
since the NLRFD has had a standby aerial TO FILL IN IF NEEDED.
January 20, 2003: Truck 7A is running on Standby Aerial 01 as of this morning. No details yet on the situation
with the 2002 Pierce Platform.
January 12, 2002: Rescue 18 returned to Station 4.
January 9, 2003: Rescue 18 (Standby Rescue at Station 4) is at Central Station for Repairs. Rescue 18 is
used as a stand by Rescue for the NLRFD. It has the capability to respond to accidents needing extrication
equipment in the extreme west end of the city. It also can pull a small boat for water rescue.

December 26, 2002: Continued prayers for the recovery of the mother and daughter who were burned in a fire
at their apartment in the Prothro Manner Apartments. The daughter was most seriously burned with Third
Degree Burns on about 30% of her body.
December 17, 2002: Rescue 80'S '92 Ford/Central Rescue-Mini Pumper is back in service as of December 17, 2002. The transmission was rebuilt in the last few days.
December 13, 2002: Engine 6'S regular apparatus, a 1995 E-One Pumper, went back in service this afternoon.
Rescue 80'S 1992 Ford Mini Pumper is out of service for transmission repairs.
December 11, 2002: Engine 6 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of 12-11-02. Rescue 80 is operating on
Rescue 16 as of today, also.
December 8, 2002: The North Little Rock Times published on Thursday, December 5, 2002 lists the tentative
NLR City Budget for 2003. If this budget is implemented as is, the NLRFD should see about the same
amount of money as last year. This will be good news, if no changes are made. The TIMES listed various items
budgeted for the NLRFD at this point for 2003.
December 3, 2002: Engine 6'S 1995 E-One Custom 1250 Pumper returned to service from repair today.
The NLR Christmas Parade is Sunday, December 8, 2002. The Parade Truck is being put in order for the
event. Other NLRFD Apparatus will most likely be involved in the parade.

November 26, 2002: Truck 1A returned to its regular apparatus ('81 American La France 100' Rear Mount Aerial) today.
November 22, 2002: Truck 1A'S '8a American La France Rearmount Aerial is out of service for brake and
wheel repairs. Unit 936 is filling in. Engine 6'S '95 E-One 1250 GPM Custom remains in repair, with Standby
Engine 101 filling in.
November 21, 2002: Engine 6 continues to be out of service with the transmission cooler.
November 9, 2002: Work is now underway on the complete renovation of the original North Little Rock
(Argenta) Fire Station and City Hall. The inside is being complete gutted. When the building is finished,
according to plans I have seen, it will have an "engine room" on the first floor, where a fire engine can
be parked. (An antique fire engine - one would imagine.) Wouldn't this be a great place for a REAL NLRFD
The "On Line Fire Museum of North Little Rock" has received a major upgrade. There are several more
pictures, including those of the '63 Jeep/Wagoneer and the '74 Chevrolet that Rescue 19 ran on in past
years. There are also pictures of a chief's buggy and two pictures made in front of Old Central Station with
the hose wagons. Visit this Web site. at
NOVEMBER 6, 2002: The Tax on Food and Medicine will remain in Arkansas as a result of the election on
November 5, 2002. Badly needed funds for Education, Care For the Elderly and Emergency Services will
remain as they were. One local television station (KTHV) reported this morning that the "As The Tax"
measure failed by a 61% to 39% margin.

October 31, 2002: Reserve Engine 101 is filling in at Station 6 as of today.
October 27, 2002: The November 5, 2002 General Election is a little more than one week away. Amendment 3, which, if passed will eliminate the tax on food (without any means of replacing this money) will mean certain and severe cutbacks statewide in services, including FIRE and POLICE. Please exercise your right and privilege to vote on November 5th.
October 18, 2002: Rescue 80 was back on its regular apparatus as of 10-17-02.
October 14, 2002: Rescue 80 (Station 5) is at Central being repaired as of 10-14-02. Rescue 16 ('90 Ford) is
filling in at the Park Hill Station until 80's regular apparatus returns to service.
October 1, 2002: Fire Prevention Week Begins on October 6, 2002. A"Fire Fest Exhibition" is planned for the evening of October 8, 2002 on the parking lot of the Kroger Store at Mc Cain and North Hills Blvds.
There will be other activities during the week, as well. Several Fire Apparatus will be on the Kroger parking
lot on 10/8/02.
