North Little Rock Fire Department Unofficial Website


What's New At The NLRFD - Updated September 29, 2024

September 29, 2024
There has been a LOT of activity going on at the NLRFD since this page was last updated! The Official Ribbon Cutting for New NLRFD Fire
tation Station 9 took place on September 26, 2024. It was awesome! The sun at 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon made getting some photos a bit of
a challenge, to be sure. This new Fire Station is State of the Art, to say the least. It is located at 1000 Blaze Drive has 7,600 square feet of
space,an exercise room, a decontamination corridor, five bedrooms, separate kitchen and dining areas, a safe room, and two apparatus
bays, both of which are drive thru. This is a vast improvement from the first Station 11, which was a converted residence. (Its engine room
was a separate structure in back of the living quarters for the firefighters.)

The two new pumpers, which official Pierce Photos have lettered as "Engine 8" and "Engine 9" should be arriving in North Little Rock soon.
They are certainly needed. Thanks to Mayor Hartwick and the North Little Rock City Council for making these two pumpers a reality for
the citizens of North Little Rock. A new Chevy Tahoe and Dodge Durango have been purchased to insure that Chief Officers of the NLRFD
are able to get to emergencies safely and quickly. These two vehicles replaced similar vehicles that were eleven and sixteen years old!
Now the attention should turn to the New Central Fire Station for the City of North Little Rock, AR. This new station will replace a Station
that was built over xixty (60) years ago!

July 6, 2024

There is an incredible amount of activity going on right now! New photos of Future Station 11, by Jeff Caplinger are being posted weekly.
The two new Pierce Enforcer Pumpers ARE NOW IN PRODUCTION! These two new pumps are most likely going to be the "STANDARD
NLRFD PUMPER --- 1500 GPM Pump, 750 Gallon Tank, Ladders mounted on the right side (Chicago Style), etc. Where will these two new
pumpers be assigned? The webmaster of this website is betting as Engine 8 and Engine 9. Logic? 8's and 9's are the two oldest pumpers
on the job, and past practice has seen the oldest apparatus getting put on the reserve list. Follow links on the Homepage of this website to
see the latest!

December 15, 2023:

Visualizations of New Station 1 (Central Station) presented by the City. Click HERE THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE AWESOME STATION!

Ground Breaking Ceremony For New Station 11 was November 29, 2023.
CLICK HERE for Movie of the Ground Breaking
Visualizations of New Station 11 Present by the City of NLR Click HERE.

November 11, 2023:
New Station 8 is open, and is protecting the community!
New Photo of Engine 8 and Battaltion 8 on Station 8's Webpage
New Station 11 is next! This webmaster will try to find out when construction will begin. Next on the list after
New Station 11 is New Station 1, which will sit on the site of Old Clendenin School at 13th and Main. There have been
many, many updates and correcftions to this website in the last week. Enjoy!

March 21, 2023:
Wow! Some exciting times are either in progress, or will begin soon for the North Little Rock Fire Department!
Consider these events: (Source: NLR Proud - Spring 2023 or present observations from the Webmaster of this
1- New Fire Station 8 in Burns Park is getting close to completion. This 3-Bay station will house Battalion 8 (NLRFD's
2nd Battalion Chief), who has temporarily been operating out of Station 7. It will also house (obviously) Engine 8, and
will have room for a reserve apparatus: Most likely a reserve aerial currently housed at present Station 8.

2- New Central Fire Station - At 1301 Main Street. This new NLRFD Fire Station will replace a Station opened in 1962.
This station is already 61 years old, and does not have enough room for fire fighters or fire apparatus. Aerial trucks are
a real challenge to repair in freezing cold weather! Plans are for the design for new Central Station to be completed
in Mid May. (NLR Proud - Spring 2023.)

3- The Training Center for the NLRFD will be relocating to the new North Little Rock City Services Building at Pershing Blvd.
and Percy Machin Drive in North Little Rock. (700 West 29th Street) (The New NLRFD Drill Tower is located at the NLR Airport.)

4- NEW STATION 11 will be built at Highway 165 and Blaze Lane in eastern North Little Rock. Station 11's current quarters are
a converted residence at 9906 Highway 165 in North Little Rock. "NLR Proud - Spring 2023" states that the architect has already
produced preliminary concept drawings.

5. Two new Pierce Enforcer Pumpers are on order from Pierce Manufacturing in Appleton, WI. Both of these new pumpers will be built on a Pierce Enforcer Chassis with:
AK-4 Independent Suspension
Front airbags
David Clark wired headset system Chassis:
Engine: Cummins L9, 450 hp
Scene Lighting: HiViz and FRC LED,
Pump: Top Mount Waterous, CSU, 1500 GPM Single Stage.
Tank: 750 gallon NY style hosebed
Body: Medium Pumper body.

Quite an impressive list of improvements for the NLRFD!

October 26, 2022: Tonight, The North Little Rock City Council approved the purchase of land at 1301 Main Street for the
construction of a new Central Fire Station. The former Clendenin Elementary School was housed in the building
that is presently on this site. This school was later called the Argenta Academy and the Argenta Alternative
School. This site is a terrific location for NLRFD's Central Fire Station! CLICK ON THIS LINK for technical information
on the sale of this land to from a private individual to the City of North Little Rock.

October 26, 2022:
Captain Jeff Bennett promoted to Battalion Chief of the North Little Rock Fire Department.

October 24, 2022:
Battalion Chief Rick Albers promoted to Assistant Chief of the North Little Rock Fire Department

May 25, 2022:

April 2, 2022:
WOW! Some REAL HISTORY is being made at the NLRFD!! For The First Time in the History of the NLRFD, two Battalion Chiefs will be on duty for each shift! This has been urgently needed for YEARS! Whether the name given is "Crew Chief," "Duty Chief," or "District Chief," the job has been the same: This Chief is responsible for responding to any alarm where more than one crew is
dispatched. The city limits of North Little Rock now stretch from Maumelle Blvd. almost all the way to Scott, AR! This has been
impossible for one chief to cover for some time now. One Battaltion (Battalion 1) will be made up of Stations 1,2, 3, 10, and 11.The other Battalion, which will be known as Battalion 8, will be made up of Stations 4,6,7,8, and 9. It will be known as Battalion 8, because the Battalion Chief for this Battalion will be housed in New Station 8 (in Burns Park) when this station is built and opened. Battalion Chief 8 will be temporarly housed at Station 7 (Lakewood) until permanent quarters are ready.

November 6, 2021:
Click HERE to view the 11-5-21 Photos From EVS's Facebook Page of NLRFD's New Pierce Enforcer Pumper.

October 30. 2021:
Still more photos of the New NLRFD Pierce Enforcer Pumper, which is in production at Pierce Mfg.
Click HERE to see the October 30, 2021 photos.

October 20, 2021:
The latest photos from G&W EVS of the NLRFD's New Pierce Enforcer Pumper, which is rurrently in production.
Click HERE to see the latest photos.

October 12, 2021:
New Photos From EVS's Facebook Page of the new NLRFD Pierce Enforcer Pumper Currently In Production.
Click HERE

October 4, 2021:
Some miscellaneous info about the NLRFD: The NLRFD now has 8 swift water suits for water rescues.

October 2, 2021:
The NLRFD currently has a Pierce Enforcer Pumper in production at Pierce Mfg's Factory in Wisconsin. Photos are available
on G&W EVS's Facebook Page. Click HERE to go to G&W's Facebook Page ( )

A Pierce Velocity Mid-Mount Aerial Tower/Quint is also on order from Pierce. This truck would logically be a replacement for Truck 1, which at least 17 years old by the time the new aerial is delivered. A computer generated drawing of this new Aerial
Mid Mount Tower is also on the EVS Facebook Page. This truck will have a "basket," like Truck 7 does.

September 9, 2021:
A New Pierce Enforcer Pumper for the NLRFD is now under construction at Pierce Manufacturing in Appleton, WI. Photos are on G&W EVS's Facebook Page. (Scroll down until the North Little Rock photos are visible.) Here is a link to G&W EVS's Facebook

August 26, 2021:
NLRFD Station 9 is presently undergoing renovations covered under the NLR PROUD projects. The work at NLRFD Station 9
includes: A new roof, a new oven, new countertops, new flooring, new windows, and new paint. Sounds really awesome!

July 12, 2021:
The NLRFD was called to a residential structure fire at 3401 Ridge Road on the evening of July 6, 2021. The NLRFD
did an awesome job of making a great stop on this fire. Before the fire was over, Engines 6, 7, 9, 3 and 1, Truck 7,
Rescue 6, and Rescue 1, along with Battalion 1 and Safety 1 were all on the scene of this fire. MEMS was also present,
as was evidenced by MEMS uniformed personnel in photos. Thanks to Maumelle F.D.Div. Chief Michael Cossey for the
GREAT photos that he made. These are some of the very best fire photos that I have seen in North Little Rock. is a link to these great photos.

May 18, 2021: The Two NLRFD 1995 E-One Pumpers Are On The Surplus Equipment List For Auction To Be Approved
By The NLR City Council At Its Meeting On 5/24/2021. One of these pumpers started out as Engine 6, later becoming
Engine 4, and then Standby Engine 104; the other pumper was originally Engine 7, later becoming Standby Engine 101.

April 5, 2021:
New NLRFD Engine 4 was placed in Service on Friday, April 2, 2021. Congrats to A, B and C Crews of Engine 4. This has to
be a huge step forward: Replacing a 2001 Pierce Contender Pumper with a 2021 Pierce Enforcer Pumper!!!

March 25, 2021:
There have been MANY chanages to this website after the Grand Opening of New Station 6 yesterday. The webmaster was
able to get a great shot of Engine 11 (at the grand opening), as well as many great pics of the new station, its apparatus,
and people who came. MANY thanks to NLRFD Capt. Dustin Free for giving me permission to use many of his photos from
yesterday. There are links to all of this on the homepage of ......Many thanks to Lee Church for giving me permission
to use his photos from the Ceremony on 3-25-2021. CLICK HERE for Lee Church's photos.

March 15, 2021:
The Official Opening of New NLRFD Fire Station 6 will be on March 24, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. New Fire Station 6 is in the 3900 Block of Pike Avenue.

March 4, 2021:
**The new Engine 4, Pierce Enforcer Pumper, has arrived at the NLRFD. Training, radio installation, etc. are now taking place.
** A new Arctic LLC Air Fill Compressor System has been installed at New Station 6. This will be used primarily to fill air bottles
.......carried by Rescue 5.
** See the Homepage of for plenty of pictures. Appreciation to those who allowed their photos to be used,
....... due to the pandemic and the webmaster's inability to cover many events in person, due to the pandemic.

February 4,2021:
The NLRFD's New Pierce Enforcer Pumper is now at G&W EVS in Conway, AR. G&W has multiple photos of the New NLRFD
Engine 4 on its website. ( Click HERE to view all of the photos.

January 26, 2021:
New NLRFD Station 6 construction is making a LOT of progress. Click HERE to see the progress!

The New Pierce Enforcer Pumper has arrived at G&W EVS (Pierce Dealer for Arkansas and Tennessee). Its official "Delivery
Photo" is posted on the Pierce Website HERE:

December 22, 2020
The December 2020 Version of North Little Rock Proud now has a link on the homepage of

December 18, 2020:
The latest update from G&W EVS's Facebook Page. See the latest progress on the NLRFD's New Pierce Enforcer Pumper.
Click HERE to see the photos. Scroll down until the North Little Rock photos are visible.

November 25, 2020:
Production Photos From G&W EVS's Facebook Page are yet, again updated as of 11-25-2020. There are a LOT of photos
in this batch that they posted!

November 20, 2020:
Update of G&W EVS's Facebook Page With The Latest Photos of the NLRFD's Pierce Enforcer Pumper that is currently
in production. CLICK HERE

November 17, 2020:
New Photos of New Station 6: CLICK HERE

November 11, 2020:
Pierce updated its photos of the NLRFD Pierce Enforcer Pumper currently in production today. There is a white arrow on the edge(s) of each photo that allows one to move to the next photo. Click HERE to see the latest photos.

The MUSEUM section of this website has been updated to show that the 1996 E-One Pumper is now a member of the "Museum," since it was sold at Auction on a few days ago.

November 3, 2020:
G&W EVS, Pierce Manufacturing Dealer For Arkansas, has updated its Production Photos of NLRFD's new 2021 Pierce
Enforcer Pumper on their Facebook Page

October 27, 2020:
G&W EVS, Pierce Mfg. Dealer For Arkansas, has posted Production Photos of NLRFD's New 2020 Pierce Enforcer Pumper on their Website and on their Facebook Page

Several new photos of New NLRFD Station 6 are posted on New Station 6's Web Page:

October 7, 2020:
Here is a copy of the latest Version of NLR Proud Projects, including NLR Fire Stations: CLICK HERE
October 4, 2020:
New Photos of the Construction of New NLRFD Station 6 are now posted. MUCH APPRECIATION to Rico Belotti for sharing
his photos with me and Rico Belotti is the conductor of the North Little Rock Community Band. ( His photos may be viewed at
This new fire station will feature dual apparatus bays that can be used as "drive thru" bays.

September 28, 2020: Some great photos of New Truck 7 from NLRFD Lt. Jason Bryant. Greatly appreciated by the
webmaster of!

September 25, 2020:
Some additional photos of the new Truck 7 are available on Station 7's Home Page:

September 24, 2020: Companies Designated For Response to Medical Alarms (With Proper Protective Gear for COVID):
Rescue 2, Rescue 8, Engine 3, Engine 9

September 22, 2020: The new 2020 Pierce Mid Mount Platform/Quint was placed in service a few days ago at Station 7.
The 2002 Pierce 100' Platform/ Quint is now the NLRFD's Reserve Aerial, and is at Station 10.

June 22, 2020:
Companies Designated For Response to Medical Alarms (With Proper Protective Gear for COVID):
Rescue 2, Rescue 8, Engine 9

June 18, 2020:
The Mid Mount 100' Pierce Velocity Aerial Platform/ Quint Arrived at the NLRFD during the afternoon of June 16, 2020

June 17, 2020:
Effective on April 3, 2020, the NLRFD has activated two additional companies for COVID 19 Responses: Rescue 2, which will run out of Station 2. Their Apparatus will be the 2012 Ford F250 Pickup (This Unit is normally Hazmat 2.) This is the first "RESCUE 2" in the history of the NLRFD! Rescue 2 will be staffed with personnel who were trained extensively in decontamination. Rescue 2's district will be the same as Rescue 1's medical coverage area.

Also effective on April 3, 2020, Rescue 8 was activated. Rescue 8's appratus will be the 2005 Ford Dually, which normally serves as Special Ops 1. Rescue 1 will also have personnel, who have received intensive training in decontamination. Rescue 8 will cover the area that Rescue 5 covers for medical calls. This is the FIRST Rescue 8 in the history of the NLRFD.

Both of these newly formed companies will be crewed by haz-mat technicians, who can take care of decontamination of equipment, fire appratus, and fire stations.

Rescue 2 and Rescue 8 are "temporary" companies, and will stay activated as long as the COVID 19 Pandemic is with us.

Effective on May 28, 2020, Engine 9 was activated for medical calls (with proper protective gear) - In Addition to "regular" alarms.

The NLRFD has purchased a Fogging Decontamination Sprayer that will decontaminate Fire Stations and Fire Apparatus.

May 26, 2020: The N.L.R.F.D. had their Official Ground Breaking Ceremony for New NLR Fire Station Number 6 at 3900 Pike Avenue on Friday, May 22, 2020. Below are links to a few photos from the N.L.R.F.D. Facebook Page:

Ground Breaking Ceremony For New N.L.R.F.D. Fire Station Number 6 At 3900 Pike Avenue On 5-22-20
Photo A ..Photo B .. Photo C .. Photo D .. Photo E

(Above Photos From NLRFD Facebook Page) ( Above Photos By Dep Fire Marshall Dustin Free)
Appreciation to Chief Gerald Tucker and Deputy Fire Marshall Dustin Free For Allowing Use Of These Photos

May 8, 2020:
The Pierce Mfg. Co. Facebook Page lists a Pierce Enforcer Pumper that evidently was newly ordered today (5-8-2020) for the North Little Rock Fire Department. The follow SPECS were taken from the GWEVS (Pierce Dealer for Arkansas) Facebook Page:

The Follow Information Is From The GWEVS (Pierce Dealer For Arkansas) Facebook Page

TAK-4 Independent Front Suspension,
Low profile hose bed,
Clean Cab Design,
Front and side roll airbags
Seating For Four Firefighters

Customer/Job Number: North Little Rock-35038
Chassis: Enforcer 7010 cab
Body: medium pumper body
Doors: 4
Engine: Cummins L9, 450 hp
Headset system: David Clark wired
Scene lighting: HiViz Brow Light/Fire Research on side of cab
Pump: Waterous, CSU, 1500 GPM, Single Stage
Deck Gun
Water tank: 750
Heated/ Remote Control Mirrors With Convex Section
Wheelen Freedom IV 92' L.E.D. Light Bar
HIVIZ FT-B-X-72 L.E.D. Scene Light
Tray In The Front Bumper For 125' Of 1.75" Attack Line

Federal Q2B Siren
Grover Air Horns
Hydraulic Ladder Rack
Roll Up Compartment Doors
2 Hose Bed Dividers

Click HERE to go to the GWEVS Facebook Page. Scroll Down For the New NLRFD Pumper

January 9, 2020:
The Webpages for Station 2 and Station 3 have been updated with images of the 2019 Pierce Enforcer Pumpers that are assigned to each of these NLR Fire Stations.

