What's New At The NLRFD- Updated Dec.31, 2007

December 31, 2007:
According to the December 27, 2007 issue of the North Little Rock Times, a new fire station is in the works for
"eastern edge of North Little Rock." $100,000 is allocated in the 2008 NLR Budget for "planning, acquisition of land
or engineeing services,"
accoring to the article. The article continued by discussing options to staff the proposed
new station, which is projected to open in early 2009. One option would be to hire additional firefighters and to
obtain additional apparatus and equipment.
Another option would be to reassign existing NLR Fire Companies. An option mentioned in the article was to
"effectively close" the Park Hill Station (Station 5), move the Rescue Company housed at Station 5 to Station 7,
and move the Engine Company assigned to Station 7 to the proposed new Station, which , evidently, under this
proposal, would become the new Station 5.
December 5, 2007:
Engine 1 returned to its regular apparatus, the 1996 E-One Custom 1250 on December 5th.
December 4, 2007:
The North Little Rock
Christmas Parade will be this Sunday, December 9th at 2:00 P.M.
Engine 1 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of today. The 'Jake Brake'
on the '96 E-One Custom is being
December 2, 2007:
The North Little Rock Christmas Parade has been rescheduled for Sunday, December 9th, due to the threat of
severe weather, according to
Channel 11's Website. A specific time for the parade to begin next Sunday
was not listed.
November 26, 2007:
The North Little Rock Christmas Parade will be held on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00 p.m. This should be
an excellent opportunity to see some NLR Fire Apparatus
, as well as apparatus from some surrounding
Rescue 5 returned to the 2004 International/ Ferrara Heavy Rescue/ Pumper on 11/25/07. Engine 10 returned
to Standby Engine 101 on
11/25/07, due to an intake line problem. Engine 10 was running on its regular apparatus,
the 2001 Pierce Contender Custom again as of today.
November 23, 2007:
Engine 10 is operating on its regularly assigned apparatus, the 2001 Pierce Contender Custom as of 11-21-07.
Rescue 5 is now operating on Reserve Rescue
November 21, 2007:
A residential structure fire occured on East 15th Street, just east of I-30 Highway on November 19, 2007. The
first two companies to arrive on the scene were Rescue 1 and Truck 1. With Engine 1 on another assignment,
Truck 1 became the first company on scene with a pump. Truck 1 'laid out' its 5 inch supply hose. At least
two 1 3/4'
lines and the 'trash line' from Truck 1 were used to extinguish the fire. Click HERE to watch
a Slide Show of photos generously donated to this website by David Bjork.
November 17, 2007:
Engine 10 is now operating on Standby Engine 101 while its assigned apparatus, the 2001 Pierce Contender
Custom 1250 (former Engine 9) undergoes cooling system repairs.
The photos of Engine 9 and Engine 10 have been placed on the proper webpage for the apparatus now assigned
to that station, except for the 'official photo' on each Engine's webpage. This will be updated when proper
renumbering of each pumper (Engbine 9 and Engine 10) is completed.
November 13, 2007:
Engine 9 and Engine 10 swapped pumpers on Friday, November 9, 2007. Both engines run identical
2001 Pierce
Contender 1250 Custom Pumpers. Both of the pumpers were demos, which came from the
Daytona Speedway.
The reason behind the trade of apparatus was to equalize the mileage on the two
pumpers, since the Contender
assigned to Engine 10 had accumulated a significantly higher number
of miles than Engine 9's apparatus. Both
of the pumpers were delivered less than two months apart.
November 3, 2007:
Engine 8 returned to its normally assigned apparatus, the 1997 Freightliner/ Smeal Pumper as of 11/2/07.
November 1, 2007:
Engine 8 is operating on Standby Engine 101, while Engine 8' regular apparatus, the 1997 Smeal/ Freightliner
receives some minor body work.
October 24, 2007:
Engine 7 returned to its 1995 E-One custom 1250 GPM Pumper today, after repairs were completed to this
October 20, 2007:
The evening of October 19, 2007 marked 40,000 'hits' for this website. Your support of this website is really
October 17, 2007:
Engine 6 returned to the 1995 E-One Custom pumper today, which is its regularly assigned apparatus. Engine 7
continues to operate on Standby Engine 103, a 1985 Seagrave pumper. This makes for a most interesting
combination of apparatus at Station 7: A 2002 Pierce Platform/ Quint
and a 1985 Seagrave pumper.
October 16, 2007:
Engine 7 is operating on Standby Engine 103 as of approximately
5:00 PM this afternoon, while Engine 7's 1995
E-One Custom is checked for a broken spring. Engine 7 was spotted traveling down North Hills Blvd at a fairly
slow pace on its way to Central Station.
October 16, 2007:
Engine 6 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of today. Engine 6's 1995 E-One Custom is undergoing some
warranty work at United Engine.
October 4, 2007:
Truck 7 is operating on the 2002 Pierce Platform/ Quint again as of today. Reserve Aerial 1, the 1975 ALF
Snorkle had been filling in as Truck 7 for almost two weeks. The 1975 Snorkle spent its entire front-line
career in the NLRFD at Station 7.
September 28, 2007:
Engine 8 returned to its regularly assigned apparatus today - the 1997 Freightliner/ Smeal 1500 GPM Pumper.
Truck 7 continues to operate on Reserve Aerial 1 - the 1975 ALF Snorkle while the Pierce Platform undergoes
suspension repairs.
September 23, 2007:
Engine 8 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of today. The 1997 Freightliner/ Smeal normally assiged as
Engine 8 is undergoing repairs to its intake manifold gasket.
September 22, 2007:
7 is operating on Standby Aerial 1. The 2002 Pierce Platform will have its suspension checked out.
September 21, 2007:
Engine 6's 1995 E-One Custom returned
to service with its engine overhauled at United Engines.
September 14, 2007:
Engine 6 is operating on Standby Engine 101 while Engine 6's regular apparatus completes an engine overhaul
at United Engines.
September 7, 2007:
Engine 6 is operating on Standby Engine 103 as of today. Standby Engine 101 has returned to Central Station.
September 6, 2007:
Click HERE for photos of Engine 6, a 1995 E-One 1250 Custom undergoing an 'In-Frame' Engine Overhaul
United Engines LLC on I-30 in Little Rock.
Thanks to the management and staff of United for these photos.
September 2, 2007:
More on Engine 6 (1995 E-One Custom): Engine 6's E-One is currently undergoing some major engine repairs.
It will be out of service until the
work is finished. Engine 6 continues to operate on Standby Engine 101,
a 1987 Pierce Arrow Custom 1250.
August 28, 2007:
The incident on Summertree Drive on August 27, 2007 resulted in Engines 6, 7, 8 and 9;
Truck 7, Rescue 5, Batallion 924 and Fire Marshal 946 responding to the scene before the incident concluded.
August 27, 2007:
Engine 6 has been operating on Standby Engine 101 since Saturday, August 25th. The 12 year old E-One Custom
pumper that Engine 6 normally operates on is undergo engine repairs.
Early this morning a fire at 5200 Summertree Drive damaged 16 apartment units, according to KTHV's website.
More information on this fire will follow. (Please see August 28th above.)
August 13, 2007:
Before the Incident at Advance Fiberglass on August 9th was
concluded, Engine 9, Truck 1 and Rescue 1 also
responded. The list of NLRFD responding companies consisted of: Engines 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, Trucks 1 and 7, Rescues 1
and 5,
Units 950 (Chief of Dept), 949 (Ass't Chief), 942 (Fire Marshal's Office), 936,
935 (Training Captain)
and 931, twenty off-duty NLR Firefighters, as well as Maumelle Fire Department
Truck 1,
Brush 1, Air Supply and
Maumelle 501 (Chief of Dept.)
August 10, 2007:
A fire broke out about 5:00 on August 9th at Advance Fiberglass on Counts Massie Road. The temperature was
well over 100 degrees (F) at the time of the fire. Overheating of firefighters was a major concern. Rehab Areas
were set up at the fire scene. MEMS responded with its Special Operations Response Team, an operations unit
(908), at least three ambulances and a supervisor.
Local television stations were asking that ice and bottled
water be delivered to the fire scene.
The Red Cross responded with at least two units. Two hundred
hamburgers and orders of French fries were
brought to the scene.
The North Little Rock Fire Department responded initially with Engines 4, 3 and 6; Truck 7; Rescue 5 and Battalion
924. Engine 8, possibly on another run, responded soon thereafter. During the course of the fire, many other NLRFD
companies responded. Here is a partial
listing known at this
time: Approximately twenty off duty fire personnel were
called in. Engine 9 responded; Rescue 1
was on the scene for its lighting tower and personel. Units 950, 949, 942, 936,
935 and 931 were all on the scene.
Maumelle F.D. responded with their Truck 1, Brush 1 and Mobile Air Unit. (Brush 1 pulled the Mobile Air Unit.) The Chief
of M.F.D. was also on the scene.