On Saturday, October 5,2002 a parade of 33 fire apparatus assembled on the parking lot at Pershing
and JFK in NLR. Many central Arkansas Departments, including North Little Rock (Engine 9) , were
represented. The parade route ended at St. Vincent's North in Sherwood.

Sept 22, 2002: Crash 4, an International Airport Crash Truck (circa 1970 Vintage), which had been stationed
at Station 9 and Old Station 8 has been sold in the last few days. At 32 years of age, repairs needed were
Also, Truck 1A suffered a bent right front fender and step after a passenger vehicle pulled into the lane which
Truck 1A was already occupying. (This accident was NOT the fault of the NLRFD!) A new step of identical
tread plate was fashioned and welded in place. The chrome right front fender is on order.
The 1981 American La France pumper which was wrecked in 1999 (Engine 10) was sold this week as a possible
refurb project. It was seen being towed to the salvage company lot close to Station 8.
Sept 19, 2002: Engine 4 ('87 Pierce Arrow) returned to service as of today at Station 4. Standby 101 is back
at Central.
Sept 18, 2002: Standby Engine 101 is filling in at Station 4. Engine 4's '87 Pierce Arrow is out of service
for repairs.
Sept 14, 2002: Battalion Chief 924's Dodge Durango was out of service 9-12 and 9-13 for a few minor repairs.
The Ford Crown "Vic" which was formerly Car 924 filled in. On September 10, 2002 a structure (house) fire
occurred on West 16th. (Pictures are on the Web site.) Engines 1,2, Rescue 19, Truck 1A and Battalion 924
Sept 7, 2002: There was a major fire at Ronco Building Salvage's warehouse on East Broadway during the
afternoon of September 7, 2002. Engines 1,2,3,10, Truck 1A, Rescue 19, Battalion 924, and Cars 945 and 949
all responded to the fire. It was a very stubborn fire, with all of the old building materials inside the building.
Temperatures outside were in the 90'S, making for very, very bad conditions to fight a major fire. The fire was
about 1 block from Engine 2's quarters.
Engine 2 laid 5 1/2 inch line from a hydrant on East Broadway and hit the fire with its deck gun. Engine 10 was
parked close by and used its deck gun also. On the Washington Avenue side of the fire, Engine 1 used its deck
gun and also supplied Truck 1A's ladder pipe. Engine 1's booster line was utilized for grass fires which resulted
from the main fire. MEMS provided "rehab" for firefighters, due to the heat. Engine 8 filled in at Central.
The Sunday, September 8, 2002 Arkansas Democrat Gazette reports that work was being done on the roof
of the building just before the fire, and that perhaps a spark from a torch was responsible. Also, the Dem-Gaz
reported that a sprinkler valve was recovered, and was "IN THE OFF POSITION."

August 28, 2002. Engine 3 is now on its regular apparatus, the 1992 Pierce Arrow. NLRFD now has the
ability to provide reserve pumpers on which all fire fighters are seated and protected.
August 23, 2002: The 1975 American La France Snorkel is now designated as "Standby Aerial 1"
Engine 3 continues to undergo cooling system repairs and Standby Engine 101 fills in at Station 3.
Tuesday, August 20, 2002: Quite a bit of apparatus was moved today as a result of Truck 7A receiving its new
Aerial Platform. Rescue 16 was moved from Central back to Station 10. Reserve Engine 102 ('85 Seagrave)
was moved from Station 9 to Station 10. Reserve Engine 103 ('76 Inter/ALF) was moved from Station 8 to
Station 9. The 1975 Snorkel was moved from Station 10 (where it spent last night) to Station 8. Engine 3
continues to be down for cooling system repairs, including the radiator.
Monday, August 19, 2002. Truck 7A officially began operating on the new 2002 Pierce Aerial Platform about
5:00 p.m. today. The 1975 Snorkel was parked (at least for tonight) at Station 10. More moving of apparatus is
probable in the next few days. Engine 3 is still undergoing repairs for its cooling system. Click on the icon for
Station 7 on the Homepage. A very interesting sequence of events happened as Truck 7A arrived at quarters
on the new truck for the first time, while Engine 7 was leaving on a rescue run.
Engine 3 is running on Reserve Engine 101 as of 8-13-02. The new Pierce Aerial should go in service most any
day now. Keep posted for latest news here.