Clicking HOME on the main menu should now quickly take a visitor to the Homepage of this website. An added step of having to click on a Drop Down Menu to go to the homepage has been removed.

December 28, 2019:
The latest version of NORTH LITTLE ROCK PROUD (Nov. 2019) shows the architect's rendering of new NLRFD Station 6 in Levy.
It looks awesome from this picture. The building formerly on the site of the new Station 6 is COMPLETELY demolished. The ground is ready for construction to begin. The present building just north of new Station 6 is still in existence, so it might being repurposed for reserve apparatus, etc.

Architect's Drawing of New Station 6 (From NLR City Website (Scroll down to Fire Stations

Present Photo of Site of New NLR Fire Station 6

Mention is made in the November 2019 Edition of NLR Proud that a site has been selected for a new NLR Fire Station 8, and that plans are in the design stage.

December 15, 2019:
The NLR City Budget for 2020 was passed by the City Council at the last City Council Meeting in November: November 25, 2019.
Items of interest were a "Fire Truck," which appears (from the amount of money budgeted) to be a pumper. A last minute
amendment approved
"$150,000 to turn the historic structure that has been North Little Rock's Fire Station No. 5   into a fire marshal's office". This is if it can not be a fire station again. (Estimated cost to make the station "liveable" again
was listed in the newspaper article at around $1,000,000.00!)

Other items "In the Pipe Line:"
1. New Fire Station 6 is awaiting the go ahead for construction to begin.
2. A Mid Mount Heavy Duty 100' Aerial Tower/ Quint is on order from Pierce -- 100' Aerial Platform with a 2000 GPM Pump.

November 1, 2019:
Several webpages have had corrections made - The All-Time Master List of NLRFD Apparatus, and the Master List of Present
NLRFD Apparatus, Standby Engine 103, and The NLRFD Explorer Post Fire Engine (1987 Pierce) were among those corrected.

On November 11, 2019 There is a Public Hearing - Review of the 2020 North Little Rock Proposed Budget. There are some very
interesting items in the PROPOSED NLR 2020 Budget. Nothing is FINAL .. This is the proposed budget for 2020.

October 10, 2019:
It is with great sadness that this website reports the passing of N.LR.F.D. Captain (ret) James August (Jim) Dancy. Jim passed
away on October 6, 2019. Visitation will be tonight (October 10, 2019) from 5:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M. at Roller Owens Funeral Home at 5509 John F. Kennedy Boulevard in North Little Rock, AR. Funeral Service will be on Friday, October 11, 2019 at 11:00 A.M. at Levy Baptist Church at 3501 Pike Avenue - North Little Rock, AR.

The 2002 Dodge Ram pickup truck, that was known as Unit 17, the NLRFD Mechanical Officer's truck, is listed as surplus equipment to be approved for sale by the NLR City Council at its October 14, 2019 meeting. This vehicle will be listed on the website. This vehicle was replaced by another Dodge Ram pickup recently.

Also on the NLR City Council's agenda of October 14 2019 is the acceptance of the bid by Fraley Roofing, Inc. for replacement of the roofs at NLR Fire Station 2 and NLR Fire Station 10. (Act 833 funds will cover the cost.) Click HERE to read NLR Resolution R-19-182.

September 17, 2019
The N.L.R.F.D. Combat Challenge Team is headed for WORLDS COMPETITION in Alabama in October 2019! Congratulations
to the members of this team for such an awesome honor!

August 4, 2019:
Former Engine 11 (A 2001 Pierce Contender) is now a Standby Engine for the NLRFD. This pumper was originally Engine 9,
and then it became Engine 10. (Engines 9 and 10 swapped pumpers.) When the three 2015 Pierce Saber Pumpers arrived,
this pumper became a Reserve Pumper. It then became Engine 11 upon the opening of Station 11. It is rather appropriate
that former Engine 11 is currently housed at Station 9, since this was the first home of this apparatus when it arrived at the NLRFD in 2002.

July 8, 2019:
Engine 11 is now operating on the 2004 Pierce Contender (former Engine 3). Engine 11's former apparatus, the 2001 Pierce
Contender (Originally Engine 9, then Engine 10, next a Reserve, then Engine 11) is now being readied for reserve service

June 26, 2019:
Former Engine 2, the 1999 Spartan
/ E-One Pumper, is now Standby Engine 102 of the NLRFD. Former Engine 3 (2004 Pierce
Contender) is still being readied to become Engine 11.

May 31, 2019
New Engine 2 and New Engine 3, both identical 2019 Pierce Enforcer 1500
GPM Top Mount Pumpers have gone into service.

Former Engine 2, a 1999 Spartan/ E-One 1250 Top-Mount Pumper has been observed as a reserve at Station 10. A reserve
engine number has not been obtained by this website, yet.
Former Engine 3 has not been "tracked down" yet.
Standby Engine 101 has been observed at Station 4.
Standby Engine 103 is parked at the Training Tower.
Standby Engine 106 is parked at Central Station.
Standby 104 and Standby 107 are currently out of service. (107 has a blown Diesel Engine.)

The City of North Little Rock now has the deed to the land at 3919 Pike Avenue. This will be the new home of NLR Fire Station 6.

ay 10, 2019:
Click HERE for photos of the rededication of Station 7.
Preparations continue for the two new Pierce Enforcer 1500 GPM Pumpers to be place in service as Engines 2 and 3.
Photos of New Engine Two may be viewed HERE: ..Photos of New Engine Three may be viewed HERE:
ordered a Pierce Velocity 100' Mid Mount Aerial Platform/Quint on March 22, 2019.

May 3, 2019: The Rededication Ceremony at NLRFD Station 7 will be on Monday, May 6, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. (From the City of North Little Rock Facebook Page)

April 29, 2019:
, Pierce dealer for Arkansas and Tennessee, delivered North Little Rock Fire Department's two new
Pierce Enforcer 1500 GPM Custom Pumpers to NLRFD's Central Station this afternoon.

Photos of New Engine Two may be viewed HERE:
..Photos of New Engine Three may be viewed HERE:

April 9, 2019:
The North Little Rock City Council approved at a Special Call last night a land purchase that is next
to the Baseball Fields in Burns Park. The property is described at being "located East of the Burns Park Baseball Fields." The purchase price is $137,500.00. The location of this land is described by the AR Democrat Gazette as "At Brown Drive just South of MacArthur Drive." The land being purchased by the city of North Little Rock will be "traded" with a piece of land that is already in Burns Park. The land to be "traded" sits just across Military Road from the Hospitality House, and will be used to build a new Fire Station Number 8.

The article in this morning's Democrat-Gazette went on to explain how a location for a New NLRFD Station 8 across the road from the Burns Park Hospitality House would decrease response times for 95% of Station 8's response area. This would also allow Engine 8 quick access to I-40 for alarms in Engine 4's District (Maumelle Blvd), as well as allowing for quicker access to the Levy Station's response area and Station 3's district as well. Station 3 is located at 15th and Parker.

NLR City Council Resolution R-19-63 (For The Above Land Transaction

April 9, 2019:
The North Little Rock City Council approved at a Special Call last night a land purchase that is next to the Baseball Fields in Burns Park. The property is described at being "located East of Burns Park Baseball Fields." The purchase price is $137,500.00. The location of this land is described by the AR Democrat Gazette as "At Brown Drive just South of MacArthur Drive." The land to be used for the new fire station and the land being added to Burns Park would each be the same amount of land. The article in this morning's Democrat-Gazette went on to explain how a location for a New NLRFD Station 8 across the road from the Burns Park Hospitality House would decrease response times for 95% of Station 8's response area. This would also allow Engine 8 quick access to I-40 for alarms in Engine 4's District (Maumelle Blvd), as well as allowing for quicker access to the Levy Station's response area and Station 3's district as well. Station 3 is located at 15th and Parker.

NLR City Council Resolution R-19-63 (For The Above Land Transaction

April 3, 2019:
Two more photos of the construction at NLRFD Station 7 have been added. These photos are of the front (outside) of Station 7. A brand new concrete drive way is evident. Also, the new exterior paint really looks good! Click HERE to view the photos.

April 1, 2019: A large fire broke out at NoArk Enterprises, Inc. - 10101 U.S. Highway 70 E. - North Little Rock, AR 72117 on Friday, March 29, 2019. The fire was discovered shortly after closing time. Fire apparatus from North Little Rock FD, East Pulaski VFD, and Scott VFD responded. Televsion news accounts also showed McAlmont VFD at the scene, as well. North Little Rock FD units responding included Battalion 1, Safety 1 (Training Officer for the shift), Rescue 1, Engine 1, Truck 1, Engine 2, Engine 3, Engine 6, Truck 7, Engine 10, and Engine 11. The alarm was called in at 4:30 p.m.
NLR apparatus was on the scene until midnight.

March 27, 2019:
New Photo of Station 6 with Engine 6 present; New Photos of HazMat 1 (Click on Apparatus & then Hazmat); New Photo of HazMat 1 on pics on website home page. Enjoy!

March 22, 2019:
A MAJOR PIECE OF NEWS CONCERNING APPARATUS FOR THE NLRFD TODAY: G and W EVS's Facebook Page is showing that The North Little Rock Fire Department has ordered a Pierce Velocity 100' Aerial Tower. Click HERE to see drawings of the new apparatus on G&W EVS's Facebook Page. Here is a listing from G&W's Facebook Page of specs for the new Aerial Tower:

"TRUCK OPTIONS: TAK-4, Clean Cab Design, Command Zone 3 Multiplexing, Front and side roll airbags, Stabilizer placement cameras, 2 Elkhart monitors on basket

TRUCK DETAILS: Chassis: Velocity; Body: 100' Aerial Tower; Doors: 4; Engine: Cummins X12, 500 hp; Headset system: David Clark Wired; Scene lighting: Whelen 12v LED; Pump: Waterous, S100, 2000 GPM, Single Stage; Water tank: 300
Aerial: Ascendant 100' Aerial Tower"

March 22, 2019: Changes to the purchase agreement for the land of New Fire Station 6 (To be voted on
at the March 25, 2019 NLR City Council Meeting.) Click HERE

March 18, 2019:
1.Former NLRFD Standby Engine 102 (1992 Pierce Arrow) is up for sale again on the website. The starting bid is $500.00 less than the previous listing. To see this apparatus on the gov deals website, click here.

2.The addition to Station 7 is coming along very well. Click HERE to see the photos.

3. It looks like the pictures of the two NLRFD Pierce Enforcer pumpers on the G&WEVS Facebook Page are the "Final Build Update." (last photos to be posted.)

February 27, 2019:
The NLRFD Placed new AED Defillibrators in service on Wednesday, February 20, 2019. These new devices have been placed on all "in line" engines, rescues, and aerial companies. Staff vehicles will also carry one of the new defillibrators, while one will be available at Central Station, in case all companies are out on an alarm and someone who is exhibiting symptoms of a heart attack stop by.

Fifteen lead cardiac monitors were also purchased for Rescue 1 and Engine 7 (ALS Companies). A grant was used to partially fund these life-saving devices.
Click HERE
to go to the NLRFD Facebook Page for more information and photos of the new equipment.

February 17, 2019:
The addition to Station 7 continues to make progress Click HERE to see the photos.

The two new Pierce Enforcer Pumper continue toward delivery to the NLRFD. Click HERE to see photos from G&W EVS's Facebook Page.

Evidently one of the two new Pierce Enforcer Pumpers for NLRFD will be on exhibit at the FDIC Convention. This is quite an honor for North Little Rock and the NLRFD. (A close inspection of the windshield of one of the two pumpers shows an "FDIC" designation.)

February 12, 2019:
The North Little Rock City Council approved the purchase of land at 3919 and 3921 Pike Avenue for a new NLRFD Fire Station 6 (The Levy Station). This action was taken at the regular NLR City Council meeting on Monday, February 11, 2019. Click here to see the actual resolution, which includes a diagram of the property as it stands now.

Present plans are for the building at 3921 Pike to be kept for housing NLRFD Reserve Apparatus, according to an article in last Sunday's Democrat-Gazette (February 10, 2019). The current Station 6 has been deemed to be at the end of its useful life. Cracked ceiling beams, crumbling concrete blocks inside walls, and leaks in the building are just a few of the concerns that were found when the building was inspected. (Ark. Dem-Gaz) This building (Station 6) was opened in 1964, and is currently the fire station in NLR that makes the most runs each year. 2900 runs was mention in the Democrat-Gazette this past Sunday.

February 6, 2019:
The North Little Rock City Council will vote at its Regular Meeting on February 11, 2019 on Resolution R-19-34. The purpose of this resolution is to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to "Execute an offer and Acceptance with Bobby Brant and to purchase certain real property located at 3919 and 3921 Pike Avenue in the CIty of North Little Rock, AR." A new Fire Station 6 (The Levy Station) would built on this property, and would replace the current Station 6, which is located at 3500 Camp Robinson Road in North Little Rock.

The North Little Rock Proud Projects, which was approved by NLR Voters in August 2017, included $10 Million for Fire Station Improvements over five years. The present Levy Station was determined to be "at the end of its useful life." The present NLRFD Station 6 opened in 1964 (55 years ago).

G and W Emergency Vehicle Service, the Pierce Dealer for Arkansas continues to display photos of the two new Pierce Enforcer pumper which are being built for the NLRFD. Click HERE to visit G&W's Facebook Page. Scroll down until photos of the NLR pumper(s) are displayed.

January 31, 2019:
The Webpages for Engine 4, Engine 6, and Engine 9 have been updated.

January 24, 2019:
Station 5's Webpage updated - Rescue 5's Webpage updated - Information Page for Standby Rescue 1 Created.

January 23, 2019:
Progress continues at Station 7 on the addition being added. Click HERE to view.

Progress also continues at the Pierce Factory in Wisconsin. The two new Pierce Enforcer Pumpers are
continuing down the line for delivery to the NLRFD. Click HERE to see updates on their progress on G&W EVS's Facebook Page. Scroll down until photos of the NLRFD Pumpers are visible.

The 1992 Pierce Arrow Pumper (Former Standby 102) was observed today at the NLR City Shops by the
webmaster of this website. If it has been sold on, the buyer has not picked up the truck yet.

December 30, 2018:
NLRFD Former Standby Engine 102 (1992 Pierce Arrow 1250 Pumper) is once again listed on the govdeals website, with a starting bid of $2500.00 . Click HERE to to to the govdeals website
and view all of the information of this pumper. This is the first four-door pumper of the NLRFD.

December 29, 2018:
One of the cabs of the new Pierce Enforcer Pumpers the NLRFD has on order from Pierce has now
completed the painting process. The pump has been fitted with valves, and has been mounted on the
pump house structure. (This is all according to G&W EVS's Facebook Page.) Check out the color scheme of the new pumper(s) on G&W 's Facebook page by clicking
HERE. The paint scheme of red and
white appears to be identical with that on Engine 3 (2004 Pierce assigned to Engine 3), Engine 1 (2015 Pierce assigned to Engine 1), Engine 6 (2015 Pierce assigned to Engine 6), and Engine 10 (2015 Pierce assigned to Engine 10). These new pumpers currently on order, are going to look very good!

December 16, 2018

I. Two new Pierce Pumpers are on order from Pierce Mfg. in Wisconsin. The Facebook Page of Pierce's Arkansas Dealer, G&W EVS, shows the cab of one of the new pumpers without paint. These pumpers
will be Pierce Enforcer Pumpers. G&W EVS lists details of the new pumpers as follows:

"Chassis: Enforcer Chassis with 7010 cab
Doors: 4
Engine: Cummins ISL9 - 450 HP
Pump: 1500 GPM single stage Waterous pump
Water tank: 750 gallon low profile
TAK-4 independent front suspension,
Front and side roll air bags,
Cancer prevention cab design,
EMS Cabinet in cab,
David Clark Headset system,
Low profile hosebed,
Whelen LED warning lights"

Click HERE to to to G&W EVS's Facebook Page.

II. New Rescue 5, a 2018 Pierce/ Freightliner Apparatus is now in service. Former Rescue 5 is now Reserve Rescue 1.

III. The 1992 Pierce Pumper, which is now out of service, apparently did not sell on It is
now listed on (again) with a lower minimum bid. Click HERE to to to the govdeals website
and see the pumper.

November 30 2018
The 1992 Pierce 1250 GPM Pumper of the NLRFD is now (sadly) listed on the website. This pumper was the first fully enclosed cab pumper owned by the NLRFD. The description on the
govdeals website lists the Diesel engine as "locked up." This engine served the NLRFD for 26 years.