During the course of this fire, an alarm was sounded for Belmont Drive in North Little Rock.
Engines 7, 1, Truck 1, Rescue 1
and Car 948 were dispatched. A fan motor in the attic had become
July 27, 2007:
Truck 7 returned to its Pierce 100' Platform today.
July 25, 2007:
Truck 1 returned to its 2006 Ferrara 100' Aerial Quint today.
July 24, 2007:
A slide show of photos from the fire at First Freewill Baptist Church is now available on the website. Click
HERE to view the slide show.
It appeared that 'old times' had returned to the NLRFD today. Truck 7 was operating on Reserve Aerial 1
(the 1975 Snorkle), while Truck 1 was operating on Reserve Aerial 2 (the 1981 ALF 100' rear-mount). Truck
1's 2006 Ferrara was undergoing a bit of warranty work, while Truck 7 continues to undergo cooling system
July 20, 2007:
A major fire took place this afternoon at the First Freewill Baptist Church at 2001 Parkway Drive in North Little
Rock. The websites of two local television stations are reporting that the fire was started by lightning.
Thunderstorms occured Friday afternoon in North Little Rock. The building was fully involved when the
first NLRFD company arrived. Engines 6, 8, 3, Truck 7 and Rescue 5 and Battalion 924 responded on the initial
alarm. During the course
of the fire, Engines 1 and 9 also responded. Units 950, 949, 948, 946 and 942 also
responded to the incident.
MEMS was on the scene as well to render first aid, should it have become necessary. The very high
temperatures (high 80's - low 90's) made for some very hot
conditions at the fire scene.
Mutual Aid:
The Sherwood
Fire Department sent personnel to assist fighting the fire. The Maumelle Fire Department sent
their Truck 1, a 75' Quint, along with a crew. Maumelle's Truck 1 took part in the overhaul portion of the fire.
The V. A. Fire Department filled in at North Little Rock Station 3, and the Sherwood Fire Department filled in
at North Little Rock Station 9.
July 18, 2007:
Truck 7 is operating on the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkle (Reserve Aerial 1) while the radiator on the 2002
Pierce Platform is repaired. American LaFrance fans - Here is a chance to see a 32 year old aerial in service!
July 16, 2007:
Engine 6 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of July 16th.
July 3, 2007:
More photos of Brush Buggy 1 are now posted
on the website. The brush truck now has an emergency light
bar installed. Click HERE to see the photos.
Yesterday (July 2, 2007) the NLRFD responded about 5:30 PM to a call
of homes being flooded in the area of the
city west of Pike Avenue and just north of the Arkansas River.
Engines 1 , 2 and 3 responded. Rescue 1, Truck 1,
and Brush Buggy 1 were all on the scene at some point. Small boats of the NLRFD were used to carry several
citizens to safety. Local television station websites and the Arkansas Democrat- Gazette are reporting that the
problem was a pump that did not start. The pump should have turned on automatically when the heavy rain started.
June 24, 2007:
The names of the nine fallen fire fighters
from Charleston, S.C. have been added to this website. Click HERE
June 9, 2007
The NLRFD Brush Truck now has a 'Skid Unit' added, as well as a water tank. Brush Buggy 1 is ready for action.
Red flashing lights are to be added soon. Click HERE to see the photos.
May 31, 2007:
Engine 2 returned to its 1999 Spartan/E-One 1250 Pumper today.
For American LaFrance enthusists: Standby Engine 102 ('81 ALF 1500 GPM Pumper) and Reserve Aerial 2
('81 ALF 100' Aerial) are both at NLRFD Central Station currently. This is a great photo-op!
May 26, 2007:
Truck 7 operated on Reserve Aerial 1 ('75 ALF Snorkle) from 5-23-07 throught 5-25-07.
Standby Engine 101 is currently operating as Engine 2 as of 5-24-07. Engine 2's '99 Spartan/E-One is
undergoing power steering
May 21, 2007:
Engine 8 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of today while some minor body work is taken care of on the
Freightliner Cab of Engine 8's regular apparatus.
Engine 2 returned to its regularly assigned pumper, the 1999 Spartan/ E-One late today.
May 11, 2007: Engine 2 is operating in Standby Engine 103 as of 5-10-07 while the pump transmission in the 1999
E-One/ Spartan is repaired. Truck 7 returned to the 2002 Pierce Platform on May 10th, also.
May 9, 2007:
Truck 7 is operating on Reserve Aerial 1 (the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkle) as of today.
May 2, 2007:
Truck 1 operated on Reserve Aerial 2 (the 1981 American LaFrance) from May 1st until May 2nd while some minor
warranty repairs were performed on Truck 1's regular apparatus.
April 28, 2007:
Additional photos of Truck 1, the 107' Ferrara Aerial / Quint were added to the website today.
Click HERE to view the photos.
April 26, 2007:
Engine 10 returned to its regularly assigned apparatus, the 2001 Pierce Contender Custom, today.
April 23, 2007:
Engine 10 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of April 23, 2007.
April 16, 2007:
TheBrush Truck is now back at Central Station after being completely repainted. Click HERE for the latest photos.
Clicking on any photo on the Brush Truck's Webpage will enlarge the photo.
April 7, 2007:
Photos of Rescue 5, complete with 'Rescue 5' lettering were added to the website today. Click HERE.
Station 5's Webpage(s) were also updated today. Click HERE.
April 6, 2007:
Truck 7s is operating on its regularly assigned apparatus, the 2003 Pierce Platform/ Quint as of late this afternoon.
April 4, 2007:
Truck 7 is operating on Reserve
Aerial 1 as of April 3, 2007. Brake maintenance is being performed on the '03
Pierce Platform. Click HERE for photos of the Pierce Platform while maintenance was being performed.
Photos of the Apartment Fire from April 2, 2007 in the Arrowhead/ Augusta Circle area by Dustin Hayworth
are now posted. Click HERE to see the photos.
March 30, 2007:
continues for the 'new' Brush Truck of the N. L. R. F. D. Click HERE for all photos of the brush truck
thus far in its refurbishment.
March 23, 2007:
A structure fire occured today at 2001 Maple Street. The N. L. R. F. D. made quick work of extinguishing this
fire. Engines 1 and 3, Truck 1, Rescue 1, Battaltion 924 and Units 950, 935, 931, 948, 946 and 942 responded.
Photos of the incident may be viewed by clicking HERE.
March 13, 2007:
Engine 1 has operated on Standby Engine 101 since March 12th, while some minior repairs to the E-One
Custom are taken care of.
March 10, 2007:
Truck 1 returned to its regular apparatus, the 2006 Ferrara 107' Rear Mount Aerial on Friday March 9th.
March 8, 2007:
Truck 1 is operating on Reserve Aerial 2 again as of this date.
March 7, 2007:
Truck 1 returned to its regular apparatus, the 2006 Ferrara 107' Aerial today.
March 6, 2007:
Truck 1 is operating on Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance rear-mount) as of today.
The webpages for each apparatus and fire station are in the process of being streamlined.
A single large photo will occupy the primary webpage. Other photos and information will be
on an additional webpage, which can be easily navigated by clicking a link on the primary
page. The webpages for Station 1, Station 2, Station 3, Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 3, Rescue 1,
Truck 1 and The Hazmat
Units have been updated thus far.
February 28, 2007:
The N.L.R.F.D. Brush Truck is now awaiting sandblasting and repainting. Click HERE for photos.
February 7, 2007:
Engine 7 retuned to its regular apparatus, a 1995 E-One 1250 Hurricane Custom, today.
February 5, 2007:
The webpages for Central Station, Standby Engine 101, and Standby Engine 103 were updated today. Click on
the appropriate STATION or APPARATUS from the drop down menu above.
February 2, 2007:
Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance) is now housed at Station 10. This fully equipped aerial stationed
in eastern North Little Rock is a "plus" for the city's fire coverage.
More on the soon to be Brush Truck of the N.L.R.F.D. - The former Army truck is a 1961 model, and it was
made by General Motors! It has a Diesel
engine, and a standard transmission.
February 1, 2007:
The North Little Rock F. D.
has acquired a former U.S. Army "Deuce and a Half." It was parked on the back lot of
Central Station yesterday. The "newest" apparatus of the N.L.R.F.D. will
become a Tanker/Brush Truck. This
apparatus was virtually free. The fees were less than $10.00!
Photos of the future tanker are on the website homepage now. This vehicle promises to be another
"work in progress" as HazMat 939 and the M.J. Bevans were. Photos of the progress of this apparatus
will be posted as time goes on.
Engine 7 continues to run on Standby Engine 101, while some minor body work is taken care of on Engine 7.
January 26, 2007:
Truck 7 returned to the 2002 Pierce Platform/Quint by late this afternoon. Engine 7 continues to operate on
Engine 101.