August 10, 2002: Engine 7'S '95 E-One Pumper returned to service on August 9, 2002.
August 8, 2002: Two NLRFD Pumpers were "retired" in a ceremony at Central Station this afternoon. East
Pulaski V.F.D. received the 1978 Ford/Pierce pumper that had been Reserve Engine 101, and the Arkansas Fire Academy in Camden received the 1976 International/American La France that had most recently been Reserve Engine 102. More information on these two pumpers is now available in the "On Line Fire Museum of NLR."
Rescue 19'S apparatus returned from repair today. Engine 7 continues to run on Reserve Engine 101. Truck 7A
will begin operating on its new apparatus, perhaps as soon as Monday, August 12th.
Aug 6, 2002: Engine 7 is out of service. With Engine 101 filling in, this is almost certainly the last time that
two American La France Fire Trucks will be at Station 7 at the same time. Get a photo before it is too late!
Rescue 16 is filling in as Rescue 19 as of August 6th also. The 1978 Ford/Pierce pumper is parked on the
back parking lot of Central Station. This is an almost certain indication that it will be removed from city
property soon.

July 23, 2002: Representatives from Pierce are here through July 25, 2002 training NLR Firefighters
on the new Pierce Aerial Platform. Training should be complete on July 25, 2002.
July 19, 2002: The North Little Rock City Web site. ( lists minutes of the Monday,
July 22, 2002 City Council Meeting. Among those minutes are a resolution to transfer title of two
NLRFD Reserve Pumpers. These are obviously the 1978 Ford/Pierce, which last saw service as
Engine 101 and the 1976 International/American La France, which last saw service as Engine 102.
July 16, 2002: Engine 101 is filled in at Station 9 from beginning on July 15th. The new
Pierce Pumper was undergoing some minor warranty work. Engine 9 was back on their
new apparatus by the afternoon of July 16th.
July 9, 2002: NLR Mayor Patrick Henry Hays named Joe Mc Call the new Chief of
Department of the North Little Rock Fire Department on Monday, July 8, 2002. Chief
Mc Call was presently serving as Interim Chief, after the retirement of Chief C. R. Vaughn.
Chief Mc Call was the Assistant Chief of the NLRFD until he was named Interim Chief
in April, 2002.
July 3, 2002: The new Aerial Platform has resulted some other apparatus being moved, at
least for the time being. Rescue 16 continues to be housed at Central. Reserve Engine 102
is housed at Station 9 as of today. The new Aerial Platform continues to be stored at
Station 10. Pierce will send technicians to NLR to train firefighters around July 25, 2002. It
will be sometime after that before Truck 7A receives their new truck. Apparently no firm
decision has been made on where to store the '75 American La France Snorkel after it
becomes a reserve apparatus.
July 2, 2002: The new Aerial Platform arrived today at the NLRFD about 12:00 noon.
Click Here for more pictures of the new aerial truck.
The new Aerial Platform will be stored at Station 10, until Pierce finishes training the three
crews of fire fighters from Station 7. Reserve Engine 102 was at Central tonight with
Reserve 101. Rescue 16 was also moved to Central. The fit was "tight" at Station 10, but
the saying "An inch is as good as a mile" demonstrated its true meaning as the Aerial was
backed in Station 10 this evening.
July 1, 2002: The Aerial Platform is to arrive in North Little Rock on Tuesday, July 2, 2002.
Pictures will be posted on this Web site. as soon as they are developed.
June 30, 2002: Former Reserve Engine 102 ('76 International -Originally Engine 4) is now in storage at Old Station 8. It is fairly certain from this move that this engine and the '78 Ford/Pierce will be sold at some
point. Pierce has placed a picture of NLRFD'S new Aerial Platform on their Web site. under "New Deliveries."
It may be viewed at: Deliveries\Photos\North_Little_Rock.JPG
An interesting note: Little Rock F.D.'s two new Pierce Pumpers are also pictured by
Pierce as "New Deliveries." The two LRFD pumpers have white tops also! These may
be the first LRFD Pumpers to EVER have white tops. More pictures of NLRD'S new Aerial Platform will be posted on the Web site. as soon as the apparatus arrives in North Little Rock.
June 22, 2002: Reserve Engine 102 is now the '85 Seagrave Pumper. Former Reserve
Engine 102 ('76 International, which was Engine 4 from '76 until '92) was decommissioned
on 6-22-02.