November 21, 2018
The Agenda for the November 26, 2018 NLR City Council Meeting Contains Resolution R-18-219, which
provides for the sale of surplus NLR Property. If passed, one item of surplus property which caught the
attention of this webmaster, was the 1992 Pierce Arrow 1250 GPM Pumper of the NLRFD. This was the
first "4-door" closed cab apparatus of the department. The engine on this pumper is listed as "locked up." This pumper was originally Engine 1. IN 1999 it became Engine 3, and in 2004 it became Engine 4.
It also served many years as a Reserve Pumper.

November 9, 2018:
Rescue 5's new apparatus, the 2018 Pierce/Freightliner arrived at the NLRFD this afternoon. This
brand new apparatus looks awesome! It has a 1250 GPM Pump, booster tank, supply and attack hose,
as well as room for plenty of spare air canisters.

October 29, 2018:
The New Pierce/Freightliner Rescue Pumper for NLRFD Rescue 5 is currently at G&W EVS's facility in
Conway, AR. This new apparatus should be delivered to the NLRFD in the not too distant future.

Standby Engine 102, a 1992 Pierce 1250 GPM Pumper is currently parked at NLR City Shops. This normally indicates that an apparatus is out of service at this point, and will be sold/ auctioned at
some point in the future. Standby Engine 102 was originally assigned to Engine 1 in 1992. In 1999,
it was assigned as Engine 3. In 2004, it became Engine 4. After that, assignment, the 1992 Pierce became a reserve pumper for the NLRFD. It was the first "four-door" pumper owned by the NLRFD.

September 28, 2018:
The new Pierce/Freightliner Rescue for NLRFD Rescue 5 looks to be in the final stages of construction.
Click HERE for the latest photos from G&W EVS.

August 31, 2018: Pictures from G&W EVS (Pierce Dealer for AR) show continued progress for the new
Rescue 5. It certainly promises to be an awesome apparatus, with a 1250 GPM Pump, basically the same
body type as the current Rescue 5, plus a few surprises. This new truck will replace a 14 year old apparatus that has certainly seen better days, to say the least! The best feature of the new Rescue 5?
This apparatus received a Federal Grant which paid for 90% (or so) of its cost!

August 12, 2018: The first photos of the new Pierce Rescue 5 (purchased with a grant) are now on the
G & W EVS Facebook Page. Scroll down until you come to the photos of the NLRFD Apparatus. Hint:
The new Rescue 5 will be on a Freightliner Chassis, which was still back at the time the first photos
were made. There are also a few shots of the pump, as well. Interestingly, Pierce describes the new
Rescue 5 as a "pumper."s Click Here for the link to G&W EVS's Facebook Page.

June 6, 2018: The June 11, 2018 North Little Rock City Council Meeting includes a resolution which, if passed, would approve the purchase of current NLRFD Station 11, and the accompanying land. This fire station has been rented since it was opened, with its Grand Opening on October 16, 2015. Click HERE
to see the Resolution and a Map of the Land

May 30, 2018:
The former Rescue 1 (2002 Freightliner/ E-One) is now assigned at Station 2 as HazMat 1. This move replaces a 1988 GMC Step Van, which had served as Hazmat 939 since 2003. The 1988 Van is to be sold,
as part of the plan for the Grant that has a new Rescue on order for Station 5. Present Rescue 5 will become Reserve Rescue 1. Upon the arrival of the new Pierce Velocity Heavy Rescue, the 2002 Freightliner rescue was moved to Station 2 as Hazmat 1.

April 14, 2018:
The New 2018 Pierce Velocity went in service as Rescue 1 on Thursday, April 12, 2018. Check out the photos of this awesome new apparatus of the NLRFD. Click HERE for more photos of the New Rescue 1.
Standby Engine 106 is in a few of the photos made on April 12th, since it was filling in for Truck 1. Truck 1 has a small hydraulic pump that is being replaced.

April 11, 2018:
The List of Chiefs/ All-Time Chiefs, etc has been updated.

March 30, 2018:
CLICK HERE for a photo of the 1996 E-One Pumper (Former Engine 1 and Engine 4)
filling in as a reserve for Rescue 5 on March 26, 2018.

March 26, 2018:
The New Pierce Velocity Heavy Rescue has arrived at the NLRFD. It is currently being readied for to go into service as NLRFD Rescue 1. The current rescue 1 will become HazMat 1. CLICK HERE for a few pics
of the future NLRFD Rescue 1.

The replacement for Rescue 5's Heavy Rescue Pumper is now on order from Pierce. It will be on a Freightliner Chassis. The current Rescue 5 will become Reserve Rescue 1.

Today Rescue 5 was running on the Reserve 1996 E-One pumper (former Engine 1 and Engine 4.) This
apparatus (with a little room to spare) did fit in Station 5. Station 5 was built in 1938.

February 19, 2018:
Bidding for the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkle Truck (Former Truck 7A) ended last Thursday.
Apparently this was a successful auction, with the purchase price, including fees, etc. ending up
as a little over $5000.00 Click on the link for details.

February 9, 2018:
Funeral Services for NLRFD Firefighter Eli Staton are this morning. Click HERE for details.

The 1975 American LaFrance Snorkle sale on apparently did NOT go through. The
auction ended December 28, 2017. The former truck 7A is still parked at the city shops. There is
a NEW LISTING on for the '75 ALF Snorkle. It ends on February 15, 2018. Check for details!

January 14, 2018:
The MUSEUM Section of the website has been updated. Also, the ALL TIME MASTER LIST and MASTER LIST (All Present Apparatus) have both been updated.

January 12 2018:
The 1981 American LaFrance 100' Rear Mount Aerial Truck that was sold on the auction
site will remain in the central Arkansas area. At the time of its purchase, this 37 year old aerial truck was the only third aerial truck purchased in the history of the NLRFD! (The 1947 Seagrave and the 1975
American LaFrance Snorkel were the first two aerials purchased.)

January 9, 2018:
The City of North Little Rock is to spend $10 Million Dollars over the course of the next five years under the NLR Proud Projects Program. This is possible because voters recently approved an additional penny sales tax. The part of this for Fire Station Improvements, The NLR Police Department,
and NLR Streets will "sunset" in five years. The other half of the money will be permanent for day to day operations of the city of North Little Rock.

2018 Projects for NLR Fire Stations include Stations 2 (East Broadway), 4 (Maumelle Blvd), 7(Lakewood), 10 (U.S. Highway 70 East) , and 11 (Highway 165 East) . It has also been determined that
Station 6 (Levy) is "nearning the end of its useful life," so a new Station 6 is in the works, it appears.

Click HERE to learn what improvements are in store for NLR Fire Stations in 2018. Note: Not all stations will receive necessary repairs in 2018, because not all of the sales tax will be collected in 2018.

January 4, 2018:
The 1975 American LaFranceSnorkel did sell in the auction that ended on December
28 2017. The new owner lives out of state. The 1981 American LaFrance Aerial received an acceptable bid in that same auction.

December 31, 2017:
The December 27, 2017 North Little Rock City Council Meeting contained a Special Call issued on
December 23, 2017. One of the two items in the 6:05 PM Special Call was to donate the 1992 Ford/
Central Mini-Pumper/ Rescue Unit to Lake Village, AR. This apparatus was originally used as Rescue
80 when it was still stationed at Station 6. It was later moved to Station 5 as Rescue 80, with the 1992
reorganization of the NLRFD. It had been used as Reserve Rescue 18, and had pulled the rescue boat
at Station 4. It will be 26 years old tomorrow. NLRFD has a new Rescue 1, which is should be delivered
from Pierce in the not too distant future. The present Rescue 5 is set to be replaced with the awarding of the Grant for another new rescue sometime in calendar 2018.

Click HERE for the resolution sending the 1992 Ford/Central Rescue Mini Pumper to Lake VIllage, AR.

December 30, 2017
This has not be confirmed yet, but the online auction of the 1975 ALF Snorkel appeared to have a
winner, since the highest bid was above the "reserve" bid.

The 1981 American LaFrance 100' Rear Mount apparently received an acceptable bid, as well.

December 5, 2017
North Little Rock City Council Resolution R-17-205, which is on the agenda for the NLR City Council Meeting on December 11, 2017 deals with various pieces of NLR City Property being declared surplus.
Among the various things listed are the NLRFD's 1975 American LaFrance Snorkel and 1981 American
LaFrance 100' Aerial Ladder Truck Click HERE to see Resolution R-1-205
The sale of these last two American LaFrance fire vehicles will MARK THE END OF AN ERA, which began
100 years ago when the N.L.R. F.D. (then the Argenta F.D.) purchased a 1917 American LaFrance 350 GPM Pumper.

November 20, 2017
The last two remaining NLRFD Apparatus manufactured by American LaFrance are now at the City Shops waiting for a new owner. The 1975 85' ALF Snorkle, and the 1981 ALF 100' Rear Mount Aerial
will both be auctioned in an online auction at the website

The first American LaFrance purchased by the NLRFD was a 1917 350 GPM pumper, which was the
first motorized apparatus owned by North Little Rock.

Here is a complete listing of the 13 American LaFrance Fire Trucks owned by North Little Rock:

1917 American LaFrance 350 GPM Pumper
1942 Ford/ American LaFrance 500 GPM Pumper (originally owned by Park Hill Fire Dept - Annexed in 1946)
1947 American LaFrance 750 GPM Pumper
1947 American LaFrance 750 GPM Pumper (2 identical pumpers)
1959 American LaFrance 1000 GPM Pumper
1966 American LaFrance 1250 GPM Pumper
1975 American LaFrance 85' Snorkel
1976 International American LaFrance 1000 GPM Pumper
1976 International American LaFrance 1000 GPM Pumper
1976 International American LaFrance 1000 GPM Pumper (3 identical pumpers)
1981 American LaFrance 1500 GPM Pumper
1981 American LaFrance 1500 GPM Pumper (2 identical pumpers)
1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial truck

November 14, 2017
G and W Emergency Vehicle Service (Pierce Dealer for Arkansas) has the first photos of NLRFD's new
Heavy Rescue on its website. The apparatus is still in the process of being built. Following the photos
each week will give an idea of what the process of building such a complex apparatus involves.
Click HERE to see the photos from G&W EVS (Clicking exits

November 9, 2017
The alternating photos of NLRFD Engines, Trucks and Rescues on the homepage of this website are
being altered so that not as much vertical space on the webpage is taken up. This is being accomplished by removing background of the image that can be eliminated.

October 13, 2017
Click HERE for photos of NLRFD's 2017 FireFest.

August 24, 3017
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported in its Sunday, August 24th (2017) edition that Captain Beau Buford has been promoted to Assistant Chief of the N.L.R.F.D.

August 16, 2017
The Webpages of Station 2, Station 2 Info, Engine 2, Engine 2 Info, Station 4, Station 4 Info, Engine 4, Engine 4 Info and Station 1 Info have all been upgraded with new photos, and up-to-date information. Many thanks to the Fire Fighters at Station 2 and Station 4 for the hospitality extended to me today!


August 15, 2017
The North Little Rock City Council passed Resolution R-17-131 at its meeting on August 14, 2017. This resolution was an item of interest for the North Little Rock Fire Department, because Resolution R-17-131 is for the purpose of accepting a FEMA/ Home Land Security Grant for the purpose of purchasing a new rescue unit for the N.L.R.F.D. The Federal Share of this grant is $363,637.00 The local share is $36,363.00. (The local share will come from AR Act 833 funds allocated to North Little Rock. This includes NO (Zero) local tax funds.) The awarding of this grant and the $600,000.00 grant accepted by the City of NLR on June 12, 2017 certainly speak well for the NLR City Government and the NLRFD for being awarded two grants of this stature for badly needed appparatus and equipment for the NLR Fire Dept.

Click HERE
for details of this resolution (R-17-131) which was passed at the August 14, 2017 City Council Meeting.

Here are a few highlights that the webmaster of this website noticed in this legislation:

+++ This particular grant will pay for a new rescue unit which will go to Station 5 (Park Hill Station) as Rescue 5.
.......+++ This new rescue will replace a thoroughly used 2004 model Ferrara (soon to be 14 years old). The current Rescue 5 will become Standby Rescue 1!

+++ A New Rescue 1 has already been ordered (From FY16 Funds). The current Rescue 1 went in service in 2001. It is nearing 17 years in service, and obviously needs replacing.

+++ The Current HazMat 1, a 1988 GMC Step-Van is nearing 30 years of age, and under the grant, this vehicle will be removed from inventory (retired).
+++ Note From Webmaster: The current HazMat1 (1988 GMC Van) was claimed by the NLRFD at the City Auction in 2005. It was repainted and remodeled by Off Duty NLR Fire Fighters.
.........Click here to see what HazMat1 looked like before it was repainted.

+++ The Current Rescue 1 (Freightliner/ E-One) will become HazMat 1. This will be an assignment with considerable less runs for the new Hazmat 1.

July 15, 2017
Assistant Chief Gerald Tucker officially became the Chief of the NLRFD today. The ceremony for his swearing in was yesterday at 1:00 pm in the City Council Chambers of City Hall.

July 10, 2017
Engine 10's photo on its homepage has been updated. Click HERE to see the new photo.

July 1, 2017
North Little Rock Mayor Joe Smith announced on Friday, June 30, 2017 that NLRFD Assistant Chief Gerald Tucker had been appointed as the Chief of the NLRFD, effective July 15, 2017. Chief Tucker has been the Interim Chief of the NLRFD since former Chief Jim Murphy passed away on March 18, 2017. (This information was obtained from an article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette of July 1, 2017.)

June 26, 2017
At its meeting on June 12, 2017, The North Little Rock City Council accepted a "FEMA Grant For $600,000.00 UNDER THE FY 2016 Assistance to firefighters Grant Program." This grant will allow for the "purchase of thermal imaging cameras and protective equipment" for the NLRFD. The city's share of this grant was 10% ($60,000.00), which was paid for out of Act 833 Funds. Captain Billy Jones stated that the "grant will allow the department to replace air packs used by firefighters, buy additional masks and 16 thermal imaging cameras."

June 3, 2017
All of the area under the LINKS button at the top of each webpage has been completely reworked. Other Fire Departments in Pulaski County were update, as was the webpage link for AR Fallen Firefighters, Manufacturers of Apparatus, and Related Websites. Other Fire Departments In Arkansas (except Pulaski County) and other Fire Departments in other states were deleted. It has proven too great of a task to keep all of these current.

There is now a link under Station 1 for SUPPORT 1, and there is a link under Station 11 for SUPPORT 11. Both of these are Humvee Vehicles. Both of these vehicles can also be viewed by clicking on the . Humvees .link, which is a sub-menu of on the main menu.

May 30, 2017
The NLRFD has taken delivery of two brand new 2017 Dodge Ram 1500 four-door pickup trucks. These two vehicles both have a HEMI 5.7 Liter Engine. The Assistant Fire Marshall and the Deputy Fire Marshall will trade their 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazers for the new Dodge Trucks. Click HERE and HERE for photos of the new trucks. They are so new, that they have no markings as of yet.

May 29, 2017
The following apparatus reassignments have been made: The 2017 Pierce Impel (as previously mentioned) is now assigned to Engine 7 The 2011 Ferrara Pumper which was formerly assigned to Engine 7 is now assigned to Engine 9 The 2001 Pierce Contender Pumper, which was formerly assigned to Engine 9, is now assigned to Engine 4. The 1996 E-One Custom Pumper, which was assigned to Engine 4 is now a reserve engine.

May 14, 2017
The Engine 7 webpage, Engine 7 Info Webpage, Station 7 Webpage, and Station 7 Info Webpage have all been updated with photos that include the new 017Pierce Impel Pumper.

May 6, 2017
NLRFD'S New 2017 Pierce Impel Pumper went into service as Engine 7 on May 1, 2017. Check out the photos of this pumper (Click the Apparatus Button at the top of any webpage, and then click on "Engines" from the drop-down menu.)


April 14, 2017:
Engine 1's Homepage has been updated with a newer photo.

April 10, 2017:
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR FIRE DEPARTMENT! BEGINNING JULY 1, 2017 THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR FIRE DEPARTMENT WILL HAVE A CLASS 1 ISO RATING! This is the best rating that the ISO (Insurance Service Office) gives a Fire Department. A lot of work went into earning this extremely high rating. The North Little Rock Fire Department page on Facebook states that there are 242 other Fire Departments in the U.S.A. that have a Class1 Rating from the ISO.

The Facebook Page for North Little Rock City Government has posted a photo of the new 2017 Pierce Impel Pumper for the NLRFD.

April 9, 2017:
The All Time List of Apparatus Webpage and the All Present Apparatus Webpage have been updated. Engine 9's Webpage, Station 9's Webpage, and Station 10's webpages have all been updated. Also, Reserve Rescue 16 (former Rescue 19) was moved to the museum section of the website to reflect the fact that this apparatus has been decommissioned by the NLRFD.

March 28, 2017
This morning the N.L.R.F.D. Unofficial Website unveiled the new look of its homepage. ( The new slide show lets visitors see a quick look at each of the fourteen (14) front line fire companies. Enjoy!