January 25, 2007:
There is an interesting combination of apparatus at Station 7, at least for the time being: Engine 7 continued to
operate on Standby Engine 101 today, while Truck 7 began operating on Reserve Aerial 2. This is the first time
that the 1981 American LaFrance rear-mount 100' aerial has ever operated out of Station 7.
January 24, 2007:
Engine 7 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of this date while some miscellaneous maintenance is performed.
January 23, 2007:
Reserve Aerial 2 gets its 'First Assignment' today. Truck 1 is operating on Reserve Aerial 2 (former Truck 1) while
a "No Smoke" system is installed on the new Ferrara Aerial.
January 22, 2007:
Engine 1 was operating on Standby Engine 101 as of January 22, 2007. An oil leak in the blower-boot was repaired.
January 20, 2007:
Twenty-two photos from Central Station (January 20, 2007) are now posted on this website. Click HERE to view
the photos.
There was a lot of activity at Central this morning. Some training was done with the new Ferrara 107' Aerial Truck.
Engine 1 received a run for a 'clean-up' after an accident at Seventh and Locust. Engine 3 arrived at Central during
the training on the new ladder truck. Unit 938 has been in service for the last several days, since high water on the
Arkansas River has forced the J.W. Springer to be relocated
from the Arkansas River to N.L.R.F.D. Central Station.
An item from this Monday night's City Council Meeting: R-07-12 Mayor Hays:
Authorizing acceptance of a
grant to the NLR Fire Department from the US Department of Homeland
Security for Driving and
Command Simulators; appropriating funds for the 20%
Local Share ($50,790.00 from
the General Fund)
(This grant was mentioned on this website on November 1, 2006.)
January 17, 2007:
Engine 2 operated on Standby Engine 101 today and returned to its regular apparatus, the 1999 Spartan/ E-One
late this afternoon.
Reserve Aerial 2, the 1981 American LaFrance, remains on the rear parking lot of Central Station, in case the
new Truck 1 needs to be taken out of service for any final details. (The '81 is being started periodically to
insure that it is ready to go, should the need arise.) Reserve Aerial 2 will soon go to Station 10.
A 'correct' photo of the new apparatus at Central will be made as soon as weather allows.
January 12, 2007:
The new Ferrara Aerial went in service today as Truck 1. The radio was installed today. The 1981 American
LaFrance Aerial is now known as Reserve Aerial 2. It will remain at Central Station Temporarily. Ultimately,
it seems that the '81 LaFrance will end up at Station 10 as a reserve aerial, with FULL EQUIPMENT on board.
The 1975 American LaFrance Snorkle, formerly Standby Aerial 1, is now known as Reserve Aerial 1.
The All Time Master List of Apparatus has been reworked so that all apparatus is listed by the date of purchase.
January 5, 2007:
Ferrara Fire Apparatus Company should conclude training on the new N.L.R.F.D. 100' Aerial Truck today. The
new truck should go into service in the very near future.
December 31, 2006:
Photos of Truck 1 raised with lift jacks are now posted on the website. Click HERE to view the updated
Maintenance Shop
December 24, 2006:
Click HERE for a photo of the expansion of Station 7's living quarters. (This station was designed for one crew only.)
Check out the Christmas Decorations on NLFD apparatus on the homepage of this website. Click HERE
December 22, 2006:
The webpage for the Fire Scene Assistance Program has benn updated. Click HERE to see the webpage.
More photos of the new Ferrara Aerial are posted on the website. Click here to go to the webpage of the 2006
Ferrara Aerial. ALL PHOTOS and VIDEO CLIPS are available on this webpage. CLICK HERE to view the photos.
December 21, 2006:
Testing of the Ferrara Aerial Truck began today. Click HERE to go to the Webpage of the 2006 Ferrara Aerial.
More photos have been added, as well as a Video Clip of the truck at the Training Tower. A lot of thought
and study has obviously gone in to the design of this apparatus.
December 19, 2006:
The new Ferrara Aerial Truck arrived at the N.L.R.F.D. either very late last night, or early this morning. It was parked
on the back lot about 6:50 a.m. this morning. Please click HERE to go to the homepage of this website for the first
photos of the new aerial here in North Little Rock.
A few surprises about the new aerial: The aerial ladder is actually 107 feet in length. This is the longest aerial that
the NLRFD has owned to date. It has a bell. This is the first apparatus to have a bell, since the 1959 American LaFrance
Pumper. Sirens and bells used to signal that a Fire Truck was on a run! The word FERRARA (on the front grill) lights
up in Red Letters when the emergency lights are turned on. The siren appears to be identical to that on Rescue 5.
Best of all, the new Aerial Truck seems to fit in the soon to be 43 year old Central Fire Station with ease!
December 15, 2006:
The DELIVERY of the N.L.R.F.D. Ferrara Aerial is scheduled for Monday, December 18, 2006. The Aerial is scheduled
to leave the Ferrara Factory early Monday morning. It should arrive in North Little Rock in the afternoon.
Photos of the Final Inspection of the new aerial have been sent to this website courtesy of NLRFD
Ass't Chief Robert Mauldin. Click HERE to view the Final Inspection Photos.
December 11, 2006:
The final inspection of the Ferrara Aerial Truck will take place beginning tomorrow at the Ferrara Factory.
New photos of the NEW NLRFD Aerial Truck were posted on Ferrara's website on December 11, 2006. Click HERE to see the new photos. Click HERE to see all production photos of the new aerial.
December 6, 2006:
New photos of the NEW NLRFD Aerial Truck were posted on Ferrara's website late today. Click HERE to see the new photos. Click HERE to see all production photos of the new aerial.
December 4, 2006:
The new Aerial/Quint is really taking shape now. New photos of the NEW NLRFD Aerial Truck were posted on Ferrara's
website this afternoon.
Click HERE to see the new photos. Click HERE to see all production photos of the new aerial.
December 3, 2006:
The North Little Rock
Christmas Parade took place yesterday. Scenes of Fire Apparatus in the Parade may be
viewed by clicking HERE.
>>North Little Rock F.D. , East Pulaski F.D. and McAlmont F.D. participated in the parade.
MEMS also had a unit in the parade.
November 29, 2006:
Truck 1 returned to the 1981 American LaFrance rear mount aerial today.
New photos of the NEW NLRFD Aerial Truck were posted on Ferrara's website this afternoon.
Click HERE to see the new photos. Click HERE to see all production photos of the new aerial.
November 27, 2006:
Truck 1 is operating on Standby Aerial 1 as of this date. Cooling system repairs have again made it necessary to
pull the 1981 American LaFrance
100' rear mount out of service.
More photos of the NEW NLRFD Aerial Truck: Ferrara has posted updated photos of progress on the new NLRFD
Aerial/Quint on its website. Click HERE to see
the new photos. Click HERE to see all production photos of the new aerial.
November 23, 2006:
More on the Augusta Circle Fire of 11-19-06 - Engines 6, 8 and 3, Truck 7, Rescue 5 and Battalion 924 responded
on the first alarm. Engines 7 and 9 responded on the second alarm. Car 950 also responded before this incident
was concluded.
November 20, 2006:
Photos of the 11-19-06 Augusta Circle Fire are now on the website: Click HERE to view the photos.
Ferrara has posted updated photos of progress on the new NLRFD Aerial/Quint on its website. Click HERE to see
the new photos. Click HERE to see all production photos of the new aerial.
November 17, 2006:
Ferrara has posted updated photos of progress on the new NLRFD Aerial/Quint on its website. Click HERE to see
the new photos. Click HERE to see all production photos of the new aerial.
November 15, 2006:
Ferrara has just posted some new photos of the new NLRFD Aerial/Quint on its website. Click HERE to see
the new photos. These photos are very similar to the photos posted two days ago. Details of the pump assembly
are becoming more apparent on the left and right sides, and there are good shots of the entire body, both
right and left sides.
Truck 1 returned to the 1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial today. The situation was the need to
adapt available parts and technology to an apparatus which will soon be twenty-six years old (and soon a standy
aerial as well).
Click HERE to see all production photos of the new aerial.
November 13, 2006:
Ferrara has just posted some new photos of the new NLRFD Aerial/Quint on its website. Click HERE to see
the new photos.
Click HERE to see all production photos of the new aerial.
Engine 4 returned to its regular apparatus, the 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom on Friday, November 10, 2006.
November 9, 2006:
Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. has posted still more photos of the new NLRFD Aerial Truck on its website. The new
NLRFD100' Aerial is shown with the body now attached to the chassis. Click on the link on the homepage of this
website to see the photos, or click HERE. A photo gallery of the new NLRFD Aerial Apparatus is also on this website.
Click HERE (or on the link on the homepage) to see photos from the beginning of construction. These photos are
all used with Ferrara's permission.
November 8, 2006:
Engine 2 returned to its regular apparatus late this afternoon, after a 'no-smoke system' was installed on its
exhaust. Engine operated on Standby Engine 101 yesterday and today.