June 21, 2002: Engine 10's new Pierce Pumper went in service today. The 1985 Seagrave was seen at Central
today parked next to Engine 101. The Seagrave should go in service soon as a Reserve Pumper.
Engine 102 ('76 International/ ALF) was still parked at Station 10 on June 21st. Check the homepage of the
Web site. for more pictures of the new Aerial Platform. It should arrive around July 1st.
June 20, 2002: Representatives of the NLRFD have traveled to Appleton, Wisconsin to make the final inspection
of the new Aerial Platform/ Quint. The new aerial is to on display at the Convention in Helena/West Helena, AR
during the last part of June. It will be delivered to the NLRFD in early July, if present plans hold. The truck will
obviously go through NLR on 1-40 in the near future on its way to Helena. Engine 10 should receive its new
Pierce Pumper in the next few days. A picture of the new Pierce Platform is available for viewing: Click Here
June 13, 2002: Engine 7 is back in service (''95 E-One 1250 Pumper) as of June 12th. Engine 10'S new pumper is
now back from the Radio Shop. It should go in service by some time next week.
June 12, 2002: The new Pierce Pumper is having its department radio installed now. It should go in service at
Station 10 in a few days. Reserve Engine 102 ('76 International/ALF will most likely be decommissioned when the
new Pierce goes in service at Station 10. This pumper and the '78 Ford/Pierce will most likely go to other fire
departments. Engine 7 continues to run on Reserve Engine 101. Station 7 is still an all American La France
Station. Make pictures while you can. This scene will not last much longer.
June 8, 2002: Engine 9'S new Pierce Pumper now sports "N.L.R.F.D. Engine 9" below the windshield on the front
of the pumper. It really gives the truck a classic look. Engine 9 also has the official NLRFD Logo applied on each
side of the cab. (Engines 1 and 2 already have the logo applied.
June 7, 2002: Engine 10'S New Pierce Custom Contender Pumper arrived today. It is an identical pumper to
Engine 9'S new apparatus. Engine 10'S new Pierce is a 1250 GPM pumper. It has a 1000 gallon booster tank, a
booster reel above the pump panel, a deck gun and a lot of storage space in its compartments. The apparatus can
seat up to six fire fighters, is air conditioned. A "trash line" is already plumbed into the front bumper, along with a
space to keep hose for the "trash line." This apparatus will be a really good match for the qualities needed for
Engine 10'S district: A LOT of water on board, quick attack capabilities,and the ability to get to a fire scene
June 3, 2002: Engine 101 is filling in at Station 7 for Engine 7 while the '95 E-1 undergoes some minor body work.
The scene now looks like Station 7 between 1982 and 1995, with the same American La France in the pumper's
spot that was there for 13 years.
April 24, 2002: Engine 7 continues to run on Standby Engine 101. As of Monday, April 22, 2002, Standby Engine
103 was back at Station 8 ready for service.
April 21, 2002: Sometime late Saturday (4-20-02) or early Sunday 4-21-02 Engine 4 had a radiator hose break.
Their '87 Pierce was brought to Central, and Standby Engine 103 from Station 8 was put in service, since Standby
101 was already serving as Engine 7. Sunday morning around the time of the 8:00 a.m. radio test Engine 4'S crew
found that Standby 103 would not start. Getting Standby 102 from Station 10 was considered, but after a battery
charger was attached, Standby Engine 103 managed to start. It was then taken to Central and left for repairs.
Engine 4 left Central on their '87 Pierce Arrow, since the mechanic had meanwhile been called to fixed their
radiator hose on the Pierce.
April 19, 2002: Engine 9 put the new Pierce Contender in service about 4:30 p.m. on April 19, 2002. It is a 1250
GPM pumper and has a 1000 gallon booster tank. The Pierce is air conditioned and has seats for six crew
members. It also has a booster line atop the apparatus and a 1000 GPM deck gun. The 1981 American La France
is still housed at Station 9 along with the new pumper.
At the same time as new Engine 9 was going in service, Engine 7 was being brought to central with brake
problems. Engine 7 was issued Reserve Engine 101 (the 1978 Pierce/ Ford) for its apparatus, since the American
La France is not quite ready to be put back in service yet. Reserve 101 (the '78 Ford/Pierce) was observed
leaving central at 4:30 p.m. with Engine 7'S hoseman riding the tailboard. This may well be the last time that a
reserve pumper without seating for the entire crew has to be put in service in the NLRFD.