March 23, 2017
Area Fire Departments filled in at NLR Fire Stations this morning so that on-duty personnel could attend Chief Murphy's funeral. Apparatus from the following departments was observed at NLR Fire Stations: (This is not a complete list.) Little Rock F.D. (Engine 1 and Truck 1), Maumelle F.D. (Engine 2); Pine Bluff Fire Department (Pine Bluff's Engine 6 was at North Little Rock's Station 6!), Jacksonville Fire Dept (Engine 1), Sherwood Fire Department (Engine 2), Gravel Ridge Fire Department (Engine 71), and Conway Fire Dept.

Click HERE to see photos of the North Little Rock Fire Department apparatus at Lakewood United Methodist Church.

Mach 20, 2017

March 19, 2017
Social media sites and local television stations are reporting the passing of N.L.R.F.D. Chief Jim Murphy. There is no information regarding services at this point. Sincere condolences from this website to his family.

February 12, 2017
NLRFD'S New 2017 Pierce Impel Pumper continues through the assembly process at the Pierce factory. Construction photos are listed on the homepage of this

January 31, 2017
EVS Emergency Vehicle Specialists (Pierce Dealer For North Little Rock) is now showing construction photos of the new Pierce Impel Pumper for the NLRFD
on its Facebook Page. Click HERE to see the photos from EVS. (You will need to scroll down.)

July 12, 2016:
The North Little Rock City Council approved the purchase of a new Pierce Impel Pumper for the NLRFD at its regularly schedule meeting on July 11, 2016.
The new pumper will have a 1500 GPM pump, a 750 gallon water tank, a Cummins ISL9 450HP Diesel engine, and an Allison Transmission.

Click HERE
to see details of the new Pierce Impel Pumper. This link will go to the Official City of NLR Website.
Scroll down the PDF document to see the official specs of the new NLRFD Pumper.

June 9, 2016:
Truck 1, 2006, A Ferrara 107' Rear Mount Aerial/ Quint returned to service around June 1, 2016. Truck 1 had been at the Ferrara Factory
for major body repairs for several months.

April 26, 2016:
Truck 1 is now operating on a Reserve Pumper. The 2006 Ferrara 107' Quint was damaged in a collision some months ago, and is
still at the Ferrara factory. Hopefully, it will soon be returning to North Little Rock.

December 20, 2015: Here is a link to photos of the three 2015 Pierce Pumpers at a ceremony at NLRFD Central Station: Click Here.

October 16, 2015:
NLRFD Fire Station 11 had its Grand Opening on Friday, October 16, 2015. Engine 11's first apparatus is a 2001 Pierce Contender with a 1250 GPM pump and
a 1000 gallon water tank. Click on Station 11's homepage or Engine 11's for more information.

May 28, 2015:
Engine 10 was the final NLRFD Engine Company to receive a new 2015 Pierce Saber Pumper. Please see the photo of New Engine 10 being prepared to go
in service - About 7:15pm on May 28, 2015.

The back lot at Central Station had five pumpers parked on it - Plus Brush One. The five pumpers were: Engine 10's former 2001 Pierce Contender, Former
Engine 8 (1997 Freightliner/ Smeal), Engine 101 (1995 E-One), Former Engine 4 (1995 E-One), and Standby Engine 103 (1987 Pierce)

New Vehicle For Safety 1: 2015 Dodge Ram 1500

May 23, 2015:
Engine 1 was the second Engine Company to receive a new 2015 Pierce Saber Pumper. This took place on May 22nd.

Former Engine 1 (1996 E-One 1250 GPM Pumper) went in service this morning as Engine 4. This pumper has an engine that was completely
rebuilt in the last few years. It looks like Engine 10's Pierce Contender will very possibly end up as a reserve pumper.

May 22, 2015:
Engine 6 was the first Engine Company in the NLRFD to receive a new 2015 Pierce Saber Pumper. (This took place on May 21, 2015.)
Engine 1 and Engine 10 will also soon be responding to alarms on new 2015 Pierce Saber Pumpers. Engine 6's 2011 Ferrara Custom
Pumper is now Engine 8 of the NLRFD. Present Engine 1 (1996 E-One) and Present Engine 10 (2001 Pierce Contender) will obviously
be reassigned to another Engine Company or as a Reserve Pumper.

February 11, 2015:
The North Little Rock City Council approved an expenditure of $18,700.00 for leasing the property at 9906 East U.S. Highway 165 by a vote of 7-0.
The $18,700.00 would be for the first year's lease Click HERE for a link to North Little Rock's Official City Website and the Resolution Authorizing
The Lease Agreement

February 9, 2015:
The North Little Rock City Council will vote on $18,700.00 for leasing property at 9906 U.S. Highway 165 East as a long needed Fire Station for the
citizens of the far east end of North Little Rock. This vote will take place at the regularly scheduled city council meeting on Monday, February 9. 2015.
This was announced in an article on Page 1B of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette for Sunday, February 8th. The 18,700.00 would include the first year's
lease and "related expenses." A 1,920 square foot building is included with the property.

February 3, 2015:
The NLR City Council voted 8-0 yesterday to approve the purchase of three pumpers from Pierce Manufacturing Company. The cost: $396096 each. An
estimated arrival of the newest and really needed additions to the NLRFD is March 1st. An article appears in the "B" section of today's Arkansas Democrat-
Gazette. More information will be on this website as it becomes available.

January 31, 2015:
A Special Called Meeting of the NLR City Council has been set for 12:00 Noon on Monday, February 2, 2015. The purpose of the meeting is for the purpose
of buying three Pierce Saber Fire Engines for the NLRFD. Details may be viewed on the actual City Council Ordinance by clicking here

November 15, 2014:
According to a recent article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, North Little Rock Major Joe Smith has voiced his support for a Five Year Plan which will replace
much of the NLRFD's old and worn out apparatus. Mayor Smith supports $1.25 million being allocated in 2015 for the purchase of new fire apparatus for North
Little Rock. The NLR City Council still must approve this plan and funds for purchasing the fire apparatus.

Reserve Aerial 1 (1975 American LaFrance Snorkle) and Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial) have both been taken out of service,
due to their age (39 years and 33 years) and safety concerns. These are the last two American LaFrance trucks on inventory at the NLRFD.

August 6: 2014:
Chief Jim Murphy became the Chief of the North Little Rock Fire Department in a ceremony held on August 4, 2014.

April 28, 2014:
The "J.W. Springer II" has arrived at the N.L.R.F.D. This new Fire Boat is named for the late Chief J.W. Springer- a long time Battalion Chief and
Fire Marshall of the N.L.R.F.D. Click HERE to see photos of the J.W. Springer II.

October 30, 2013:  Truck 1 (2006 Ferrara 102' Aerial/ Quint) returned to service yesterday.  There were some anxious moments as the
apparatus was unloaded from the truck that was carry it back to North Little Rock. The aerial is now in service as Truck 1
after a very long absence.

October 1, 2013:
Truck 7 (2002 Pierce 100' Platform/ 2000 GPM Quint) returned to service on the afternoon of September 30, 2013.

September 22, 2013:
Standby Engine 103, a 1987 Pierce Arrow, was filling in as Truck 7 as of the afternoon of September 21, 2013. (This was a weekend.) Reserve Aerial 2
(1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial) continues to fill in as Truck1 at Central.
Reserve Aerial 1 (1975 ALF Snorkel) has not been called to service in quite some time now.

July 17, 2013:
On the
Agenda for the July 22, 2013 NLR City Council Meeting: A RESOLUTION for a Mutual Aid Agreement between the NLR Fire Dept. and the Sherwood F.D.

May 3
0, 2013:
The Unofficial NLRFD Website is now up and running again. It
took some time to move the volumes of webpages and photos that are part of this site. The situation? The webmaster of absolutely refused to pay an annual fee that was close to double of what was customary for hosting this website! The solution? A much better deal was found after shopping around. Installing the Linux (free) operating system on an old 'box' and hosting this from home is still an option.

May 9, 2013:
Truck 7, a 2002 Pierce 100
' Platform/ 2000 GPM Quint, returned to service at Station 7 yesterday.

May 5, 2013: Standby Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance Rear Mount 100') was observed in service today as Truck 7 at Station 7.

April 20, 2013:
Truck 7 (2002 Pierce 100' Platform/ Quint (2000 GPM) returned to service on Friday, April 19, 2013 after a four month stint in the shop for repairs for its computer system. During this fourth month interval, Reserve Truck 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100' Rear Mount) filled in as Truck 7, except for one day when Standby Engine 102 filled in as Truck 7.

Feb.. 23, 2013:
Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial) continues to fill in as Truck 7 at Station 7. Reserve Aerial 2 has been stationed at Station 7 for the last few weeks. The 2002 100' Pierce Platform/ Quint has been experiencing issues which are most like within its computer system and/ or wiring. Diagnosis and repairs are still underway.

October 20, 2012:

Four NLRFD Vehicles are headed to the NLR City Auction. The Auction will be on October 25, 2012. A 2001 Dodge Durango (former 924 and 931), along with a 1989 Chevrolet 4-door dual rear tire pickup truck (938) will both be at the auction. Also, two Ford Crown Vic NLRFD Staff Vehicles will also be sold at the auction.

The "All Time Apparatus List" and "Present Apparatus List" on this website have both been updated to reflect the five new vehicles that have recently been put in service. (Battalion 1 - (3/4 Chevy Long Wheel Base Pickup), 935 and 945 (new Chevy 1/2 ton 4 door pickups) , 948 (2013 Chevy Impala), and 938's new Ford 4X4 Pickup.

September 19, 2012:
The new Apparatus for N.L.R.F.D. Battalion 1 has arrived at Central Station. Click HERE for a photo.

A new Chevrolet Impala has arrived at Central Station. Click HERE for a photo. This car will go to the Fire Marshal of the N. L. R. F .D. - 948 --
. 948's Toyota Highlander will move to 942 in the Fire Marshal's Office.

Two new Chevy 4 door pickup trucks for Staff Officers have arrived at Central Station. Click HERE for a photo. These trucks are to replace present 935 and 945
vehicles. (Training Captain and Administrative Captain)

The NLRFD is in the process of establishing a CERT program in NLR. Three NLRFD Firefighters have attended a class to train interested NLR citizens to become part of a team that would respond to major emergencies in the city to assist both the  NLRPD and NLRFD. At this time brochures are being printed to pass out at Firefest, national night out and some of the neighborhood meetings. Here is a link to the CitizenCorp website:

August 1, 2012:
A new Ford F250 4X4 Pick Up Truck has arrived at the N.L.R.F.D. Click here for a photo. This vehicle probably will be assigned to pull a trailer, such as Special Operations or Haz-Mat.

The new 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD Long Wheel Base 4-Wheel Drive 3/4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup, which will be the new Battalion 1, is awaiting a CNG conversion. After the CNG conversion, it will be delivered to the NLRFD.

Two new Chevy 1/2 ton pickup trucks and a Chevrolet Impala additionally are now on order for the NLRFD.

July 18, 2012:
A resolution for the purchase of two 2013 1/2 ton pickup trucks from Bale Chevrolet for the N.L.R.F.D. is on the Agenda for the 7-23-2012 NLR City Council Meeting. Also included in this resolution is the purchase of a Chevrolet Impala for the N.L.R.F.D. C lick HERE to read the resolution.

July 7, 2012:
CLICK HERE for photos at Station 2 on July 7, 2012: Standby Engine 101 and Hazmat 939 were both parked in front of the station.

Engines 2, 1 and 10, Truck 1, Rescue 1, and Battalion 1 all responded to a structure fire at East Broadway and Clover Streets on July 6, 2012. With temperatures well in excess of 100F, conditions were extremely hot. A video of this incident is post at Click HERE to view the video.

May 30, 2012:
The Annual Ladder Test of all NLRFD Pumpers and Aerial Ladder Trucks was taking place today. The testing will include all front line pumpers and aerials, as well as Reserve Apparatus.

Standby Engine 101 has returned to the NLRFD with a new transmission installed. This pumper should soon be ready for assignments when regular pumpers are out of service.

May 10, 2012:
Standby Engine 101, a 1995 E-One 1250 GPM Custom Pumper (Former Engine 7), is now having undergoing a transmission overhaul. When this apparatus returns to the NLRFD, it should be ready for service.

May 5, 2012:
Photos of the "Finished Product" of the new Brush Truck are now displayed on the website: CLICK HERE

April 15, 2012:
The New NLRFD Brush Truck has decals, lettering, light bar, new paint, and all equipment in order. Check out the latest photos. CLICK HERE

April 7, 2012:
The "new" Brush Truck of the N.L.R.F.D. has been returned to Central Station after being painted red. Photos will follow, when the truck is parked in a good location. This apparatus is quite an improvement over the previous 1961 General Motors former U.S. Army"deuce and a half." This truck has a Diesel engine, automatic transmission, and received an extensive refurbishment in 1999.

March 25, 2012:
Truck 7 has returned to its regular apparatus, the 2002 Pierce 100' Platform/ Quint as of 3/24/2012. The exchange most likely took place on Friday, 3/23/2012.

March 20, 2012:
Battalion 924 is now know as Battalion 1. Since the Engine, Truck and Rescue Companies at Central Station are known as Engine 1, Truck 1, and Rescue 1, this seems like a most logical move.

March 14, 2012:
Photos of the new Brush Truck being painted are posted on the website. Click HERE to see the new photos.

March 6, 2012:
Truck 7 is operating on Reserve Aerial 1, as of yesterday afternoon. The 2002 Pierce Quint is receiving some radiator repairs. Here is a great chance for photos of the 1975 American LaFrance Aerial at Station 7.

February 8, 2012:
The North Little Rock City Council is to award a bid at its February 13, 2012 meeting for a new apparatus for the N.L.R.F.D. Battalion Chief's vehicle. It appears that the new apparatus is to be a 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD Long Wheel Base 4-Wheel Drive 3/4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup. Act 833 Funds will be used to pay for this vehicle. The new 924 is to have a camper shell and a roll-out type of shelf for equipment and records. It appears to be similar to vehicles used
for the Little Rock F.D.'s Battalion Chiefs. Click HERE to see the NLR City Council Resolution

January 2, 2012:
Photos of the "new" Brush Truck (A Former M35A3 Army 2 21/2 Ton Truck from the Forestry Commission) have been posted to the website. CLICK HERE

December 17, 2011:
The NLRFD Unofficial Website and the "Museum" portion of the website have been updated to include changes that were needed because of the Fire Vehicles that were sold in the NLR City Auction last month.

Also, the "new" Brush Truck has arrived at the NLRFD Central Station. The resolution for acquiring this vehicle stated that it would be a 1980's vintage truck.
Photos will follow in the next few days.
November 4, 2011:
The City of North Little Rock held its annual City Auction yesterday. Five NLRFD trucks were sold at the auction:
1- 1961 General Motors "Deuce and a Half" (Formerly Brush Truck 1)
2 - 1975 International / Fire Control Engineering of Ft. Worth Airport Emergency Truck
3 - 1976 International/ American LaFrance 1000 GPM Pumper
4 -1981 American LaFrance 1500 GPM Pumper
5- 1985 Seagrave Pumper 1250 GPM Pumper

October 26, 2011:
Here is a list of the apparatus from the N.L.R.F.D. and other Departments that were involved in the fire at Onyx Laboratories on Rowlett Road in North Little Rock on October 20, 2011 (These companies either responded to the fire itself, or filled in at N.L.R. Fire Stations during the fire.) Some units responding may not have been included:

Battalion 924, Car 931 (Training Lieutenant), Hazmat 939, Unit 942 (Fire Marshal's Office), Unit 946 - (Fire Marshal's Office), Unit 949 (Ass't Chief), Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 3, Engine 4, Engine 6, Engine 8, Engine 9 (Filled in at Station 6), Rescue 1, Truck 7, East Pulaski Vol. F.D. (Filled in At Station 10), Maumelle F.D. (Eng. 2 filled in at NLR Station 4), the Little Rock F.D. - which filled in at N.L.R. Central Station during the fire, Sherwood F.D. - Filled in at N.L.R. Station 9, and The Pulaski County OES.

October 13, 2011:
Photos of the N.L.R.F.D. Fire Fest - Click HERE to see the photo slide show.

The N.L.R.F.D. is to decommission several older Fire Apparatus currently on the roster of the N.L.R.F.D. They will be sold at the upcoming NLR City Auction.

1. 1961 General Motors Brush Truck (Former "Deuce and a Half" Army Truck)

2. 1975 International / Fire Control Engineering of Ft. Worth Airport Emergency Truck

3. 1976 International/ American LaFrance Pumper - 1000 GPM - Served as Engine 6 and Engine 10. In 1999 the truck was loaned to Beebe F.D. on a long-term loan
............It was returned to the NLRFD in Nov. 2010.

4. 1981 American LaFrance 1500 GPM Pumper. Served as Engine 7, Engine 9, and as a Reserve Pumper - Standby 101 and Standby 102.

5. 1985 Seagrave 1250 GPM Pumper - Served as Engine 3, Engine 10, as as a Reserve Pumper- Both as Standby 102 and 103.