Engine 4 operated on Standby Engine 102
today, while a 'no-smoke system' was installed on the exhaust system
of the 1992 Pierce Arrow pumper. Engine 4's
Pierce Arrow remained at Central this evening, while work continued
on the 'no-smoke' system.
Truck 1 continues to operate on Standby Aerial 1, until parts arrive for the starter on the 1981 American LaFrance
100' Aerial.
November 7, 2006:
Engine 2 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of today.
November 6, 2006: (7:50 PM)
Ferrara has more photos of the NLRFD Aerial on their website. The truck is evidently back at the Ferrara plant,
with the aerial ladder installed. Click HERE to view the new photos.
Truck 1 is running on Standby Aerial 1 as of today. The 1981 Amerian LaFrance must have its starter repaired.
November 6, 2006:
This website has received information on the Pine Bluff, AR Fire Department's Website:
http:/w/ww.pineblufffire.com is the link to the Pine Bluff, AR F.D. Website.
November 4, 2006:
The website for the Gravel Ridge F.D. (northern Pulaski County) has changed. The new website is:
November 2, 2006:
It is with sadness
that this website announces that N.L.R.F.D. Lt. Jerry Dial passed away today.
(Arrangements updated 11-3-06)
Arrangements for Lt. Jerry Dial
Special viewing for all Fire Department members & family
at North Little Rock Funeral Home 11:30AM - 11-3-2006.
Family visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. 11-3-06
Funeral will be Saturday 11-4-2006 - 10:00AM @ Park Hill Baptist Church.
November 1, 2006:
The North Little Rock Fire Department has received a $200,000 Grant from F.E.M.A. and the United States Fire
This information was on
KARK Channel 4's Website. A command simulator program will allow
the N.L.R.F.D. to experience all imaginable disasters. A driving simulator will all the N.L.R.F.D. to practice driving,
without actually using any apparatus. (This will be supplemented by an additional 20% from local funds.)
Here are links to the announcement on KARK Channel
4's Website and the actual story on KARK's news.
October 23, 2006:
The apparatus driveway at Central Station is in the process of being repaired. Much of the concrete is broken and
cracked. The section of concrete in front of the western most apparatus door has been completely removed. New
concrete will be poured there. The concrete in front Truck 1's and Engine 1's bays will also be replaced. Expect
to see apparatus at Central Station parked in different bays than normal for the next few days.
October 17, 2006:
The N.L.R.F.D. Aerial Truck now under construction by Ferrara is now apparently in the process of having the
aerial ladder installed on the chassis. More photos should appear on Ferrara's website, which is linked to the
homepage of this website, when the body
of the truck is added to the chassis.
October 10, 2006:
The N.L.R.F.D. Fire Fest was held today on the parking lot of the Kroger Store at McCain and North Hills.
Click HERE for PHOTOS of Fire Fest.
October 6, 2006:
Engine 4 returned to its regularly assigned apparatus, the 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom 1250 on October 5, 2006.
October 5, 2006:
Engine 4 has been operating on Standby Engine 101 since October 3, 2006.
The annual FIRE FEST of the N.L.R.F.D. will be on Tuesday, October 10, 2006, according to the North Little Rock
City Website from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM on the Kroger Parking Lot at McCain and North Hills. A lot of fire apparatus,
as well as hot dogs and drinks should be on hand.
The annual TESTING OF FIRE HYDRANTS is being conducted in October. Click HERE to see when your area of the
city will be tested. (Washing of clothes is an issue here, according to the linked document.)
September 22, 2006:
Ferrara Fire Apparatus has posted still more photos of NLRFD's new Aerial on the Ferrara Website. Click
HERE to see the latest photos. Click HERE to see all photos Ferrara has posted of the new NLRFD Aerial.
September 20, 2006:
Ferrara continues to post more photos on their website of the new NLRFD Truck 1. Click HERE to view the
9-20-06 photos.
September 18, 2006:
Ferrara updated the photos of the NLRFD Truck 1 on Friday, September 15th. The cab has now been painted. Click
HERE to view the latest photos from the Ferrara factory.
September 8, 2006:
Ferrara Fire Apparatus Company posted more photos of the new NLRFD Truck 1, which is now under construction
at the Ferrara factory in Holden, LA. Photos of the Custom Cab are featured on the Ferrara Website today. Click
HERE to view the photos.
August 25, 2006:
Engine 3's regular apparatus, the 2004 Pierce Custom Contender was back in service yesterday. Two more photos
of the chassis of the new Ferrara Aerial are now posted on Ferrara's website click below to view the photos.
August 22, 2006:
Engine 3 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of this date. Warranty work is being performed on the engine of
the 2004 Pierce Contender Custom.
The first photos of the new Ferrara Aerial
for the North Little Rock F.D. have appeared on Ferrara's Website.
They may be viewed at: http://www.ferrarafire.com/apparatus/in_production/pages/3220/3220.html
August 17, 2006:
Several photos by Batt. Chief Lee Wilkins have been added to the website as a collection. These photos illustrate
much of the history of the apparatus of the N.L.R.F.D. from 1947-1999. The photos of now closed Station 2 at 2301
E. Broadway are of special interest. The only known photo of Hazmat 933 is also in this collection. Click HERE to
see the photos.
August 10, 2006:
Mr. Joe Kolaczewski of Cabot, Ar has allowed thirty-two spectacular photos of the Cabot North Jr. High FIre
to be posted on this website. None of these photos may be used without his direct permission. Many, many
thanks to Mr. Kolaczewski for these great photos. Click HERE to see his photos.
August 8, 2006:
A must to view! A VIDEO FILE of Local 35's 1931 Seagrave Pumper leaving Central on the way to Retired Chief
Fred Malone's Funeral Service is now on the website. Click HERE to view the video.
Six new North Little Rock FIrefighters came on duty this Monday morning. This will allow for the badly needed
of retired firefighters.
August 4, 2006:
Engine 8 is now operating on the 1997 Freightliner/Smeal, its regularly assigned apparatus.
August 3, 2006:
Engine 8 has operated on Standby Engine 101 since August 1, 2006 while some minor body work is taken care of
on the 1997 Freightliner/ Smeal pumper.
August 1, 2006:
Rescue 1 is operating on the 2002 Freightliner/E-One Heavy Rescue as of August 1, 2006.
July 29, 2006:
The APPARATUS drop down menu has several changes as of today. The webpage for HazMat apparatus has been
updated. Standby Engines 101, 102 and 103 can be accessed from the "ENGINES" submenu under apparatus. Standby
Aerial 1 can be viewed under LADDER TRUCKS, and Standby Rescues 16 and 18 can be viewed under the RESCUES
Submenu. There is a separate Submenu for STANDBY APPRARATUS IN SERVICE under the APPARATUS Menu.
The photos that Retired Captain Jim Dancy contributed to the website may be accessed from the HISTORY Menu or
the LINKS menu.
July 28, 2006:
Engine 2 returned to its regular apparatus, the 1999 Spartan/ E-One pumper as of July 27, 2006. Rescue 1
continues to operate on Standby Rescue 16 as of today.
July 25, 2006:
Rescue 1 is operating on Standby Rescue 16 while the generator on the Freightliner/E-One is repaired.
July 24, 2006:
The 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom 1250 Pumper, normally assigned to Engine 4, returned to Central Station late
this afternoon after body repairs were finished. Engine 4 is now operating on the 1992 Pierce 1250 Arrow Custom.
Engine 2 is operating on Standby Engine 102 as of July 24, 2006.
July 21, 2006:
Truck 7 is operating on its regularly assigned apparatus, the 2002 Pierce Platform/ Quint as of this afternoon.
July 19, 2006:
Truck 7 was operating on the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkel (Standby Aerial 1) as of late this evening.
July 18, 2006:
Truck 7 was operating on is regular apparatus, the 2002 Pierce Platform as of this morning. Engine 4 is operating
on Standby Engine 101 while the 1992 Pierce Custom Pumper undergoes a bit of body work.
Standby Engine 102, normally housed at Station 9, was at Central Station this morning.
July 15, 2005:
Truck 7 is operating on Standby Aerial 1 as of July 14, 2006.
Engine 3 returned to its regular apparatus, the 2004 Pierce Custom Contender as of July 14, 2006.
July 12, 2006:
Engine 3 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of July 11, 2006 while warranty work is performed.
July 5, 2006:
Truck 7 is operating on its regularly assigned apparatus, the 2002 Pierce Platform/Quint as of today.
July 3, 2006:
Truck 7 is operating on Standby Aerial 1 as of July 3, 2006.
July 1, 2006:
Check the website homepage for a new video of Engine 8, or click HERE to see the video.
June 26, 2006:
Truck 7 returned to its regular apparatus, the 2002 Pierce Platform/Quint as of June 23, 2006.
