Welcome to 
Apparatus and Stations Of The Little Rock, AR Fire Department 

Retired Apparatus/ Old Stations

Station 19 on Dixon Road and Engine 19
The building in the right of the photo is Mills High School of the PCSSD.
This fire station was a manufactured home, with a shed attached as
the "Engine Room." Several of the American LaFrance pumpers
were assigned here as Engine 19, as new pumpers 'bumped' the
older trucks down. The last pumper to be assigned here as Engine 19
was the 1953 Seagrave pumper which is pictured in this website as
Engine 4. When the '64 Mack was replaced by a Boardman in 1977,
the '53 Seagrave became Engine 19.

LRFD Photos Home Page
Retired Apparatus
33 Amer LaFrance Pumper
44 Amer LaFrance Aerial
49 Seagrave Pumper
Early 50's ALF @ Sta 4
2nd Early 50's ALF @ Sta 4
3rd Early 50's ALF @ Sta 4
Early 50's ALF As Eng 17
Early 50's ALF - Eng 17 (2nd)
Early 50's ALF At S17
Another Early 50'sALF At 17's
53 Dodge - Former T3
53 Seagrave As E4
62 ALF Pumper
64 Mack Pumper
66 Mack Eng 1
66 Mack Eng 2
66 Mack Eng 2 & 72 ALF T-4
66 Mack Eng 5
66 Mack Eng 8
69 IH/ALF Aeral
Early 70's Ford/ Boardman E3
Early 70's Ford/Boardman E7
Early 70's Ford/ Boardman E13
72 ALF Aerial
75 IH/Boardman E6
75 Snorkle T2
76 Mack Aerial
77 IH/ Boardman E9
81 Mack Eng 5
87 Pierce Eng 8
Sta 1: 7th & Chester Macks
Sta 1: 7th & Chester Old Aerials
Sta 1: 7th & Chester View C
Sta 1: 7th & Chester View D
Sta 7- 77 Mack Aerial & 72 ALF Aeri al
Old Sta 10 - 77 IH Boardman & Old ALF
Sta 11 - 60's ALF 100' Mid Mount
Sta 12 - 73 IH Boardman Pumper
Old Sta 14 - 73 IH Boardman Pumper
Old Sta 15 - 75 IH Boardman
Sta 16 - 76 IH Boardman & Old Seagrave
Old Sta 17 - Two 50's ALF Pumpers
Old Sta 18 - 84 Mack E18 & 75 IH T6
Old Station 19 - Dixon Road