September 28, 2011:
Engine 1 returned to its regular apparatus - after running on various reserve pumpers for more than two months! The 1996 E-One Custom returned to Central Station on Friday, September 23rd with a completely overhauled Diesel engine. It was discovered that the apparatus needed a new solenoid, which delayed its official return to front line duty, as Engine 1, for a few days.

September 10, 1011:
Photos of the 1995 E-One Hurricane 1250 Custom At Station 4 are now on the website. Click HERE for Engine 4's Homepage. Click HERE for Station 4's Webpage.

Physical Tests were being given this morning at the training tower to several applicants, who wish to become members of the N.L.R.F.D. Also, photos of the new N.L.R.F.D. Live Fire Multi Trainer System at the Training Tower. Click HERE to see the photos taken at the Training Tower this morning.

August 30, 2011:
Engine 1 is now operating on Standby Engine 102 ('92 Pierce Arrow 1250 GPM). Engine 9 has evidently returned to Station 9 as Engine 9. Engine 1's regular apparatus, the 1996 E-One Custom 1250, is still awaiting for its engine to finish an overhaul.

August 24, 2011:
By today, Engine 8 ('97 Freightliner/ Smeal) had returned to service; Standby Engines 101 and 103 remained in service.

August 22, 2011
Today found all three Reserve (Standby) Pumpers of the N.L.R.F.D. in service. The assignments were as follows: Standby Engine 101 ('95 E-One) - Filling in as Engine 10 at Station 10; Standby Engine 102 ('92 Pierce Arrow) - Filling In as Engine 8 at Station 8; Standby Engine 103 ('87 Pierce) - Filling in as Engine 9 at Station 9. Engine 9 (2001 Pierce Contender) is temporarily assigned to Central Station as Engine 1.

Engine 1's regular apparatus ('96 E-One Custom 1250 Pumper) is still awaiting return of its apparatus, pending a major overhaul of its Diesel engine.

August 21, 2011:
Engine 9 has been assigned temporarily to operate out of Central Station as Engine 1. This is because of overheating problems, and this
will have the 2001 Pierce 1250 Pumper located close to the NLRFD Repair Forces. Standby Engine 103 ('87 Pierce Arrow) is running as Engine 9.

August 10, 2011:
During Monday night (August 8th) through early Tuesday morning (August 9th), the N.L.R.F.D. responded to five structure fires. Four of the
fires were caused by lightning, and one was a kitchen fire. Click HERE to see Michael Cossey's photos of the incident on East C Street in Park Hill.
Little Rock F.D., Sherwood F.D., and East Pulaski F.D. were called for Mutual Aid. All N. L. R. F. D. Engine, Ladder and Rescue Companies were dispatched
to fires at the peak of these incidents.

N.L.R.F.D. Engine 1 ('96 E-One 1250 Custom) remains out of service due to its engine undergoing a major engine overhaul, due to failed bearings.

July 20, 2011:
Engine 1's regular apparatus, the 1996 E-One Custom 1250 GPM Pumper, remains out of service with major engine problems - A failed bearing.

The City Council Agenda for July 25, 2011 contains an item in regards to replacing the NLRFD's current brush truck (Brush 1). This apparatus is a 1961
General Motors 2 1/2 ton former U.S. Army "Deuce and a half" truck.
It is 50 years old, and is listed as inoperable at present in the NLR City Council Resolution.
Click HERE to read the Resolution for replacing the truck. The replacement truck is a 1980's U.S. Army truck (2 1/2 ton), which has been overhauled in 1999. It
will come from the Arkansas Forestry Commission in Greenbrier. It will be painted red, and will have equipment from the present Brush 1 mounted on its body.

The 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom (Former Engine 4) is now lettered "S102" for the designation of Standby Engine 102. Former Standby 102 (1995 E-One - Originally
Engine 6) is at Station 4.

July 13, 2011:
As of this morning, Rescue 5 (Station 5) is running on Standby Engine 103 while Rescue 5's apparatus undergoes some repairs.
Engine 1 continues to operate on Standby Engine 101 ('95 EOne - Former Engine 7). Engine 1's regular pumper has an engine bearing that has failed. It is
currently at a Diesel repair shop.

June 30, 2011:
Several items of interest to list today:
1 - The NLR City Council has given the approval to spend funds (A Homeland Security Grant and Act 833 Funds ) for new Computer Equipment for NLRFD
......Apparatus.) This equipment will be installed in 15 NLRFD Vehicles. Click HERE to read the NLR CIty Council Resolution.

2- Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100' Rear-Mount Aerial) has been filling in as Truck 7 at Station 7. It was observed late on June 29th still at
......Station 7.

3- Photos of the the current Standby Engines 101 and 103 are now posted on the website. Click on the Apparatus Menu, then click on Engines, and the the
appropriate Standby Engine.

4- The 1992 Pierce Arrow Pumper has been observed at Central - still lettered as Engine 4, but it looks probable that this apparatus will become Standby Engine 102.

June 22, 2011:
The Reserve Pumpers of the N.L.R.F.D. are apparently being reorganized. While Engine 1 was off track this morning, the 1987 Pierce Arrow Pumper, most recently
designated as "Standby Engine 101" was filling in as Engine 1. The 1987 Pierce Arrow is now designated as "Standby Engine 103" and is lettered as "S103" to reflect
this designation.

This morning, the 1995 E-One known most recently as "Standby Engine 103" (former Engine 7) was still lettered as Engine 7 at Central. Later this afternoon, however,
this apparatus was filling in for Engine 1, and is now lettered as "S101" and is designated as "Standby Engine 101."

The 1992 Pierce Arrow Pumper which has been assigned as Engine 4 was filling in as Engine 3 today. It has NOT been observed with any new numbering yet.

The 1995 E-One which has been known as "Standby Engine 102" (Former Engine 6) has been observed at Station 4. The large reflective "6" numerals are still
present, but smaller lettering has been changed to "Engine 4" on the sides of the pumper. It seems quite possible that this pumper may be in the process of
becoming Engine 4's permanent apparatus. This pumper does have high storage compartments on both sides of the body, and the 1992 Pierce only has high
storage compartments on the left side of its apparatus. The 1995 E-One is also air conditioned. More information on this will be posted as it becomes available.

June 5, 2011:
Station 5 has now reopened, and. Rescue 5 is running out of Station 5 again. Truck 7 has returned to Station 7, and has joined Engine 7 in running from
Station 7 again.

May 3, 2011:
Station 7 had plenty of fire apparatus at the station this afternoon: Engine 7 (2011 Ferrara Ember); Rescue 5 (2004 International/ Ferrara); Truck 7 (2002 Pierce
Platform/ Quint); Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100/ Aerial). Truck 7 had been temporarily assigned to fill in at Station 7, while Engine 7 and Rescue 5
both were at training. While Truck 7 was at Station 7, operating on Reserve Aerial 2, Truck 7's 2002 Pierce arrived and was ready to go back in service. It seems
that Truck 7 had swapped the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkel for the 1981 American LaFrance rear mount aerial at some point.

May 2, 2011:
Truck 7 has been operating on Reserve Aerial 1 for the last few days. Truck 7's 2002 Pierce Platform/ Quint is undergoing repairs for a leaking power steering
pump. Station 5 is temporarily closed so that approved repairs can begin on its structure. During the interim, Rescue 5 is operating out of Station 7 with
Engine 7. Truck 7 has temporarily relocated to Station 8.

April 18, 2011:
Former Engine 6 (1995 E-One 1250 Custom), which is now Standby Engine 102 has already seen its first two assignments as a reserve pumper. Its first assignment
was filling in as Engine 2. For the last few days, it has been filling in as Engine 9, while Engine 9 undergoes repairs.

March 24, 2011:
Funds have been appropriated by the NLR City Council for the Repair and Restoration of NLR Fire Station No 5 the "Park Hill" Station.
Click HERE to Read the NLR City Council Resolution

March 11, 2011:
The 1995 E-One 1250 Pumper formerly assigned as Engine 6 is now Standby Engine 102, and the 1995 E-One pumper formerly assigned as Engine 7 is now Standby
Engine 103. The 1981 American LaFrance Pumper, and the 1985 Seagrave Pumper are presently unassigned pumpers
, both of which are still on inventory.
February 24, 2011:
Truck 1's 2006 Ferrara 106' Rear Mount Quint was observed back in service early this morning.

February 22, 2011:
Truck 1 is now operating on Reserve Truck 2 - A
1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial. Reserve Truck 2 served as Truck 1A (later Truck 1) for 24 years
before being replaced by the present Truck 1. The 2006 Ferrara is undergoing brake repairs at Central.

February 13, 2011:
New Photos of
Engine 6's New Ferrara/ Ember 1250 GPM Custom Pumper at Station 6 are now posted on the website. Click HERE to view the photos.

February 11, 2011:
NLRFD apparatus were still running with chains this morning, but some companies, which were
observed this afternoon, had shed their chains due to improved
road conditions. Several new photos of Engine 7 and Station 7 were added to the website today. (See Engine 7 and Station 7's home pages. The webpage with
"more information and photos of Engine 7" on Engine 7's homepage has quite a few new photos, also.)

February 7, 2011:
Engine 6's New Ferrara pumper went in service today, February 7, 2011.
The two 1995 E-One Hurricane Custom Pumpers (Former Engines 6 & 7), are both
in a state of transition at present. They are being prepared to be placed in service as Reserve Pumpers.

February 3, 2011:
Engine 7's New Ferrara/ Ember Custom Pumper went in service as Engine 7 today. Due to the lack of light and
extreme cold, photos were not made of the
new pumper at Station 7 today. As soon a the sun returns and weather moderates a bit, photos of Engine 7's new apparatus at Station 7 will be posted to
this website.

Engine 7's former pumper, the 1995 E-One Hurricane 1250 Custom Pumper will soon be designated as a Reserve Pumper in the N.L.R.F.D. It was parked in
a heated bay at Central yesterday, as was Engine 6's new Ferrara. The 1981 American LaFrance pumper and the 1985 Seagrave pumper were both stored
at Old Station 8, which did allow for heated storage with the extreme cold.

It appears that the E-One pumpers (Engines 6 and 7) will both be designated as reserve pumpers after the new pumpers are placed in service. Watch this
website for more information about their status. Information will be posted as soon as Engine 6's new Ferrara is placed in service, also.

January 29, 2011: The two new Ferrara Ember Custom Pumpers arrived late last night at N.L.R.F.D. Central Station. Click HERE for photos made of the
two new pumpers on the morning of January 29, 2011.

As of this morning (January 29, 2011), Engine 7 is still operating on Standby Engine 101. (1987 Pierce Arrow Custom).

January 28, 2011: The two new Ferrara Ember Custom 1250 pumpers left the Ferrara factory in Holden, LA sometime this afternoon. They should
arrive in North Little Rock sometime tonight. Photos tonight will most likely be of very poor quality; therefore, photos of the new pumpers should
be posted on this website sometime tomorrow (January 29, 2011.)

Engine 7 was observed operating on Standby Engine 101 (1987 Pierce Arrow) late this afternoon. It will be interesting to see if Engine 7's new Ferrara
is placed in service first, or if Engine 7's current apparatus, the 1995 E-One Hurricane Custom 1250 is back in service before the Ferrara goes in service.

January 12, 2011: The two new pumpers on order from Ferrara Fire Apparatus Company continue to take shape at the Ferrara factory.
Ferrara is updat
ing the photos on their website once every 2-3 days as of late. Click HERE to see construction photos of pumper H-4699
Click HERE to see construction photos of pumper H-4700

7, 2011: Photos from Ferrara's Website were updated again today. The two new N. L. R. F. D. pumpers are really being put together at a very fast
pace! Click HERE to see construction photos of pumper H-4699
........ Click HERE to see construction photos of pumper H-4700

January 4, 2011: Photos of the two new N . L . R. F. D. pumpers under construction at Ferrara Fire Apparatus Company in Holden, LA have been placed on the
Ferrara Website. (

Click HERE to see construction photos of the first of the two identical pumpers. This pumper has a construction number of H-4699.
Click HERE to see construction photos of the second of the two identical pumpers. This pumper has a construction number of H-4700.

December 21, 2010:
Engine 1 was observed operating on Standby Engine 101 today. Reasons for the '96 E-One being out of service are unknown as of now.

Engine 7 has operated on Standby 101 for a number of days lately. Numerous repairs were performed on the 1995 E-One. This apparatus
(the 1995 E-One) is a high-mileage vehicle, which reflects the number of runs it has made as Engine 7, since it went it service in February 1995.

November 16, 2010:
A North Little Rock. F.D. pumper on long-term loan was returned to the NLRFD today. A 1976 International/ American LaFrance pumper that was
loaned to the Beebe, AR Fire Dept. after the 1999 tornado was returned to North Little Rock today. It was parked on the back lot of Central Fire
Station this afternoon. The addition of present Engine 2 (1999 Spartan
/ E-One to the roster) made this pumper available for the long-term loan.

November 15, 2010:
The date for the North Little Rock Christmas Parade has been set for Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.

The North Little Rock City Council appropriated $1,868.00 to purchase a trailer for the new Emergency Utility Vehicle - A 2010 Kimteck Polaris Ranger.
Click HERE to read the City Council Resolution.

Friday, November 12, 2010 found Engine 2, a 1999 Spartan/ E-One at Central for major brake repairs. Standby Engine 103, a 1985 Seagrave pumper, is
filling in at Station 2 as Engine 2. It will be interesting to see what the last assignment of the '85 Seagrave and the '81 American LaFrance pumpers ends
up being, since both of these old pumpers will most likely be decommissioned after the two new pumpers arrive in February 2011.

October 21, 2010:
The 1959 American LaFrance Pumper, which had been on the equipment roster for over 50 years, was recently sold at the annual city auction. It was
purchased by an individual who reportedly has a great interest in fire apparatus, and hopefully will give the old pumper a very good home. Most recently,
the pumper had been stored at the city yards, with a tarp covering it. This truck was originally Engine 5, and later was exchanged with Engine 3's pumper,
a 1947 American LaFrance. The 1959 American LaFrance was Engine 3 until 1982, when it became Engine 8. In 1985, it became a Reserve Pumper. Its
last assignment was as a parade pumper.

The lastest word on the two new Ferrara Pumpers, which are on order is that delivery will most likely now be in mid February 2011.

October 7, 2010:
The Annual NLRFD Fire Fest was held on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at the Kroger Store at McCain and North Hills. Most area fire departments were
represented at the event. Click HERE for a photo slideshow of Fire Fest

September 11, 2010:
Engine 7 returned to its regular apparatus on Thursday, September 9, 2010, after six days on Standby Engine 101.

September 5, 2010:
Station 7 is an "All Pierce Station" for the next few days. Engine 7 is operating on Standby Engine 101, a 1987 Pierce Arrow pumper, while Truck 7
operates on its regular apparatus, a 2002 Pierce 100' Platform. Engine 7's regular apparatus, a 1995 E-One, is having a broken right rear spring
repaired. Engine 7 has been operating on a reserve apparatus since Friday, September 3rd - perhaps a day earlier.
August 25, 2010:
Truck 7 returned to its regular apparatus late yesterday afternoon (8-24-2010). The 2002 Pierce Platform/ Quint had been undergoing repairs at Central.

August 16, 2010:
Truck 7 is again operating on Reserve Aerial 1, the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkel. Truck 7's 2002 Pierce Platform/ Quint is undergoing brake repairs
at Central.

ugust 6, 2010:
ruck 7's 2002 Pierce Aerial Platform/ Quint was observed back in service at Station 7 late in the afternoon of August 6th. The 2002 Pierce had been out of
service so that minor repairs could be repaired.

_6, 2010:
The 2006 Ferrara 107
' Aerial/ Quint of the N.L.R.F.D. was observed back in service as Truck 1 this morning. This ended three days with both reserve aerials in
service. The 2006 Ferrara had returned to the Ferrara factory in Holden, LA to repair damage from a collision on June 26, 2010. (This collision was not the
fault of the N.L.R.F.D.)

August 3, 2010:
Rescue 5's 2004 International/ Ferrara Heavy Rescue had to be taken 'off the tr
ack' for repairs sometime over the weekend of July 31st/ August 1st. Standby
Engine 103 (1985 Seagrave) filled in as Rescue 5.
This is only the second time that a pumper has filled in as Rescue 5, since the pumper at Station 5 was replaced
by a rescue unit in the fall of 1992. (The first time was on
February 16, 2008.) Rescue 5 returned to their regular apparatus, the 2004 International/ Ferrara
Heavy Rescue with a 1000 GPM pump, this afternoon.

Truck 7 exchanged apparatus today as well. Truck 7 is now operating on Reserve Aerial 1, the 1975 American LaFrance snorkel. Both ladder companies in the
city are now operating on a reserve aerial apparatus. Click HERE for photos of Truck 7 as equipment was exchanged between the two aerials this morning.

A new apparatus
has arrived at the North Little Rock Fire Department. It is a 2010 FIRELITE Transport Deluxe FDH-10 mounted on a a KIMTEK Polaris Ranger 4x4.
This apparatus was purchased with a grant received by the N.L.R.F.D. There is no
information on a unit designation or a station assignment for the new vehicle.
Click HERE for photos of the Kimtek Polaris Ranger 4X4.