June 21, 2006:
Truck 7 is operating on Standby Aerial 1 as of June 21, 2006.
June 20, 2006:
Video files of Engine 10 and Standby Aerial 1 were added to the website this evening. Aerial trucks in the department
are undergoing their annual ladder test today, and possibly tomorrow.
June 20, 2006:
Video files of Engine 7 and Truck 7 were added to the website late yesterday. These may be viewed from the hompage:
The video of Engine 7 shows Engine 7 responding to an alarm from Station 7.
June 16, 2006:
Engine 2 returned to its regular apparatus as of June 15, 2006.
More video files of NLRFD Apparatus have been added to the website. Access these through the homepage.
June 14, 2006:
Engine 2 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of 6-13-06.
Videos of Standby Engine 101, Engine 6, Engine 7 and Rescue (R1 is responding to an alarm) are now on the
website. Access these videos through the homepage.
June 9, 2006:
Videos of Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 3, Truck 1, Rescue 1 and Rescue 5 are all on the website now. These can
all be found on the Homepage of the Unofficial Website.
Engine 2 operated on Standby Engine 101 while new wheel bearings are installed in the 1999 Spartan/
E-One. About 3:00 PM today Engine 2's regular apparatus was at Superior Spring while front wheels were balanced.
Engine 2 returned to the '99 Spartan E-One late today.
June 7, 2006:
Rescue 1 now has markings of "Rescue 1" in all areas of the apparatus. "Rescue 19" is now a "relic of the past."
A new video of Truck 1 in motion is now on the website: Click HERE
June 5, 2006:
Engine 2 is now operating on Standby Engine 101.
June 4, 2006:
There are now video files of Engine 1 and Rescue 1 in motion on this website. Plans are for other apparatus to
have similar files in coming weeks. Click HERE to see Engine 1 in motion. Click HERE to see Rescue 1 in motion.
May 28, 2006:
The largest known promotion ceremony in the 102 year history of the North Little Rock F.D. took place on Friday,
May 26, 2006.
Three Captains were promoted to rank of Battalion Chief. There were also promotions from
Lieutenant to
to the rank of
Captain as well as promotions from Firefighter to Lieutenant.
May 24, 2006: Truck 1 has returned to its regular apparatus, the 1981 American LaFrance rearmount 100' aerial.
May 22, 2006:
Truck 1 is operating on Standby Truck 1 as of May 22, 2006 while water pump repairs are made to the 1981
American LaFrance Truck 1 normally operates on.
The Bryant Fire Department has a great new website: www.bryantfirerescue.net Check it out today.
May 20, 2006:
Photos of Truck 7 raised overhead on jacks at Central (early May, 2006) are now posted. Click HERE.
May 19, 2006:
A link has been added for the Lutherville-Holman Volunteer Fire Department. This Arkansas Fire Department is
located in Johnson County, AR. Click here to see the great website of this Arkansas Fire Department.
May 5, 2006:
Truck 1 is operating on the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkle as of May 3, 2006.
May 1, 2006:
The first Aerial Apparatus of the N.L.R.F.D. has been found. It has been located in Molee, Illinois. Thanks to Rich
Miller for the photograps that are now on this website. Click HERE to see the photos.
April 27, 2006:
Rescue 5 returned to its regular apparatus, the 2004 International/Ferrara Heavy Rescue/ Pumper as of this date.
April 26, 2006:
The "M. J. Bevans" went in service at Station 4 on Monday, April 24, 2006.
Rescue 5 is operating on Standby Rescue 16 as of April 26, 2006. Tthe water tank on the 2004 International/Ferrara
Heavy Rescue
is being repaired.
April 6, 2005:
A structure fire occurred at the Travel Lodge Motel at 3100 Main (JFK) about 1:30 a.m. on April 4, 2006. Engines
1, 6, 7, Truck 7, Rescue 5 and Battalion 924 responded. Rescue 5 was the first apparatus on the scene. Rescue 5
was used to pump at the fire. The 1000 GPM pump on this apparatus again proved the wisdom of equipping this
apparatus with a pump.
A residential structure fire was reported in the 5400 block of Maple Street about the same time. Engine 1
responded from the fire at the Travel Lodge. Truck 1 and Rescue 1 responded to this new fire along with
other units of the NLRFD. Cars 950 and 949 were on the scene of one or both of these fires, as well.
More photos of the "new" boat for the NLRFD are posted on this website. The restoration of the boat is progressing
very, very well. Click HERE to see the photos.
March 30, 2006:
Several updates and corrections have been made to the "MUSEUM" portion of this website and to the CHIEFS
While doing research for a decendant of Chief Frank Collins, information was found that changed
the dates of service of NLRFD Chief Frank Collins. Chief Collins accepted a position (in the World War I effort)
as a labor conciliator at the picric acide plant in early September 1918.
The seventh Chief of the North Little Rock Fire Department was Fred C. Stelter. His name was listed as both
"Stetler" and "Stelter" in the same Arkansas Gazette article from 1921. A North Little Rock City Directory
from 1922 and 1923 confirmed his first name and middle initial.
The Arkansas Democrat of September 7, 1918 in listing the promotions that took place upon Chief Collins
(Thomas Welch from Ass't Chief to Chief, Joseph Engleberger from Captain of No. 2 Company
to Ass't Chief and E.A. Gilley to Captain of No. 2 Fire Company)
makes reference to "Fire Company No. 2."
This is the first reference found to the fact that the
first station
at 15th and Pike being referred to as a numbered company.
March 25, 2006:
A structure fire occured early yesterday morning, Friday, March 24, 2006 at 4129 East Broadway at the Dollar
General Store. This is in the Rose City Center. The fire occured about 5:00 a.m. The shift of firefighters that
reported for duty at 7:00 a.m. on Friday morning, March 24th, relieved firefighters on duty at the fire. Engines
2, 10, 1 and 7, Truck 1, Rescue 1, Battalion 924, Car 931, Car 942 and Car 949 were all on the scene at some
time during this incident.
March 24, 2006:
Six new photos of the rescue boat currently being rennovated are now posted on the website at the bottom of the
"New-Boat" Webpage. Click HERE to see the photos.
March 12, 2006:
Photos of two structure fires which occured during the same period of time on March 7, 2006 are now posted
on this website. Click HERE to view the photos.
March 8, 2006: Truck 1 is operating on its regular apparatus, the 1981 American LaFrance, as of today. More
photos of the boat undergoing rennovation at NLRFD are posted on the website today. Click HERE to see the
March 4, 2006: As of March 3, 2006, Truck 1 is operating on Standby Aerial 1.
March 1, 2006:
More photos of the boat in rennovation have been posted: http://www.nlrfd.com/new_boat.html
February 25, 2006:
An all time list of North Little Rock Fire Stations has been added to the website. Click HERE to view the new webpage.
There are photos of eighteen of the twenty- two known NLR Fire Stations. There is a photo of one additional station
which can not be posted on line. A source for viewing this photo is listed on the new webpage. If you are in possession
any additional photos of NLR Fire Stations that you would like posted (with credit given) on my website, please drop
me an email by clicking HERE.
February 17, 2006:
On the evening of February 16, 2006, the NLRFD received an alarm at 4808 Greenway Drive. Even though a fire
was not found at the residence, the response was extremely quick, with a full residential structure assignment
of Engines 7 and 9, Truck 7, Rescue 5 and Battalion 924. Click HERE for some interesting photos of NLRFD
Apparatus at scene of an evening response.
February 8, 2006:
Engine 8 returned to its Smeal/Freightliner 1500 GPM Pumper today. Several new photos of Truck 7 are now
on the website. The photos are courtesy of Chief McCall. CLICK HERE for the new photos.
February 7, 2006:
Engine 8 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of today.
February 2, 2006:
Engine 7 returned to the 1995 E-One Custom Pumper (its regularly assigned apparatus) late this afternoon.
January 30, 2006:
A link to the Magnet Cove, AR (near Malvern) Fire Department has been added. http://www.magnetcovefd.com
Engine 7 is operating in Standby Engine 101 as of January 30, 2006.
January 24, 2006:
Engine 6 is operating on its 1995 E-One Custom 1250 Pumper as of this date.
January 23, 2006:
Services for Retired District Chief Lowell Hall are today at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Cabot, Arkansas. CLICK HERE for
a link to the online obituary for Chief Hall.
January 20, 2006:
Services for Chief Lowell Hall: A graveside memorial service will be held 11:00 A.M., Monday at Mt. Carmel
Cemetery, Cabot, Arkansas. CLICK HERE for a link to the online obituary for Chief Hall.
January 19, 2006:
The Drop Down Menus (at the top of each webpage) have been updated. The 100th Year Drop Down Menu has been
eliminated. A Drop Down Menu of LINKS has replaced it. There is a link to each Fire Department in Pulaski County.
