Photos from March 15, 2007
Thanks to personnel at L.R. Fleet Services for allowing these photos. The history of the L.R.F.D. in these photos is incredible!
With the arrival of six new Pierce Contender pumpers, a unique opportunity for photos was present. Many of the former
'first line ' pumpers of the L.R.F.D. were in process of being equipped as reserves, while the former reserve pumpers were
in the process of being made ready for retirement. The last Mack pumper is removed from regular service in the second
and third photos, as Engine 20 receives a later model reserve, until their next regular apparatus is ready for service. With the
exception of the 1976 Mack ladder truck, all Mack fire apparatus in these photos will be decommissioned in the near future.

1937 American LaFrance Pumper
of at least two generations ago
This pumper will remain with
the L.R.F.D. |

The last Mack pumper in service
Engine 20 had run on this 1984 Mack -Res Eng 20 - since their Pierce was in an accident several months ago.

Eng 20's crew was transferring gear
to a 'new' reserve, former Eng 11,
until their permanent apparatus
is ready to be put in service. |

Former Eng 11, now a
reserve, will be Engine 20's
pumper until either Former
Eng 6 or Former Eng 13 is
ready to go in service. |

1985 Mack/Pierce (Former Res
Eng 6. |

Former Engine 8 -1990 Pierce -
To go back in service

A once in a life-time shot.
Most of this apparatus will be
decommissioned. |

Former Res Eng 4 - a 1984
Mack. The last 'real' Mack.
Originally Engine 18. |

Former Res Eng 16 - A 1983
Mack - Originally Engine 9. |

Former Res Engine 17, a 1982
Mack (Originally Eng 2) and
a 1975 Snorkel (T 2 and T 4) |

1987 Pierce Platform -
Truck 18 - Soon to be back 'on line.' |

1976 Mack 85' Aerial - The
first yellow apparatus of the
LRFD. Will remain a
reserve aerial. |

Mystery Truck .. 1953 American
LaFrance - to be a funeral truck. |

1981 Mack Originally Eng 2,
then Eng 5. |