July 20, 2010:
A gasoline tank truck overturned yesterday afternoon on I
-40 West between the Burns Park and Crystal Hill exits. Fortunately, the truck's cargo
remained intact. Engines 8, 2 and 1
, Hazmat 939, Command 1, Battalion 924, Units 950, 949 and 942 responded to the incident. Oak Grove
F. D
also responded. The westbound lanes of I-40 remained closed from the Burns Park exit to the Crystal Hill Exit until sometime past midnight.

July 13, 2010:
N.L.R.F.D. Truck 1's apparatus, a 2006 Ferrara 107' Aerial/ Quint left
North Little Rock on a flat-bed truck today, headed for the Ferrara factory in
Holden, LA. Damage to the aerial (from the accident on June 26, 2010) will be determined and repaired.

July 7, 2010:
Truck 1 continues to operate on Reserve Aerial 2 ('81 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial) while the 2006 Ferrara awaits repairs due to
the collision on June 26, 2010. (This collision was not the fault of the NLRFD.)

June 29, 2010:

Truck 1's regular apparatus, the 2006 Ferrara 107' rear mount aerial/ quint, was damaged in the early morning hours of Saturday, June 26, 2006.
Truck 1 was returning to its quarters at Central Station when it was struck by another vehicle at 14th and Main Streets. The NLRFD was not at
fault in this collision in any way whatsoever. The 2006 Ferrara will be out of service until repairs to the apparatus are completed.

June 19, 2010:
A commercial structure fire occurred on the morning of Saturday, June 19, 2010 at MJ Communications on East 43rd Street. Initially, Engines 7, 9, 6, Truck 7
Rescue 5, Battalion 924 and Unit 931 responded to the fire. Engine 7 reported seeing smoke at McCain and U.S. 67/167. Engine 7 caught a plug and laid a 5
inch supply line to the fire. A fourth pumper was soon requested, and Engine 10 was dispatched to the fire. At some point during the incident, the following
engine companies were also dispatched: Engines 1, 2, 3, and 4. East Pulaski F.D. filled in at NLRFD Station 10. NLR Engine 8 filled in a Station 6. NLR Engine 6's
crew returned to Station 6 on Engine 4's apparatus, since Engine 6 had hose lines attached. Crews were rotated frequently, because of the heat and
humidity. A local television station reported on its 10:00 pm Saturday evening newscast that one firefighter was taken to the hospital for heat exhaustion,
but was released after treatment. MEMS had 3 trucks on the scene at one point.

Click HERE for photos of the fire at MJ Communications.

On Saturday evening, the same companies that were initially dispatched on this fire (Engines 7, 9, 6 Truck 7, Rescue 5 and Battalion 924), were dispatched
for yet another Commercial structure fire - a fire in the laundry room - at Fox Ridge Retirement Center at 17 Parkstone Circle. Engine 3 was dispatched
soon thereafter. Taking residents to safety and dealing with some degree of smoke were the two main issues that faced firefighters at Parkstone Circle.
The fire was extinguished by the time that the NLRFD arrived.

June 14, 2010:
All three reserve pumpers of the NLRFD were in service on June 9th and June 10th (2010). Engine 2 was already operating on Standby Engine 101,
while its air conditioning was repaired. Engine 10 began experiencing problems on June 9th, so Standby Engine 103 was dispatched to Station 10
to fill in. Later on June 9th, Engine 4 ('92 Pierce Arrow 1250) also needed to come off line for repairs. Standby Engine 102 was sent to Station 4 as
Engine 4's apparatus. By the afternoon of June 11th, both Engine 2 and Engine 4 had returned to their regular pumpers. Engine 10's 2001 Pierce
Contender returned to service during the afternoon of Monday, June 14th.

Click HERE to see photos of all three NLRFD Standby Pumpers in service at the same time. The photos were made on June 10th.

June 5, 2010:
As of early this morning, Truck 7 is operating out of Station 7 again, and Engine 9 has returned to its quarters. Click HERE for photos of Engine 9, when
it was operating temporarily out of Station 7.

May 28, 2010:
Engine 9 is now operating out of Station 7, while repairs are made to N.L.R.F.D. Station 9.
.There are now two engine companies assigned to
Station 7, since Engine 7 continues to operate out of Station 7. Truck 7 is now operating temporarily out of Station 8, along with Engine 8. These
temporary changes were made on Thursday, May 27, 2010. Command 1, which normally is housed at Station 8, is temporarily stationed at Central Station.

May 13, 2010:
Bid specifications from the North Little Rock Commerce Department indicate that bids will be opened at 10:00am on May 27, 2010 for some new
NLRFD pumpers. Basic specifications call for a top-mounted 1250 GPM pump, numerous compartments, 500 gallon tanks, and roll-up compartment
doors. Two pumpers are mentioned, with the option for purchasing a third pumper "at the same price."

April 16, 2010:
An update on the companies of the N.L.R.F.D. that responded to the incident at Tenebaum Recycling on West Bethany Road on April 11th and April 12th:
At some point during the incident, the following apparatus responded: Engines 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10; Trucks 1, 7; Rescues 1, 5; Unit 950, Unit 949, Unit 924,
Unit 942, Unit 931. Standby Engine 101 was at Station 10 as Engine 10 at some point, quite possibly while Engine 10's hose was still on the ground at
the fire. Little Rock's Truck 7 filled in at NLR Central Station, and Sherwood Truck 1 filled in at NLR Station 7. East Pulaski F. D. and Scott F. D. provided
water tankers for water shuttle to the incident. (Available hydrants were used as well.)

April 13, 2010:
Note: More information will be added t
o the entry below, as it becomes available. (Please see April 15, 2010 above)
A hugh fire was visible over much of North Little Rock on the afternoon of Sunday,
April 11, 2010. A fire broke at at Tenenbaum Recycling on West Bethany Road.
Black smoke was visible for miles. The North Little Rock Fire Department responded with Engines 2, 7, 10, Truck 1, Rescue 1, Battalion 924 and Unit 931. Unit 950,
and Truck 7 also responded. North Little Rock Engine 4 was seen filling in at Station 7 on Monday morning. The Little Rock F.D. sent an aerial company to fill in at
N.L.R. Central Station. The Sherwood F.D. sent an aerial company to fill in at N.L.R.F.D. Station 7, as well. East Pulaski F.D. and Scott F. D. sent tankers to run water
shuttle for the incident. The N.L.R.F.D. was on the scene unti some time on Monday, April 12th. Again, additional information on this incident will be added as it
becomes available.
Click HERE for Photos of the 4-11-2010 fire.

April 13, 2010:
The Arkansas Democrat- Gazette reports this morning that the North Little Rock City Council approved a $5 million dollar bond issue last night for capital improvements;
a $2 million dollar bond issue for parks was also approved. Funds for two badly needed pumpers for the N.L.R.F.D. were included in the capital improvements bond issue.
More information on the bond issue and funds for the N.L.R.F.D. will be given here, as it becomes available.

February 26, 2010:
Standby Rescue 16, a 1991 Ford F350 Diesel/ Taylor Ambulance Rescue unit caught fire on February 25, 2010. The apparatus was parked outside of
N.L.R.F.D. Station 10 when the fire occurred. The interior of the cab portion of the apparatus was heavily damaged. The TaylorMade Ambulance
portion (the body) seems to be unharmed by the fire. Rescue 16 was received by the N.L.R.F.D. in late 1990, although it was a 1991 year-model
apparatus. It was assigned as Rescue 19. Rescue 19 is now Rescue 1. The apparatus went to Station 10 to pull the boat assigned to Station 10
upon the arrival of the 2002 Freightliner/ E-One Heavy Rescue, which is the current Rescue 1.

Standby Rescue 16 has filled in for Rescue 1 and Rescue 5 on numerous occasions, when the regular apparatus of these companies has been in the
shop for repairs. Although a few apparatus have received paint damage when fighting major structure fires through the years, this is the first N.L.R.F.D.
apparatus to actually catch on fire in the 106 year history of the N.L.R.F.D.

Click HERE for photos of Rescue 16 after the fire.

January 20, 2010:
A residential structure fire occured at 1418 Parker Street on Satur
day morning, January 16, 2010. Engines 1, 6, Truck 1 and Rescue 1 responded.
A second alarm resulted in Engine 8 being dispatched as well.

A link to Arkansas Online follows:
... Information below the photo in this link
states that the fire was started by children
at play outside the house. Photos on a local Televsion station during the weekend showed substantial
damage to this residential structure.

January 10, 2010
The NLR City Budget for 2010 currently contains no funds for apparatus for the N.L.R.F.D. - with
the present economic situation for the city.
The Fire Station Construction Grant for new NLR Fire Station 11 still
shows as "Under Agency Review" on North Little Rock's City Website.
(These funds would be from the Economic Recovery Act.)

December 2, 20
Rescue 5 has been out of service for a few days now. Rescue
16 (1990 Ford/ Taylor Made - A former Rescue 19) is filling it at Station 5.

Nov. 1, 2009
The torrential rain storms that hit Central A
rkansas and North Little Rock on Thursday evening (October 29, 2009) resulted in all 9 Engine

, both Ladder companies, and both Heavy Rescue Companies being dispatched at some point during the evening. Many companies
were dispatched multiple times to rescue citizens from flooded residences, or from vehicles in high
waters. At some point, Standby Engine 103
was placed in service for a period of time. Standby Engine 101 was already filling in as Rescue 1.

October 4, 2009:
The Annual N.L.R.F.D. Fire Fest is Tuesday, October 6, 2009 on the Kroger Parking Lot - McCain & North Hills
The NLR Times report that Fire Fest will start at 5:00 p.m. and run for "At least three hours."

The 1979 Mack Pumper
, which was donated to the N.L.R.F.D. is now decked out in a new coat of pink and white
, and seems virtually ready, if not completely ready to be involved in the 'Race For The Cure' on October 17th.

September 19, 2009:
A 1979 Mack Pumper has arrived at the N.L.R.F.D. It was donated
to the N.L.R.F.D. - At no cost to taxpayers - and
will become the Department's Breast Cancer Awareness Pumper. It is in the process of being repainted for its
new assignment.

Photos of the process will be posted shortly.

August 24, 2009:
The following Resolution - R-09-137 is to be presented at tonight's NLR City Council Meeting. This Resolution
appropriates up to $60,000 for site preparation for the new N.L.R.F.D. Station 11 in eastern NLR.

Click Here to Read Resolution R-09-137

July 8, 2009
Engine 10 has returned to its regular apparatus as of today.

Several Webpages of this website have been updated:
1 - Engine 2's Webpage
2- Station 2's Webpage
3 - Hazmat Operations at Station 2 - Unit 938 now handles Hazmat and Decon Special Trailers.
4 - A Webpage has been added for Unit 937, now the Special Operations Truck at Central.
................Also a menu item "Special Operations" has been added under the Apparatus Menu, since
................Trench and Collapse Rescue now operate on Unit 937
out of Central Station
5 -
Engine 9's Webpage has been updated with recent photos.
6 - Standby Engine 101's Webpage has updated photos.
7 - A
n updated photo of the Special Operations Trailer at Central has been added to Unit 937's Webpage.

June 25, 2009
Work is now underway for the replacement of the Engine Room Doors at Central Fire Station. The North Little
Rock City Council approved ordinance
0-09-33 on April 27, 2009. This ordinance appropriated $20,903.59 from
Act 833 funds for the purpose of paying for new Engine Room Doors at Central. The new doors will
be identical
in appearance to the doors that are being replaced, since Central Fire Station is in the Argenta Historic District.

Truck 1 returned to their regular apparatus a few days ago.

Reserve Aerial 1 was at Central today while its ladders received their annual test. (All ladders, aerial and ground
receive an annual test.) All apparatus in the N.L.R.F.D. have already had ladders tested, or will in the near future.
May 31, 2009:
Friday, May 29, 2009 found Standby Engine 101 filling in as Engine 10 of the NLRFD.
A multi-agency response occured Friday afternoon (5-29-09). A report
of a person in the Arkansas River
resulted in the response of NLRFD Battalion Chief 924, Rescue 1 and Engine 1 to the Arkansas River launch
area near I-30 in downtown NLR. LRFD Battalion 2, Rescue 2, Water Rescue 2, and Engine 2 responded. MEMS
Units 417 and 954 also were on scence. Click HERE for a photo slideshow of the incident.

May 22, 2009:
Reserve Aerial 2, the 1981 American LaFrance is filling in as Truck 1 for
the next several days. Broken front
suspension parts were discovered on the 2006 Ferrara 107' Aerial Quint. It is now on the way to the Ferrara
factory in Louisiana for repairs. This is a great opportunity to get photos of the 1981 American LaFrance,
while it is in service again. This old aerial is 28 years old!

March 23, 2009
: The North Little Rock City Council will consider Resolution R9-48:


March 20, 2009: A residential structure fire occured this morning on West 16th Street. Engines 3, 1, 6, Truck1,
Rescue 5, Battalion 924 and the Fire Marshall's Office responded to the alarm. The N.L.R.F.D. made an excellent
'stop' on this fire. Click
HERE for photos of the incident.

February 2, 2009:
Robert Mauldin, former Assistant Chief of the North Little Rock Fire Department, became Chief of the North
Little Rock Fire Department on February 1, 2009.

January 31, 2009:
A Retirement Celebration was held for Chief
Joe McCall of the NLRFD at the Hayes Senior Citizen Center on
Friday, January 30, 2009. Chief McCall
began his career with the North Little Rock Fire Department in 1972.
He became Assistant Chief of the NLRFD in 2000, and was appointed Chief in 2002.

January 22, 200
Rescue 1's Freightliner/ E-One returned to service on 1/16/09.

January 14, 2009:
scue 1's 'Jake' brake is being repaired. Standby Engine 101 has been assigned as Rescue 1 since January 12th
until Rescue 1's regular apparatus returns to service.

December 17, 2008:
Engine 2 will soon be back in service
, and will be sporting a new light bar. Photos will follow when E2 is back
in service. Standby Eng. 101 is now filling in as Engine 2.

December 10, 2008:
residential structure fire occured today in the 400 block of Division Street. Arriving companies found the
structure fully involved. Engines 1, 3, 6, Truck 1 and Rescue 1 all responded along with Battalion Chief 924.
Units 931 and 942
were also on scene.

Engine 7 returned to i
ts regular apparatus yesterday.

December 6, 2008:
A gasoline tanker carrying approximately 8,000 gallons of gasoline overturned shortly after 5:30 PM on
December 4th.
The contents of the tanker did ignite, causing a fire that was visible for quite some distance.
The NLRFD dispatched several companies to the scene. Engines 8, 6, 4 2, Rescue 5, Haz Mat 939, and Unit 924
(Battalion Chief) were dispatched during the incident. Units 950 and 931 also responded. The fire kept Highway
I-30 closed for some time. The west-bound lanes were still closed at approximately 10:00 PM.

Engine 7 has been operating on Standby Engine 103, while Engine 7's 1995 E-One undergoes some repairs.
Here is an opportunity for Seagrave fans to get a shot of the NLRFD's last Seagrave apparatus in service.
November 5, 2008:
Standby Engine 103 is back in service.

November 4, 2
Engine 10 returned to Station 10 today.
Standby Engine 103 continues to undergo repairs.

ober 30, 2008:
Standby Engine 103 filled in for Engine 10 beginning on
October 28th. Engine is undergoing radiator repairs.
On October 30th, Standby Engine 103 was taken 'off the track' for front wheel repairs
. Standby Engine 101
is currently at Station 10 as Engine 10, until the 2001 Pierce Contender Custom is ready for service.

October 19, 2008:
FireFest is Tuesday, October 21st on the Parking Lot of Krogers at McCain and North Hills.
Check the Webpage o
n Reserve Fire Apparatus in Service for Recent Entries.

October 6, 2008:
Reserve (Standby) Engine 101 is filling in at Station 3. Engine 3's 2004 Pierce Custom Contender Pumper is
undergoing brake repairs

North Little Rock's
Annual FIreFest will be Tuesday, October 21, 2008.

September 27, 2008:
Photos of the two 2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrids are now available for viewing. Click HERE for photos
of The new Unit 950. Click HERE for photos of The new Unit 949.

August 25, 2008:
The NLRFD recently took delivery of at least one of two new staff vehicles. The 2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrids
are the first Toyota vehicles that the NLRFD has owned
. These are also the first hybrids owned by the Department.
The City of North Little Rock
City Council Resolution Number R-08-129 launched a "Green Agenda" for the
City. (See link below). The hybrid vehicles are quite possibly in response to this resolution.

Engine 7 has been operating on Standby Engine 101 since Friday, Augut 22, 2008. For any "Pierce Fans," this would
be a great opportunity to get a photo of Station 7, with a Pierce Aerial and
Pierce Pumper at Station 7 for the time being.

August 5, 2008:
The NLR City Council accepted a bid by Sunbelt Fire, Inc. for $59, 2
79.00 for eleven thermal imaging cameras
for the NLRFD. The funds will be provided by Act 833 Funds. This action was passed at the July 28, 2008 City
Council Meeting.