April 18, 2002: Station 5 now has its regular apparatus back in service, the 1992 Ford/Central Rescue/ Mini
April 16, 2002: Crash 4 ('70 International) is now housed at Old Station 8. Presently Engine 9 is the only
apparatus occupying Station 9. When the new Pierce Pumper goes in service as Engine 9, this will leave the
NLRFD four reserve pumpers (at least for the time being). One of these, most likely, will be housed at Station 9.
Rescue 80 remains in the shop at Central, with Rescue 16 serving as 80's apparatus. Parts for the pump engine
are awaited. The '92 Ford/Central should be in top shape when it returns to service. (The pump on this truck runs
off a separate engine.)
April 11, 2002: Reserve Engine 103 is now housed in New Station 8, along with Engine 8. The Parade Engine
continues to be stored in Old Station 8.
April 10, 2002: The New Pierce Contender is still at Central. It has had tarps installed over all of the hose beds.
It still has some more work to be done before it is put in service at Station 9.
Rescue 80 (Station 5) is presently operating on Rescue 16 (1990 Ford Light Rescue) and its regular apparatus
(1992 Ford Mini Pumper) is in the repair bay at Central. Work is being performed on the pump and the pump
engine to get it back in top shape.
In the last few days, Engine 8 was out of service for a short time. Engine 103 filled in. This could WELL be the
LAST time this 1976 International/ American La France is in active service for the NLRFD. One of the 1976
Internationals will most likely be decommissioned with the arrival of the new Pierce Contender.
April 9, 2002: (Click here for pictures.) New Station 8 had its grand opening today at 2:00 p.m. A new Pierce
Custom Contender 1250 GPM pumper arrived at the NLRFD today. It was on display at the Grand Opening of
1 Station 8.
3-29-02: Engine 3 is now back on the '92 Pierce Arrow. Reserve Engine 101 is at Central awaiting its next
3-26-02 Engine 3 is operating on Reserve 101 while pump repairs are made to the '92 Pierce Arrow.(3/26/02)
Unit 938, the dual wheeled Chevrolet 4 door pickup that pulls the Special Ops Trailers has been at
Kittle's Garage for the last few days for repairs. Unit 17 (The Mechanics Vehicle) filled in if needed at Station 2 .
The former mechanic's vehicle, an older Dodge Pickup, is now designated as Unit 14.
3/23/02: A New Dodge Ram 2002 Pickup Truck has arrived at the NLRFD. It will be the mechanic's vehicle.
On Saturday, March 23, 2002, it was found behind Central Station with the NLRFD'S Water Rescue Boat,
the "J. W. Springer" hooked behind it. The new Dodge Ram is painted a rather dark red, or maroon, such as
most of the Department Cars are now.
As of 3/8/02, Engine 3 is back on the 1992 Pierce Arrow - its regular apparatus.
Engine 3 is running on Reserve Engine 101. Engine 3 was at Central on 3/5/02.
Battalion 924 is now assigned the 2001 Dodge Durango as its apparatus. The thinking was that this would allow a
lot more space to carry needed records, maps and documents. The Durango had a light bar and decals installed
this week (2/25/02) It already had strobe lights inside the radiator grill.
Truck 1A is back on its regular apparatus, the 1981 American La France Rearmount Aerial Truck
as of February 27, 2002.
Truck 1A is operating on Reserve Engine 101 as of 2-26-02. The American La France rearmount
aerial is undergoing some brake repairs.
Engine 4 is back on the 1987 Pierce Arrow. Engine 101 is at Central, awaiting its next assignment as a reserve.
February 19, 2002 saw Engine 4's Apparatus in the shop at Central Station. The light bar is being repaired.
Engine 4 has run on Reserve Engine 101 since Tuesday, 2-19-02.
The new NLR Fire Station 8 is nearing completion. All of the concrete has been poured for the driveways and
parking space at the station. One workman at the site thought March 1st might see the station ready to occupy.
The new station has doors on the Engine Bays which should be tall enough to allow an aerial truck of today's
dimensions to fit inside the station. The bays are deep enough to hold a full length aerial truck or two pumpers.