A Webpage for the NLRFD Chaplain and the Fire Scene Assistance Program have been added. These new webpages
may be opened from the LINKS Drop Down Menu.
January 18, 2006:
This Website has been informed by the N.L.R.F.D. Chaplain that Chief (Ret.) Lowell Hall passed away this morning, January 18, 2006. Funeral arrangements are pending.
Engine 6 is now operating on Standby Engine 101, instead of Standby Engine 102. The '95 E-One Custom Pumper
which Engine 6 operates on normally is still undergoing repairs.
January 10, 2006:
Engine 7 returned to its regular apparatus, the 1995 E-One Hurricane Cab Custom Pumper today.
Engine 6 is operating on Standby Engine 102 as of January 10, 2006.
The website of Senator Blanche Lincoln (http://lincoln.senate.gov/info_grants_fund_proj.htm) has information
posted that the North Little Rock Fire Department has received a $308,576.00 Grant from FEMA'S Assistance
to Firefighters Grant Program. The grant will be used to "to improve the department’s operations and enhance
firefighter safety," according to Sen. Lincoln's website.
January 2, 2006:
A structure fire occured on Virginia Drive about 6:30 p.m. today. Engines 6, 8 Truck 1, Rescue 5 and Battalion 924
all responded. Click HERE for photos of the incident.
December 31, 2005:
Engine 7 changed over to Standby Engine 101 this morning. This presents an excellent opportunity for photos of
an "All Pierce House" at Station 7 for until Engine 7's regular apparatus returns.
December 28, 2005:
A structure fire occured today at the Northwest Corner of Washington Avenue and Buckeye Street. Click HERE
for photos of the incident. Engines 1 and 2, Truck 1, Rescue 1, Car 942 and Battalion 924 all responded to the
More photos of the refurbishment of the boat bought from the Government Surplus Location on Remount Road
are now posted. A complete photo journal of "before" to "after" on this boat is the goal. Click HERE for photos
of the boat in refurbishment.
December 23, 2005:
Engine 1, Truck 1 and Rescue 1 each now have a separate webpage. Click on the links below to view the webpages.
December 22, 2005:
Station 6's Webpage has been updated with more photos of Engine 6 and Station 6. CLICK HERE
Central Station's Webpage has been updated with a current photo of the Apparatus of Central Station. CLICK HERE
December 19, 2005:
A report of a fire alarm at the old Union Rescue Men's Lodge Building at 7th and Magnolia sent Engines 1, 3, 2,
Rescue 1, Truck 1 and Battalion 924 to a fire about 3:00 p.m. yesterday. Responding companies made quick
work of the fire, which never came through the roof. Car 946, Car 931 and Car 945 also responded. Click HERE
for several photos of the fire.
December 9, 2005:
Engine 7 returned to its regular apparatus, the 1995 E-One Custom Pumper late today, after almost three weeks
of operating on Standby Engine 101, while electrical problems were diagnosed and remedied.
More information on the new Aerial Ladder Truck: It now appears that the new Truck 1 will have traditional
compartment doors, since this will allow more room inside each of the compartments on the apparatus.
December 5, 2005:
Station 8's Webpage, along with the Master Apparatus List and All Time Apparatus List were all updated to
show that Engine 8's 1997 Freightliner/Smeal is a 1500 GPM Pumper, not a 1250. (Thanks to Tom Cross for
getting me the correct information.)
December 2, 2005: Engine 7 continues to operate on Standby Engine 101 as of December 2, 2005.
The N.L.R.
Christmas Parade is Sunday, December 4th. Preparations of the 1959 American LaFrance are
underway at
Central, with plans for the old pumper to be in the parade. Several other NLRFD Units are normally
in the parade
as well.
Ferrara Fire Apparatus Company has given permission for a photo from their website to
be used as a model of
what the new N.L.R.F.D. Ferrara Aerial Truck might look like. The photo may be viewed at: future_apparatus.html
The original photo on Ferrara's website may be viewed at the following URL: http://www.ferrarafire.com/apparatus/new_deliveries/pages/aerials/2261.html
Information from Firehouse.com concerning the circumstances of the death of NLRFD Capt. Michael Bevans are now
on this website under "In Memory of The NLRFD Firefighters Who Have Died in the Line of Duty." Click here to see
the webpage.
November 28, 2005: Engine 6 returned to its regular appartus, the 1995 E-One Custom as of this date.
November 25, 2005:
Engine 6 is operating on Standby Engine 103 as of today. Engine 6's 1995 E-One Custom needs repairs to a
water pipe. Engine 7's 1995 E-One Custom remains out of service for electrical repairs.
November 24, 2005:
The North Little Rock F.D. responded to a Thanksgiving Day Fire at 5305 McArthur Drive, according
to news reports on KATV Channel 7. The store was called The Attic. KATV reported that the N.L.R.F.D.
was able to contain the fire to the second floor of the structure.
November 21, 2005:
The North Little Rock Fire Department has now officially ordered a new 100' Aerial Ladder/Quint to replace the
1981 American LaFrance 100' Aerial at Central. The new Truck 1 will be a custom made apparatus. The
contract has been awarded to Ferrara Fire Apparatus Company of Holden, La.
November 19, 2005:
Engine 7 returned to its regular apparatus, the 1995 E-One Custom pumper, on November 16, 2005. Today,
November 19, 2005, Engine 7 was again observed operating on Standby Engine 101.
The websites of several local television stations report that a Fatal Accident occured on Thursday, November 17,
2005 about 3:00 p.m. in the 3800 block of North Hills Boulevard. Local television coverage showed Engine 7 on
the scene of the accident. The vehicle turned over and burst into flames, according to news accounts.
November 14, 2005:
Engine 7 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of today.
November 8, 2005:
Michael J. Bevans passed away on November 6, 2005.
Arrangements for Capt. Bevans: http://rollerfuneralhomes.com/services.asp?page=odetail&id=4695&locid=
His mother, Dorothy Bevans, also passsed away on November 6, 2005.
Arrangements for his mother: http://rollerfuneralhomes.com/services.asp?page=odetail&id=4693&locid=
November 4, 2005: Truck 1 returned to is regular apparatus, the 1981 American LaFrance Aerial late today.
November 1, 2005:
Truck 1 is operating on the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkle, Standby Aerial 1, as of today.
October 30, 2005:
Bids were opened last Thursday, October 27, 2005 for the new Aerial Ladder Truck. A manufacturer has not
yet been selected for the new Aerial Truck for Central Station. The proposed new ladder truck will replace a
1981 American LaFrance, which is the oldest apparatus in "front line" service in the N.L.R.F.D.
October 23, 2005:
Engine 4 returned to its regular apparatus, the 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom as of 20, 2005.
October 19, 2005:
Engine 1 operated on Standby Engine 101 today, while a water pump was being replaced the 1996 E-One Custom,
Engine regular 1's apparatus.
Engine 4 is operating on Standby Engine 102, while repairs are made to the 1992 Pierce Arrow.
October 4, 2005:
Rescue 5 returned to the 2004 Ferrara/ IH Heavy Rescue-Pumper today.
October 3, 2005:
Rescue 5 is operating on Rescue 16, a 1991 Ford, which is normally stationed at Station 10 as of today.
September 28, 2005:
A structure fire occured this morning in the 1800 block of Main Street. The building had been a dental office at
one time. The NLRFD made a good "stop" on this fire. Battalion 924, Engines 1, 3, 6, Truck 1 and Rescue 1 all
responded to the alarm.
September 27, 2005:
Truck 7 returned to is regular apparatus today. The 2002 Pierce Platform received needed repairs.
September 25, 2005:
Standby Aerial 1, the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkle was running as Truck 7 at Station 7 yesterday,
September 24, 2005. The 2002 Pierce Platform, which normally operates as Truck 7 was parked behind
the '75 LaFrance in the covered space behind the Engine Room of Station 7.
September 23, 2005:
Engine 3 operated on Standby Engine 101 on September 22nd. Engine 3 returned to its 2004 Pierce Contender Custom
today, September 23, 2005.
September 17, 2005:
The Drop Down Menus of this website have been changed for a more concise and easier to read format.
September 12, 2005:
The North Little Rock City Council passed an ordinance tonight which authorizes a bond issue "under Amendment
No. 78 to the AR Constitution." The North Heights Community Center, the Main Community Center and the Health Department are all to see improvements. The final purpose of this bond issue is "acquiring a fire truck." Alderman
Martin Gipson sponsored this ordinance.
The "fire truck" is a new aerial lader truck, which would replace the
24 year old American LaFrance at Central Station. The bonds still must be issued, etc and all legal requirements
must be met.
Once the bonds are issued, specifications must be finalized by the NLRFD, and the Commerce Department must
advertise for bids for the proposed new aerial truck. Several months to over a year are usually required for a
custom fire apparatus to be built to specifications and delivered.