July 14, 2008:
A Fuel Spill incident occurred on the afternoon of July 11, 2008 at the Phillips 66 Station at North Hills and
McCain. The Diesel fuel tank on a soft drink delivery truc
k developed a leak, which resulted in the North
Little Rock Fire Department
responding with Engines 7, 2, Hazmat 939 and Battalion 924. Click HERE to see
Photos of the incident. An Apparatus Video of HM 939 leaving the scene at North Hills and McCain has also
been added to the website: Click HERE to view
the video.

July 3, 2008:
Rescue 1 received a new 'No Smoke' Exhuast System on July 1, 2008. Stanby Engine 101 filled in as Rescue 1.
Engine 1
received a new 'No Smoke' Exhuast System on June 30, 2008. Stanby Engine 101 filled in as Engine 1.

A structure fire occured on June 26, 2008 at 4717
West Drive. The NLRFD did a tremendous job of saving this
, and confining the fire to the structure, a garage, that was adjoined to the house via an overhead
walkway. Click on FIRES on the Drop Down Menu
at the top of this webpage for photos of the fire.

June 4, 2008:
Engine 2's 1999 Spartan/ E-One 1250 Pumper returned to service on Monday,
June 2, 2008.
Engine 8 is operating on Standby Engine 103, as of Tuesday, June 3, 2008.

May 23, 2008:
The Agenda for the 5-27-08 North Little Rock City Council Meeting conta
s Resolution R-08-77, which provides
for the Mayor and Fire Chief of North Little Rock to enter into a Mutual
Aid Agreement with the East Pulaski
Fire Department.

Engine 2 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of May 23, 2008. The 1999 Spartan
/ E-One is undergoing
power steering repairs.

May 13, 2008:
Engine 4 is operating on Standby Engine 101 again, while pump repairs (packing, etc.)
are carried out on the
1992 Pierce Arrow Custom 1250.

April 29, 2008:
Engine 4 is now operating on Standby Engine 101. The pump plumbing on Engine 4's 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom is
some repairs.

April 23, 2008:
The agenda for the April 28, 2008 North Little Rock City Council Meeting contains a resolution (R-08-56) to
appropriate $87,000.00 for the purchase of 2.261 acres 'more or less' at the intersection of Michaela Drive
and Judy Drive. The intent is for a new North Little Rock Fire Station
to be constructed on this site.

Click HERE to see a Google Map of this location.

Click HERE for the Web Page of the new NLR Fire Station.

R-08-46, which addressed funds for several items, including some Staff Cars for the NLRFD, was held
at the 4-14-08 City Council Meeting.

April 16, 2008:
6 is operating on Standby Engine 103; Engine 10 is now operating on its regularly assigned
apparatus - the 2001 Pierce Contender 1250 Custom.

April 14, 2008:
Engine 10 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of April 14, 2008.

April 13, 2008:
A structure fire occured on April 12, 2008 in Park Hill in the 3400 Block of
Poplar Street. This was - literally - right
behind Station 5's Engine House. Rescue 5
was used to pump at the fire. Engines 6, 9, Truck 7, and Battalion 924
responded to this fire. Terri Cossey (Michael Cossey / made some excellent photos of this
incident. These photos were very generously passed along to this website. Click HERE to view the slide show.

April 3, 2008:
The North Little Rock Fire Department has been involved in the rescue and recovery effort on the
Arkansas River on April 2nd and 3rd (2008). Apparatus involved includes: Engine 1, Engine 4,
Engine 8, Command 1, Rescue 1, Rescue 5, The J. W. Springer, The M. J. Bevans, 950, 949, 935 and 931.

March 28, 2008:
The webpage for Station 10 has updated photos of Engine 1
The webpage of Station 10 has been updated
with photos of the Rescue Boat assigned to Station 10.

March 25, 2008:
A memorial tribute to Lt. Jerry Dial has been added to the web
site. It may be viewed from the home page of the

Engine 10 now has its own

March 23, 2008:
The agenda for the NLR CIty Council Meeting on
Monday, March 24, 2008 contains a Resolution for the
appropriation of $8,674.00 of Act 833 Funds for a Ward No Smoke Diesel Exhaust Removal System for
NLRFD Engine 4. (Engine 4 is a 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom 1250 Pumper.)

Also, $6151.21
of Act 833 Funds is to be appropriated at this same NLR City Council Meeting for the replacement
of ceiling tiles at NLRFD Station 7.

22, 2008:
Brake repairs were carried out today on Rescue 5's 2004 International/Ferrara. Standby Rescue 16 filled in
at Station 5.

February 21, 2008:
Rescue 5 operated on Standby Rescue 16 while the 2004 International/ Ferrara
heavy rescue received
additional repairs on February 20, 2008.

February 19, 2008:
Truck 1
's Ferrara 107' Aerial /Quint was undergoing some warranty work today. While this was taking place,
Truck 1 operated
on Reserve Aerial 2, the 1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial, which was
Truck 1 (and Truck 1A) from 1982 until 2006.

February 16, 2008:
A bit of 'history' was made in the NLRFD yesterday. For the first time in sixteen years
, a conventional pumper was
assigned to Station 5. Standby Engine 101, a 1987 Pierce Arrow, filled in while the 2004 International/ Ferrara
received some minor repairs. Rescue 5 was back on their regular appara
tus by late afternoon. Click HERE for a
photo of Rescue 5 on its way to Central Station
to pick up the Ferrara Heavy Rescue/ Pumper after repairs had been

February 4, 2008:
The North LIttle Rock Fire Department was called on for Mutual Aid this afternoon by the Oak Grove V. F. D.
for a
structure fire on Lumsden Road, which is intersects with Crystal Hill Road. KTHV Channel 11's Website
describe the facility as an auto repair yard. Evidently several automobiles and other items were stored inside
the building. North Little Rock Companies responding
to the structure fire included: Engines 4 and 8, Truck 7,
948, 946, 942, 924, 935, and 931.

January 30, 2008:
The North Little Rock City Council
meeting of January 28, 2008 provided approval for the expenditure of some
of the Act 833 Funds allocated to the NLRFD this year. The funds will go for remodeling of the Kitchen Facilities
at Station 1 (Central), unspecified remodeling at Station 3, and for repair work at Station 7.

Rescue 1 operated on Standby Engine 101 yesterday (January 29, 2008)
while minor repairs were applied
to the 2002 Freightliner/ E-One Heavy Rescue, which is Rescue 1's
regular apparatus.

January 16,
Rescue 1 is operating on the 2002 Freightliner/ E-One Heavy Rescue - its
regularly assigned apparatus.

January 15, 2008:
Rescue 1 is operating on Standby Engine 101
as of today. Rescue 1's Freightliner/ E-One is undergoing fuel pump

January 14, 200
Engine 2 has returned to the 1999 Spartan/ E-One 1250 GPM Pumper,
its regularly assigned apparatus.

January 7, 2008:
Engine 2 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of to
day, January 7, 2008.




What's New At The NLRFD - Updated August 15, 2017


August 15, 2017
The North Little Rock City Council passed Resolution R-17-131 at its meeting on August 14, 2017. This resolution was an item of interest for the North Little Rock Fire
Department, because Resolution R-17-131 is for the purpose of accepting a FEMA/ Home Land Security Grant for the purpose of purchasing a new rescue unit for the
N.L.R.F.D. The Federal Share of this grant is $363,637.00 The local share is $36,363.00. (The local share will come from AR Act 833 funds allocated to North Little Rock.
This includes NO (Zero) local tax funds.) The awarding of this grant and the $600,000.00 grant accepted by the City of NLR on June 12, 2017 certainly speak well for the
NLR City Government and the NLRFD for being awarded two grants of this stature for badly needed appparatus and equipment for the NLR Fire Department.

Click HERE for details of this resolution (R-17-131) which was passed at the August 14, 2017 City Council Meeting.

Here are a few highlights that the webmaster of this website noticed in this legistation:

+++ This particular grant will pay for a new rescue unit which will go to Station 5 (Park Hill Station) as Rescue 5.
.......+++ This new rescue will replace a thoroughly used 2004 model Ferrara (soon to be 14 years old). The current Rescue 5 will become Standby Rescue 1!

+++ A New Rescue 1 has already been ordered (From FY16 Funds). The current Rescue 1 went in service in 2001. It is nearing 17 years in service, and obviously needs replacing.

+++ The Current HazMat 1, a 1988 GMC Step-Van is nearing 30 years of age, and under the grant, this vehicle will be removed from inventory (retired).
+++ Note From Webmaster: The current HazMat1 (1988 GMC Van) was claimed by the NLRFD at the City Auction in 2005. It was repainted and remodeled by Off Duty NLR Fire Fighters.
.........Click here to see what HazMat1 looked like before it was repainted.

+++ The Current Rescue 1 (Freightliner/ E-One) will become HazMat 1. This will be an assignment with considerable less runs for the new Hazmat 1.

July 15, 2017
Assistant Chief Gerald Tucker officially became the Chief of the NLRFD today. The ceremony for his swearing in was yesterday at 1:00 pm in the City Council Chambers of City Hall.

July 10, 2017
Engine 10's photo on its homepage has been updated. Click HERE to see the new photo.

July 1, 2017
North Little Rock Mayor Joe Smith announced on Friday, June 30, 2017 that NLRFD Assistant Chief Gerald Tucker had been appointed as the Chief of the NLRFD, effective July 15, 2017. Chief
Tucker has been the Interim Chief of the NLRFD since former Chief Jim Murphy passed away on March 18, 2017. (This information was obtained from an article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
of July 1, 2017.)

June 26, 2017
At its meeting on June 12, 2017, The North Little Rock City Council accepted a "FEMA Grant For $600,000.00 UNDER THE FY 2016 Assistance to firefighters Grant Program." This grant will allow for the "purchase of thermal imaging cameras and protective equipoment" for the NLRFD. The city's share of this grant was 10% ($60,000.00), which was paid for out of Act 833 Funds. Captain Billy Jones stated that the "grant will allow the department to replace air packs used by firefighters, buy additional masks and 16 thermal imaging cameras."

June 3, 2017
All of the area under the LINKS button at the top of each webpage has been completely reworked. Other
Fire Departments in Pulaski County were update, as was the webpage link for AR Fallen Firefighters, Manufacturers of Apparatus, and Related Websites. Other Fire Departments In Arkansas (except Pulaski County) and other Fire Departments in other states were deleted. It has proven too great of a task to keep all of these current.

There is now a link under Station 1 for SUPPORT 1, and there is a link under Station 11 for SUPPORT 11. Both of these are Humvee Vehicles. Both of these vehicles can also be viewed by clicking
on the .. Humvees, which is a sub-menu of on the main menu.
May 30, 2017
The NLRFD has taken delivery of two brand new 2017 Dodge Ram 1500 four-door pickup trucks. These two vehicles both have a HEMI 5.7 Liter Engine. The Assistant Fire Marshall and the Deputy Fire Marshall wil trade their 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazers for the new Dodge Trucks. Click HERE and HERE for photos of the new trucks. They are so new, that they have no markings as of yet.

May 29, 2017
The following apparatus reassignments have been made: The 2017 Pierce Impel (as previously mentioned) is now assigned to Engine 7 The 2011 Ferrara Pumper which was formerly assigned to Engine 7 is now assigned to Engine 9 The 2001 Pierce Contender Pumper, which was formerly assigned to Engine 9, is now assigned to Engine 4. The 1996 E-One Custom Pumper, which was assigned to Engine 4 is now a reserve engine.

May 14, 2017
The Engine 7 webpage, Engine 7 Info Webpage, Station 7 Webpage, and Station 7 Info Webpage have all been updated with photos that include the new 017Pierce Impel Pumper.

May 6, 2017
NLRFD'S New 2017 Pierce Impel Pumper went into service as Engine 7 on May 1, 2017. Check out the photos of this pumper (Click the Apparaus Button at the top of any webpage, and then click on "Engines" from the drop-down menu.)


April 14, 2017:
Engine 1's Homepage has been updated with a newer photo.

April 10, 2017:
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR FIRE DEPARTMENT! BEGINNING JULY 1, 2017 THE NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR FIRE DEPARTMENT WILL HAVE A CLASS 1 ISO RATING! This is the best rating that the ISO (Insurance Service Office) gives a Fire Department. A lot of work went into earning this extremely high rating. The North Little Rock Fire Department page on Facebook states that there are 242 other Fire Departments in the U.S.A. that have a Class1 Rating from the ISO.

The Facebook Page for North Little Rock City Government has posted a photo of the new 2017 Pierce Impel Pumper for the NLRFD.

April 9, 2017:
The All Time List of Apparatus Webpage and the All Present Apparatus Webpage have been updated. Engine 9's Webpage, Station 9's Webpage, and Station 10's webpages have all been updated. Also, Reserve Rescue 16 (Fromer Rescue 19) was moved to the museum section of the website to reflect the fact that this apparatus has been decomissioned by the NLRFD.

March 28, 2017
This morning the N.L.R.F.D. Unofficial Website unveiled the new look of its homepage. ( The new slide show lets visitors see a quick look at each of the fourteen (14) front line fire companies. Enjoy!

March 23, 2017
Area Fire Departments filled in at NLR Fire Stations this morning so that on-duty personnel could attend Chief Murphy's funeral. Apparatus from the following departments was observed at NLR Fire Stations: (This is not a complete list.) Little Rock F.D. (Engine 1 and Truck 1), Maumelle F.D. (Engine 2); Pine Bluff Fire Department (Pine Bluff's Engine 6 was at North Little Rock's Station 6!), Jacksonville Fire Dept (Engine 1), Sherwood Fire Department (Engine 2), Gravel Ridge Fire Department (Engine 71), and Conway Fire Dept.

Click HERE to see photos of the North Little Rock Fire Department apparatus at Lakewood United Methodist Church.

Mach 20, 2017

March 19, 2017
Social media sites and local television stations are reporting the passing of N.L.R.F.D. Chief Jim Murphy. There is no information regarding services at this point. Sincere coondolences from this website to his family.

February 12, 2017
NLRFD'S New 2017 Pierce Impel Pumper continues through the assembly process at the Pierce factory. Construction photos are listed on the homepage of this

January 31, 2017
EVS Emergency Vehicle Specialists (Pierce Dealer For North Little Rock) is now showing construction photos of the new Pierce Impel Pumper for the NLRFD
on its Facebook Page. Click HERE to see the photos from EVS. (You will need to scroll down.)

July 12, 2016:
The North Little Rock City Council approved the purchase of a new Pierce Impel Pumper for the NLRFD at its regularly schedule meeting on July 11, 2016.
The new pumper will have a 1500 GPM pump, a 750 gallon water tank, a Cummins ISL9 450HP Diesel engine, and an Allison Transmission.

Click HERE
to see details of the new Pierce Impel Pumper. This link will go to the Official City of NLR Website.
Scroll down the PDF document to see the official specs of the new NLRFD Pumper.

June 9, 2016:
Truck 1, 2006, A Ferrara 107' Rear Mount Aerial/ Quint returned to service around June 1, 2016. Truck 1 had been at the Ferrara Factory
for major body repairs for serveral months.

April 26, 2016:
Truck 1 is now operating on a Reserve Pumper. The 2006 Ferrara 107' Quint was damaged in a collision some months ago, and is
still at the Ferrara factory. Hopefully, it will soon be returning to North Little Rock.

December 20, 2015: Here is a link to phtos of the three 2015 Pierce Pumpers at a ceremony at NLRFD Central Station: Click Here.

October 16, 2015:
NLRFD Fire Station 11 had its Grand Opening on Friday, October 16, 2015. Engine 11's first apparatus is a 2001 Pierce Contender with a 1250 GPM pump and
a 1000 gallon water tank. Click on Station 11's homepage or Engine 11's for more information.

May 28, 2015:
Engine 10 was the final NLRFD Engine Company to receive a new 2015 Pierce Saber Pumper. Please see the photo of New Engine 10 being prepared to go
in service - About 7:15pm on May 28, 2015.

The back lot at Central Station had five pumpers parked on it - Plus Brush One. The five pumpers were: Engine 10's former 2001 Pierce Contender, Former
Engine 8 (1997 Freightliner/ Smeal), Engine 101 (1995 E-One), Former Engine 4 (1995 E-One), and Standby Engine 103 (1987 Pierce)

New Vehicle For Safety 1: 2015 Dodge Ram 1500

May 23, 2015:
Engine 1 was the second Engine Company to receive a new 2015 Pierce Saber Pumper. This took place on May 22nd.

Former Engine 1 (1996 E-One 1250 GPM Pumper) went in service this morning as Engine 4. This pumper has an engine that was completely
rebuilt in the last few years. It looks like Engine 10's Pierce Contender will very possibly end up as a reserve pumper.

May 22, 2015:
Engine 6 was the first Engine Company in the NLRFD to receive a new 2015 Pierce Saber Pumper. (This took place on May 21, 2015.)
Engine 1 and Engine 10 will also soon be responding to alarms on new 2015 Pierce Saber Pumpers. Engine 6's 2011 Ferrara Custom
Pumper is now Engine 8 of the NLRFD. Present Engine 1 (1996 E-One) and Present Engine 10 (2001 Pierce Contender) will obviously
be reassigned to another Engine Company or as a Reserve Pumper.