As of February 15, 2002 Truck 7A is running on the 1975 American La France Snorkel Engine 101 is housed at
Central Station again, and the Parade Truck and Engine 103 are back at Station 8.
Some time in the last few days, Rescue 80 was down for repairs. Reserve 16 (1990 Ford Rescue formerly known
as Rescue 19) filled in at Station 5.
The Remodeling of the Engine Room of Station 7 is nearing completion. New (and higher) doors are now installed
on the front of the Engine Room and the steel beam at the top of the doors has been raised. The old folding doors
are now installed on the back of the Engine Room, replacing the ORIGINAL wooden folding doors.
Truck 7A returned to Station 7 sometime after 5:00 p.m. on February 12, 2002. The 1995 E-1 pumper and the
1978 Ford/Pierce (Engine 101) are now both housed at Station 7, since Truck 7A'S regular apparatus (1975 ALF
Snorkel) is having a bit of welding done on the basket. The station is now ready for the new Pierce Platform to
arrive. It will arrive quite likely in April, 2002.
Engine 103 and the Parade Pumper continue to be housed at Central, as of 2/12/02.
Engine 7 as of February 7, 2002 is back on its '95 E1 again. Air Conditioning is evidently installed now. Engine 7
ran on Reserve Engine 101 from February 4th though February 7th. It seems that all the parts for the
Air-Conditioning were not in town in order for the job to be finished last week. Engine 7 will continue to occupy
Station 7 alone until the Engine Room is remodeled to accommodate the new Truck 7A, which will be a
Pierce 100' Quint / Platform.
The remodeling of the Engine Room of NLR Fire Station Number 7 began early on the morning of February 4,
2002. This will allow the doors to be raised high enough to house the new Pierce 100' Aerial Platform/ Quint,
which will be delivered sometime in late March or April of this year.
Truck 7A is being temporarily housed at Station 8 in Amboy. This is likely to be for three weeks. Reserve
Engine 103 and the Parade Engine (1959 American La France) are both temporarily housed at Central Station.
Reserve Engine 101 is housed at Station 2, behind Unit 938. The white trailer which is normally hitched to Unit
938 is parked under the shed in back of the station beside another trailer which is normally stored there.
Both of these trailers are protected from the weather in this shed.
Engine 7 is back on the track as of February 1, 2002. Engine 7 went off the track on January 28, 2002 to have Air
Conditioning added since the company will now be an ALS (paramedic) Company. Medical supplies (including
life saving drugs) must be kept under AC in the summer. No doubt the crew of Engine7 will enjoy it too! This will
make five of the thirteen front line fire apparatus in NLR air conditioned. Any future apparatus to be ordered will
also be air conditioned if at all possible. Engine 7 ran on Reserve Engine 101, the 1978 Pierce/ Ford from 1/28
until 2/1.
The "order" in which firefighters are assigned to each apparatus has changed to some degree.
All Engine Companies will have at least three firefighters. Rescue 80 will have two. (There are only room for two
people to ride on the present apparatus.) Rescue 19 will have three firefighters if at all possible. Next on the list
for three crew members is now Truck 1A, Followed by Truck 7A. Engine companies will then be assigned a
fourth firefighter in a fixed order: Engines 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9. Next, should enough firefighters be available would
be Engines 10, 8 and 4.
Engine 7 is back on its 1995 E-1 Pumper after running on Reserve Engine 101 for one day on 12/17/01.
Rescue 19's 2001 E-One/Freightliner is back on the track. (12/12/01)
Engine 2 back on its 1998 E-One/ Spartan Pumper as of 12/14/01
The new 2001 E-One/Freightliner Heavy Duty Rescue went in service Friday, November 30, 2001. Rescue 19
had responded to three alarms on it new apparatus by 5:00 p.m. on November 30th. It is to carry a crew of three
firefighters. The first alarm answered by Rescue 19 on the new Heavy Duty Rescue was a False Alarm!
Rescue 16 is a newly commissioned apparatus designation in the NLRFD. Rescue 16 is stationed at Station
10. It is the 1990 Ford apparatus that was formerly Rescue 19. It still contains most of its equipment, including
extrication equipment - IE such equipment as the jaws of life. It will be respond to any emergency in the extreme
eastern portion of the city requiring its services. A firefighter from Engine 10 will drive Rescue 16. |