Many, many thanks to Mayor Hays and all eight NLR Aldermen. (The legislation for the Bond Issue was passed
unanimously.) Special thanks to Alderman Martin Gipson, who sponsored this legislation.
Please watch this website for more information on the proposed new aerial truck for the NLRFD.
September 3, 2005:
NLRFD Firefighters are manning "boots" at major shopping centers for the "Fill The Boot Campaign." Money collected
goes to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
This campaign is evidently going on across America, according to
several postings on the Internet.
Engine 7, Engine 9 and Truck 7 were seen at the Kroger Shopping Center at North Hills and McCain about 9:30 p.m.
on Saturday, September 3rd. A truck had evidently hit and ruptured a gas line for one of the stores in the shopping
center. The smell of natural gas was very strong near the intersection of North Hills and McCain.
August 26, 2005:
Engine 10 returned to its regular apparatus, the 2001 Pierce Contender on August 20, 2005 after repairs were
August 17, 2005:
Engine 10 has been operating on Standby Engine 103 since Monday, August 15, 2005. Repairs to the engine fan
are awaiting the arrival of parts.
August 8, 2005:
A structure fire occurred yesterday at the Indian Hills Shopping Center. The fire evidently started around 3:00 a.m.
on Sunday (August 7th) morning. Several units were damaged. The North Little Rock Fire Department prevented
the fire from spreading to the rest of the Shopping Center. Engines 9, 7, 6, Truck 7, Rescue 5, Battalion 924, and
Cars 950 and 949 responded to the blaze.
August 4, 2005:
Four Companies of the N.L.R.F.D. received new Company Designations today. Truck 1A became Truck 1, while
Rescue 19 became Rescue 1. Rescue 80 is now known as Rescue 5, and Truck7A will be designated as Truck 7.
Click on the INFORMATION MENU (above) and then click on "Companies Renumbered 8-4-05" for more details.
August 2, 2005:
More photos of Car 950 are posted on this website. CLICK HERE to view Car 950.
A photo of a 1936 Ford Five Window Coupe, which is very similar to the '36 Ford of the NLRFD is now on the
homepage of this website. Thanks to Classical Gas of Eaton, CO for permission to use this photo.
July 25, 2005:
Engine 9 is operating again on the 2001 Pierce Contender 1250 (its regular apparatus) as of today.
July 22, 2005:
Engine 9 is operating on Standby Engine 102 as of July 22, 2005. The 2001 Pierce Contender that is normally
Engine 9's apparatus is to have a fan clutch replaced.
July 21, 2005:
Truck 7A has returned to its regular apparatus, the 2002 Pierce Quint/ Platform, as of this date. A relay for
alternator/ voltage regulator needed to be repaired.
July 20, 2005:
More photos of Unit 949 (2005 Chevy Trailblazer) are on the website. CLICK HERE.
Truck 7A continues to operate on Standby Aerial 1, a 1975 American LaFrance Snorkle as parts are awaited
to fix a alternator or voltage regulator problem.
July 18, 2005:
Truck 7A is operating on Standby Aerial 1 as of July 18, 2005.
July 13, 2005:
The second of two 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazers arrived at the NLRFD yesterday (July 12, 2005). The latest Trailblazer
to arrive will be assigned as Unit 949. CLICK HERE for photos of the new 949.
Some staff cars have been reassigned and some have new numbers, since the two 2005 Trailblazers have
arrived at the NLRFD. CLICK HERE for the lastest updates and changes to staff vehicles of the NLRFD.
July 9, 2005:
A structure fire occured at 6701 Medford Drive at approximately 7:45 p.m. on July 8, 2005. Engines 10, 2, Rescue 19,
Truck 1A and Battalion 924 responded. The N.L.R.F.D. made quick work of extinguishing this fire. A 1 3/4 inch attack
line from Engine 10 was utilized, along with Engine 10's 1000 gallon booster tank. CLICK HERE for photos of the fire.
July 7, 2005:
One of two new 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazer Staff Vehicles arrived at the N.L.R.F.D. yesterday. These two identical
vehicles will be assigned as staff vehicles. More information will be posted when assignments are made final.
CLICK HERE for photos of the Trailblazer that arrived yesterday.
New digital radios are being installed in all N.L.R.F.D. apparatus. Each firefighter will also have his/her own digital
radio as well. This should really help communications at a fire scene.
July 1, 2005:
Companies responded to a structure fire at 804 West 37th Street on the morning of July 1, 2005. Engine 6 was
the first company on the scene. The house was said to be fully involved upon Engine 6's arrival. Battalion 924,
Engines 6 and 3, Truck 1A and Rescue 19 were on the scene when photos were made. CLICK HERE to view
the photos of this fire. The NLRFD performed a tremendous knock-down on this fire!
June 25, 2005:
Photos of apparatus which was on display at the Arkansas State Fire Chiefs' Convention are now posted on
the Website. CLICK HERE to view the photos. (Click on any photo for a larger view.)
June 19, 2005:
Plans and preparation seem to be well underway for the upcoming Arkansas State Fire Chiefs' Convention,
which will be in North Little Rock at the Riverfront Wyndham June 24th-26th.
Some of the apparatus which will be exhibited at the Convention has already started arriving in North Little Rock.
Pierce Manufacturing of Wisconsin was the first Fire Apparatus Manufacturer to have apparatus arrive in
North Little Rock. A Pierce Arrow XT Midmount Aerial Quint, which will be on display at the Convention is currently
in North Little Rock. CLICK HERE for a "Sneak Peak" at some photos of the Pierce Demo which will be in display.
June 13, 2005:
Two Chevrolet Trail Blazers are scheduled for delivery to the N.L.R.F.D. late this month or early in July. Both of these
vehicles will be used as staff vehicles. The SUV's allow a much greater space for carrying needed records and
equipment. These vehicles were purchased with ACT 833 Funds. NLR City Revenues were not involved. This was
approved by the NLR City Council on May 9, 2005.
The dates for the Arkansas State Fire Chief's Convention are June 24th, 25th, and 26th at the Riverfront Wyndham
Hotel in North Little Rock. Most all major fire apparatus manufacturers will have demo units on display
at the
This should be an excellent opportunity for those who like to see the latest fire apparatus that is
for sale in the
United States.
June 4, 2005:
Station 2's Webpage has been updated as of June 4, 2005 with photos of Unit 937. CLICK HERE TO VIEW STATION 2.
June 2, 2005:
Engine 9 returned to its regularly assigned apparatus, the 2001 Pierce Contender today.
June 1, 2005:
Truck 7A late this afternoon returned to its regular apparatus, the 2002 Pierce 100' Platform/Quint. Standby
Aerial 1 was returned to Old Station 8 at the same time.
Engine 9 continues to operate on Standby Engine 102.
Another rescue boat is in the works for the NLRFD. In fact, this boat was purchsed at the government surplus
facility on Remount Road about a month ago. The engine has been undergoing repairs; the body will get a
general repair job next. The NLRFD got a tremendous bargain on this boat. Click HERE for photos of the "new"
May 31, 2005:
Engine 9 is operating on Standby Engine 102 as of today. The problem with Engine 9's regular apparatus
seems to be that it quits running at times.
May 27, 2005:
Engine 8 has returned to its regular assigned apparatus, the 1997 Freightlner/Smeal 1250 GPM pumper.
of the fire on I-40 involving an 18-Wheeler are now posted on this website at:
May 26, 2005:
Truck 7A is operating on Standby Aerial 1 as of May 26, 2005. The on-board computer on the 2002 Pierce Platform
has a computer board which
must be replaced.
May 23, 2005:
Engine 8 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of May 23, 2005.
May 22, 2005:
A large grass fire occured last night about 7:30 p.m.
according to this morning's Arkansas Democrat Gazette.
The webmaster of this website witnessed the smoke from the fire, which was visible for quite some distance
to the west.
Engines 1, 7, 10 and Truck 7A were observed extinguishing the fire.
Truck 7A
was observed using
1 3/4" hose
and the water from its booster tank to help put the fire out.
This marks a return to fighting
grass fires in the NLRFD of fifty years ago. Stories are told that the 1947
Seagrave ladder truck was sent out
on grass fires, when other apparatus was already on a run.
(The old
Seagrave had a 150 gallon booster tank
and a 250 GPM pump.)
May 16, 2005:
Unit 14 of the N.L.R.F.D, a 1984 Dodge Pickup, which originally was the Mechanic's Vehicle is slated to be transfered
to the N.L.R. Parks Department on May 17th. It has been added to the "Museum" of this website.
May 7, 2005:
Rescue 19's 2002 E-One/Freightliner is temporarily back in service as of May 6, 2005. It will return to the shop
next week for repairs to the "Jake-Brake" to be finished.
May 4, 2005:
Rescue 19 is operating on Rescue 16 as of May 3, 2005. Repairs are again needed to the "jake-brake" on
the 2002 Freightliner E-One Rescue.
April 30, 2005:
Photos of HazMat 939 at Station 2 are now posted on the website on Station 2's Webpage. CLICK HERE
to see photos at Station 2. CLICK HERE to see the entire photos of the entire refurbishment of HazMat 939
April 29, 2005:
The installation of Unit 939's flashing lights, strobe lights and siren is now complete. The apparatus is back at
Station 2 and is in service. Unit 938 filled in to pull the HazMat Trailer while the work was being completed on
Unit 939. Photos of Unit 939 will be posted as soon as weather allows.
April 26, 2005:
Unit 937, the 2005 Ford Crew Cab-Dual Wheel Diesel Pickup has received final markings and decals. Hazmat 939
continues to have lightbars and strobe lights installed. Click HERE to see more photos of 937.
April 21, 2005:
Hazmat 939 was at Central Station today while strobe lights, light bars, a siren and a different trailer hitch were being installed. Once the work is completed, photos of Unit 939 will be updated.
April 13, 2005:
The Apparatus Master List has been updated to include Unit 937, the 2005 Ford Crew Cab Pickup.
April 9, 2005:
Several updates in information have been made to the website today. Several vehicles have had the
correct year model of manufacture updated. These include Rescue 19, Engine 2, Rescue 80, Engine 8
and Rescue 16. Webpages for Stations 1, 2, 5, 8 and 10 have been updated. The Master Apparatus List
has also been updated.
April 6, 2005:
Rescue 19 returned to its regular apparatus late in the afternoon on Tuesday, April 5, 2005.
There was a structure fire in an apartment on Broken Arrow Drive at approximately 4:30 p.m. on
Tuesday, April 5, 2005. The N.L.R.F.D. did an excellent job of containing the fire and extinguishing
the fire as well. Engines 6, 8, 3, Rescue 80, Truck 7A and Battalion 924 responded. Click HERE
for a link to photos made at the scene.
April 4, 2005:
Rescue 19 is operating on Rescue 16 ('91 Ford Light Rescue) as of today, due to repairs.
March 31, 2005:
is available on the homepage of this website.
March 18, 2005:
Engine 4 has returned to its regularly assigned apparatus, the 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom 1250 Pumper as of
today. Engine 4 had operated on Standby Engine 103 since March 7, 2004.
Standby Engine 102 has now returned to Station 9.
March 17, 2005:
This afternoon saw a lot of activity at the N.L.R.F.D. as far as apparatus is concerned. Engine 4's 1992 Pierce
returned from the shop after new rear springs were installed. The 2004 Pierce Custom Contender was ready
to go back in service as Engine 3 and was being loaded with 1250 feet of new FIVE INCH hose. In addition to
Rescue 19, Engine 1 and Truck 1A, the following apparatus was at Central at the same time: Standby Engine
101, which Engine 3 had been operating on; Engine 3's 2004 Pierce Contender; Engine 4's 1992 Pierce Custom;
and Standby Engine 102, which has been at Central recently. The 1992 Pierce Custom was going to be housed
at Station 10 tonight. It most likely will go back in service tomorrow. Standby Engine 101 and Standby Engine 102
were both to spend the night at Central.
It appears that most Engine Companies in the N.L.R.F.D. are going to be equipped with 5 inch supply hose. In
addition to Engine 3 receiving 5 inch hose, it also looks like Engine 6 will be receiving 5 inch supply hose.
March 12, 2005:
The 2004 Pierce Contender Custom Pumper assigned as Engine 3 arrived back at the North Little Rock Fire
Department this morning. The pumper has been at the Pierce
factory in Wisconsin undergoing repairs as a
result of an accident in January 2005. (The accident was not the fault of the NLRFD.) Look for this pumper to
be back in regular service at Station 3 in the very near future. Engine 3 has been operating on Standby Engine
since the accident occured.
The First One Hundred Years by Lee Clark, which is a 174 page history of the North Little Rock Fire Department,
went on sale Friday, March 11, 2005. Visit the Homepage of this website for details: http://www.nlrfd.com
Engine 4 has been operating on Standby Engine 103 since March 7th. Engine 3's regular apparatus, the 1992
Pierce Custom, has been undergoing spring repairs.
MARCH 6, 2005:
A structure fire took place at a Alexander Auto Shop on Theresa Drive, which is off of MacArthur
about 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 5, 2005 . The KTHV Website reported
that the business was destroyed.
Footage on the 10:00 p.m. news of March 5th showed Truck 7A with a
master stream operating from its 100
foot Platform. NLRFD units
responding to the blaze included Engines 6, 1, 4, 9, Rescue 19, Truck 7A, Battalion
924 and Car 950. Truck 7A, the
2002 Pierce Quint/ Platform did lay line at this fire. KTHV Channel 11 reported
on its website that the fire began
when a fuel pump was being removed from a truck in the shop. Fuel spilled
as the gas tank was lowered. It is
believed that a pilot light from a heater ignited the fuel.
March 4, 2005:
THE FIRST ONE HUNDRED YEARS by Lee Clark will go on sale sometime between March 8th and March 11th.
CLICK HERE for the latest update.
February 28, 2005:
A new Dual Wheeled 2005 Ford Diesel Crew Cab Pickup has arrived at the North Little Rock Fire Department. It was
purchased with Government Funds. Money from the tax payers of North Little Rock was NOT involved in the purchase
of this vehicle. It has not had lettering, decals, etc. applied yet. An official N.L.R.F.D. number has not been assigned.
Click on the link to the right for photos. http://www.nlrfd.com/2005Ford.html
February 26, 2005:
Final proofing continues on THE FIRST 100 YEARS. The book has now grown to 170 pages. More photographs have
been added. There are now approximately 175 photos in the book. A photo of Old Central with the '25 Seagrave
inside has just been received from Tom Welch via Jim Dancy. This is presently the ending photo of the book.
February 14, 2005:
This morning's Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported a structure fire at Young's Catfish House at 3400 E. Broadway.
The fire occured yesterday. The
Democrat Gazette reported that NLR Fire Investigators deemed the fire as arson,
since a glass door was found broken, and a burning can of gasoline was found inside.
February 12, 2005:
The North Little Rock Times of February 10, 2005 reported three fires in North Little Rock during the past week.
One of the fires at 7616 North Hills was reported on February 7th on this website.
The Times report a fire on
February 5, 2005 at 1108 E. 16th Street. According to the article in the February 10, 2005 Times, a candle was
being used for lighting and evidently caught a matress on
fire. February 6, 2005 saw a fire at 112 Prairie View Drive.
The Times reported that the fire began in a laundry
February 7, 2005:
A structure fire occured last night at the Learning Center at 7616 North Hills Blvd. Engines 9, 7, 6,
Truck 7A, Rescue 80
and Battalion 924 responded. The structure was fully involved when firefighters arrived.
Truck 7A's aerial platform
was used at the fire. KATV (Channel 7) identified the name of the business as
"The Learning Center," although a sign outside listed a slightly different name.
The 2004 Pierce Contender Pumper which is assigned to Engine 3 has left for the Pierce factory to have damage
repaired as a result of an accident in January, 2004. Standby Engine 102 is now housed at Central Station, instead
of Station 9. (Engine 3 is now operating on Standby Engine 101.)
February 6, 2005:
A few copies of the Official North Little Rock F.D. 100 Year Book, THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK FIRE DEPARTMENT
100 YEARS OF SERVICE are still available. Contact Capt. Roy Sanchez if you are interested. This is a GREAT BOOK!
Click HERE for Capt. Roy Sanchez's E-Mail is:
THE FIRST 100 YEARS - A History of the North Little Rock Fire Department from 1904-2004 by Lee Clark
continues it final
proofing. Mistakes are still being corrected. This book is presently 163 Pages. Watch for
more news here about this companion book to the Official NLRFD Book.
January 25, 2005:
Engine 2 operated on Standby Engine 102 today while brake repairs were carried out.
Engine 3 is still operating
on Standby Engine 101. Engine 3's regular apparatus, a 2004 Pierce Contender 1250
Custom was involved in
an accident, evidently on or around January 20th. The accident was not the fault of the
N.L.R.F.D. The other vehicle
involved was a delivery type truck, similar in chassis size to a fire pumper. Engine 3
sustained damage to the
right rear of the apparatus, including the right rear compartment area. The apparatus
will be repaired as soon as plans are finalized.
January 21, 2005: Engine 3 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of January 20, 2005
January 17, 2005:
THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK FIRE DEPARTMENT- 100 YEARS OF SERVICE was released to those who had placed orders
last Friday. This incredible book was an effort of the North Little Rock Fire Department and Local 35. The History Book
Committee did an absolutely OUTSTANDING job on this publication!
THE FIRST 100 YEARS, A HISTORY OF THE N.L.R.F.D. from 1904-2004 (written by the webmaster of this website)
will be on sale soon. Watch
for announcements.