February 11, 2015:
The North Little Rock City Council approved an expenditure of $18,700.00 for leasing the property at 9906 East U.S. Highway 165 by a vote of 7-0.
The $18,700.00 would be for the first year's lease Click HERE for a link to North Little Rock's Official City Website and the Resolution Authorizing
The Lease Agreement

February 9, 2015:
The North Little Rock City Council will vote on $18,700.00 for leasing property at 9906 U.S. Highway 165 East as a long needed Fire Station for the
citizens of the far east end of North Litte Rock. This vote will take place at the regularly scheduled city council meeting on Monday, February 9. 2015.
This was announced in an article on Page 1B of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette for Sunday, February 8th. The 18,700.00 would include the first year's
lease and "related expenses." A 1,920 square foot building is included with the property.

February 3, 2015:
The NLR City Council voted 8-0 yesterday to approve the purchase of three pumpers from Pierce Manufacturing Company. The cost: $396096 each. An
estimated arrival of the newest and really needed additions to the NLRFD is March 1st. An article appears in the "B" section of today's Arkansas Democrat-
Gazette. More information will be on this website as it becomes available.

January 31, 2015:
A Special Called Meeting of the NLR City Council has been set for 12:00 Noon on Monday, February 2, 2015. The purpose of the meeting is for the purpose
of buying three Pierce Saber Fire Engines for the NLRFD. Details may be viewed on the actual City Council Ordinance by clicking here

November 15, 2014:
According to a recent article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, North Little Rock Major Joe Smith has voiced his support for a Five Year Plan which will replace
much of the NLRFD's old and worn out apparatus. Mayor Smith supports $1.25 million being allocated in 2015 for the purchase of new fire apparatus for North
Little Rock. The NLR City Council still must approve this plan and funds for purchasing the fire apparatus.

Reserve Aerial 1 (1975 American LaFrance Snorkle) and Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial) have both been taken out of service,
due to their age (39 years and 33 years) and safety concerns. These are the last two American LaFrance trucks on inventory at the NLRFD.

August 6: 2014:
Chief Jim Murphy became the Chief of the North Little Rock Fire Department in a ceremony held on August 4, 2014.

April 28, 2014:
The "J.W. Springer II" has arrived at the N.L.R.F.D. This new Fire Boat is named for the late Chief J.W. Springer- a long time Battalion Chief and
Fire Marshall of the N.L.R.F.D. Click HERE to see photos of the J.W. Springer II.

October 30, 2013:  Truck 1 (2006 Ferrara 102' Aerial/ Quint) returned to service yesterday.  There were some anxious moments as the
apparatus was unloaded from the truck that was carry it back to North Little Rock. The aerial is now in service as Truck 1
after a very long absence.

October 1, 2013:
Truck 7 (2002 Pierce 100' Platform/ 2000 GPM Quint) returned to service on the afternoon of September 30, 2013.

September 22, 2013:
Standy Engine 103, a 1987 Pierce Arrow, was filling in as Truck 7 as of the afternoon of September 21, 2013. (This was a weekend.) Reserve Aerial 2
(1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial) continues to fill in as Truck1 at Central.
Reserve Aerial 1 (1975 ALF Snorkel) has not been called to service in quite some time now.

July 17, 2013:
On the
Agenda for the July 22, 2013 NLR City Council Meeting: A RESOLUTION for a Mutual Aid Agreement between the NLR Fire Dept. and the Sherwood F.D.

May 3
0, 2013:
The Unofficial NLRFD Website is now up and running again. It
took some time to move the volumes of webpages and photos that are part of this site. The situation? The webmaster of absolutely refused to pay an annual fee that was close to double of what was customary for hosting this website! The solution? A much better deal was found after shopping around. Installing the Linux (free) operating system on an old 'box' and hosting this from home is still an option.

May 9, 2013:
Truck 7, a 2002 Pierce 100
' Platform/ 2000 GPM Quint, returned to service at Station 7 yesterday.

May 5, 2013: Standby Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance Rear Mount 100') was observed in service today as Truck 7 at Station 7.

April 20, 2013:
Truck 7 (2002 Pierce 100' Platform/ Quint (2000 GPM) returned to service on Friday, April 19, 2013 after a four month stint in the shop for repairs for its computer system. During this fourth month interval, Reserve Truck 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100' Rear Mount) filled in as Truck 7, except for one day when Standby Engine 102 filled in as Truck 7.

Feb. 23, 2013:
Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial) continues to fill in as Truck 7 at Station 7. Reserve Aerial 2 has been stationed at Station 7 for the last few weeks. The 2002 100' Pierce Platform/ Quint has been experiencing issues which are most like within its computer system and/ or wiring. Diagnosis and repairs are still underway.

October 20, 2012:

Four NLRFD Vehicles are headed to the NLR City Auction. The Auction will be on October 25, 2012. A 2001 Dodge Durango (former 924 and 931), along with a 1989 Chevrolet 4-door dual rear tire pickup truck (938) will both be at the auction. Also, two Ford Crown Vic NLRFD Staff Vehicles will also be sold at the auction.

The "All Time Apparatus List" and "Present Apparatus List" on this website have both been updated to reflect the five new vehicles that have recently been put in service. (Battalion 1 - (3/4 Chevy Long Wheel Base Pickup), 935 and 945 (new Chevy 1/2 ton 4 door pickups) , 948 (2013 Chevy Impala), and 938's new Ford 4X4 Pickup.

September 19, 2012:
The new Apparatus for N.L.R.F.D. Battalion 1 has arrived at Central Station. Click HERE for a photo.

A new Chevrolet Impala has arrived at Central Station. Click HERE for a photo. This car will go to the Fire Marshal of the N. L. R. F .D. - 948 --
. 948's Toyota Highlander will move to 942 in the Fire Marshal's Office.

Two new Chevy 4 door pickup trucks for Staff Officers have arrived at Central Station. Click HERE for a photo. These trucks are to replace present 935 and 945
vehicles. (Training Captain and Administrative Captain)

The NLRFD is in the process of establishing a CERT program in NLR. Three NLRFD Firefighters have attended a class to train interested NLR citizens to become part of a team that would respond to major emergencies in the city to assist both the  NLRPD and NLRFD. At this time brocures are being printed to pass out at Firefest, national night out and some of the neighborhood meetings. Here is a link to the CitizenCorp website:

August 1, 2012:
A new Ford F250 4X4 Pick Up Truck has arrived at the N.L.R.F.D. Click here for a photo. This vehicle probably will be assigned to pull a trailer, such as Special Operations or Haz-Mat.

The new 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD Long Wheel Base 4-Wheel Drive 3/4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup, which will be the new Battalion 1, is awaiting a CNG conversion. After the CNG conversion, it will be delivered to the NLRFD.

Two new Chevy 1/2 ton pickup trucks and a Chevrolet Impala additionally are now on order for the NLRFD.

July 18, 2012:
A resolution for the purchase of two 2013 1/2 ton pickup trucks from Bale Chevrolet for the N.L.R.F.D. is on the Agenda for the 7-23-2012 NLR City Council Meeting. Also included in this resolution is the purdchase of a Chevrolet Impala for the N.L.R.F.D. C lick HERE to read the resolution.

July 7, 2012:
CLICK HERE for photos at Station 2 on July 7, 2012: Standby Engine 101 and Hazmat 939 were both parked in front of the station.

Engines 2, 1 and 10, Truck 1, Rescue 1, and Battalion 1 all responded to a structure fire at East Broadway and Clover Streets on July 6, 2012. With temperatures well in excess of 100F, conditions were extremely hot. A video of this incident is post at Click HERE to view the video.

May 30, 2012:
The Annual Ladder Test of all NLRFD Pumpers and Aerial Ladder Trucks was taking place today. The testing will include all front line pumpers and aerials, as well as Reserve Apparatus.

Standby Engine 101 has returned to the NLRFD with a new transmission installed. This pumper should soon be ready for assignments when regular pumpers are out of service.

May 10, 2012:
Standby Engine 101, a 1995 E-One 1250 GPM Custom Pumper (Former Engine 7), is now having undergoing a transmission overhaul. When this apparatus returns to the NLRFD, it should be ready for service.

May 5, 2012:
Photos of the "Finished Product" of the new Brush Truck are now displayed on the website: CLICK HERE

April 15, 2012:
The New NLRFD Brush Truck has decals, lettering, light bar, new paint, and all equipment in order. Check out the latest photos. CLICK HERE

April 7, 2012:
The "new" Brush Truck of the N.L.R.F.D. has been returned to Central Station after being painted red. Photos will follow, when the truck is parked in a good location. This apparatus is quite an improvement over the previous 1961 General Motors former U.S. Arny "duece and a half." This truck has a Diesel engine, automatic transmission, and received an extensive refurbishment in 1999.

March 25, 2012:
Truck 7 has returned to its regular apparatus, the 2002 Pierce 100' Platform/ Quint as of 3/24/2012. The exchange most likely took place on Friday, 3/23/2012.

March 20, 2012:
Battalion 924 is now know as Battalion 1. Since the Engine, Truck and Rescue Companies at Central Station are known as Engine 1, Truck 1, and Rescue 1, this seems like a most logical move.

March 14, 2012:
Photos of the new Brush Truck being painted are posted on the website. Click HERE to see the new photos.

March 6, 2012:
Truck 7 is operating on Reserve Aerial 1, as of yesterday afternoon. The 2002 Pierce Quint is receiving some radiator repairs. Here is a great chance for photos of the 1975 American LaFrance Aerial at Station 7.

February 8, 2012:
The North Little Rock City Council is to award a bid at its February 13, 2012 meeting for a new apparatus for the N.L.R.F.D. Battalion Chief's vehicle. It appears that the new apparatus is to be a 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD Long Wheel Base 4-Wheel Drive 3/4 Ton Extended Cab Pickup. Act 833 Funds will be used to pay for this vehicle. The new 924 is to have a camper shell and a roll-out type of shelffor equipment and records. It appears to be similar to vehicles used
for the Little Rock F.D.'s Battalion Chiefs. Click HERE to see the NLR City Council Resolution

January 2, 2012:
Photos of the "new" Brush Truck (A Former M35A3 Army 2 21/2 Ton Truck from the Forestry Commission) have been posted to the website. CLICK HERE

December 17, 2011:
The NLRFD Unofficial Website and the "Museum" portion of the website have been updated to include changes that were needed because of the Fire Vehicles that were sold in the NLR City Auction last month.

Also, the "new" Brush Truck has arrived at the NLRFD Central Station. The resolution for acquiring this vehicle stated that it would be a 1980's vintage truck.
Photos will follow in the next few days.
November 4, 2011:
The City of North Little Rock held its annual City Auction yesterday. Five NLRFD trucks were sold at the auction:
1- 1961 General Motors "Deuce and a Half" (Formerly Brush Truck 1)
2 - 1975 International / Fire Control Engineering of Ft. Worth Airport Emergency Truck
3 - 1976 International/ American LaFrance 1000 GPM Pumper
4 -1981 American LaFrance 1500 GPM Pumper
5- 1985 Seagrave Pumper 1250 GPM Pumper

October 26, 2011:
Here is a list of the apparatus from the N.L.R.F.D. and other Departments that were involved in the fire at Onyx Laboratories on Rowlett Road in North Little Rock on October 20, 2011 (These companies either responded to the fire itself, or filled in at N.L.R. Fire Stations during the fire.) Some units responding may not have been included:

Battaltion 924, Car 931 (Training Lieutenant), Hazmat 939, Unit 942 (Fire Marshal's Office), Unit 946 - (Fire Marshal's Office), Unit 949 (Ass't Chief), Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 3, Engine 4, Engine 6, Engine 8, Engine 9 (Filled in at Station 6), Rescue 1, Truck 7, East Pulaski Vol. F.D. (Filled in At Station 10), Maumelle F.D. (Eng. 2 filled in at NLR Station 4), the Little Rock F.D. - which filled in at N.L.R. Central Station during the fire, Sherwood F.D. - Filled in at N.L.R. Station 9, and The Pulaski County OES.

October 13, 2011:
Photos of the N.L.R.F.D. Fire Fest - Click HERE to see the photo slide show.

The N.L.R.F.D. is to decommission several older Fire Apparatus currently on the roster of the N.L.R.F.D. They will be sold at the upcoming NLR City Auction.

1. 1961 General Motors Brush Truck (Former "Deuce and a Half" Army Truck)

2. 1975 International / Fire Control Engineering of Ft. Worth Airport Emergency Truck

3. 1976 International/ American LaFrance Pumper - 1000 GPM - Served as Engine 6 and Engine 10. In 1999 the truck was loaned to Beebe F.D. on a long-term loan
............It was returned to the NLRFD in Nov. 2010.

4. 1981 American LaFrance 1500 GPM Pumper. Served as Engine 7, Engine 9, and as a Reserve Pumper - Standby 101 and Standby 102.

5. 1985 Seagrave 1250 GPM Pumper - Served as Engine 3, Engine 10, as as a Reserve Pumper- Both as Standby 102 and 103.

September 28, 2011:
Engine 1 returned to its regular apparatus - after running on various reserve pumpers for more than two months! The 1996 E-One Custom returned to Central Station on Friday, September 23rd with a completely overhauled Diesel engine. It was discovered that the apparatus needed a new solenoid, which delayed its official return to front line duty, as Engine 1, for a few days.

September 10, 1011:
Photos of the 1995 E-One Hurricane 1250 Custom At Station 4 are now on the website. Click HERE for Engine 4's Homepage. Click HERE for Station 4's Webpage.

Physical Tests were being given this morning at the training tower to several applicants, who wish to become members of the N.L.R.F.D. Also, photos of the new N.L.R.F.D. Live Fire Multi Trainer System at the Training Tower. Click HERE to see the photos taken at the Training Tower this morning.

August 30, 2011:
Engine 1 is now operating on Standby Engine 102 ('92 Pierce Arrow 1250 GPM). Engine 9 has evidently returned to Station 9 as Engine 9. Engine 1's regular apparatus, the 1996 E-One Custom 1250, is still awaiting for its engine to finish an overhaul.

August 24, 2011:
By today, Engine 8 ('97 Freightliner/ Smeal) had returned to service; Standby Engines 101 and 103 remained in service.

August 22, 2011
Today found all three Reserve (Standby) Pumpers of the N.L.R.F.D. in service. The assignments were as follows: Standby Engine 101 ('95 E-One) - Filling in as Engine 10 at Station 10; Standby Engine 102 ('92 Pierce Arrow) - Filling In as Engine 8 at Station 8; Standby Engine 103 ('87 Pierce) - Filling in as Engine 9 at Station 9. Engine 9 (2001 Pierce Contender) is temporarily assigned to Central Station as Engine 1.

Engine 1's regular apparatus ('96 E-One Custom 1250 Pumper) is still awaiting return of its apparatus, pending a major overhaul of its Diesel engine.

August 21, 2011:
Engine 9 has been assigned temporarily to operate out of Central Station as Engine 1. This is because of overheating problems, and this
will have the 2001 Pierce 1250 Pumper located close to the NLRFD Repair Forces. Standby Engine 103 ('87 Pierce Arrow) is running as Engine 9.

August 10, 2011:
During Monday night (August 8th) through early Tuesday morning (August 9th), the N.L.R.F.D. responded to five structure fires. Four of the
fires were caused by lightning, and one was a kitchen fire. Click HERE to see Michael Cossey's photos of the incident on East C Street in Park Hill.
Little Rock F.D., Sherwood F.D., and East Pulaski F.D. were called for Mutual Aid. All N. L. R. F. D. Engine, Ladder and Rescue Companies were dispatched
to fires at the peak of these incidents.

N.L.R.F.D. Engine 1 ('96 E-One 1250 Custom) remains out of service due to its engine undergoing a major engine overhaul, due to failed bearings.

July 20, 2011:
Engine 1's regular apparatus, the 1996 E-One Custom 1250 GPM Pumper, remains out of service with major engine problems - A failed bearing.

The City Council Agenda for July 25, 2011 contains an item in regards to replacing the NLRFD's current brush truck (Brush 1). This apparatus is a 1961
General Motors 2 1/2 ton former U.S. Army "Deuce and a half" truck.
It is 50 years old, and is listed as inoperable at present in the NLR City Council Resolution.
Click HERE to read the Resolution for replacing the truck. The replacement truck is a 1980's U.S. Army truck (2 1/2 ton), which has been overhauled in 1999. It
will come from the Arkansas Forestry Commission in Greenbrier. It will be painted red, and will have equipment from the present Brush 1 mounted on its body.

The 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom (Former Engine 4) is now lettered "S102" for the designation of Standby Engine 102. Former Standby 102 (1995 E-One - Originally
Engine 6) is at Station 4.

July 13, 2011:
As of this morning, Rescue 5 (Station 5) is running on Standby Engine 103 while Rescue 5's apparatus undergoes some repairs.
Engine 1 continues to operate on Standby Engine 101 ('95 EOne - Former Engine 7). Engine 1's regular pumper has an engine bearing that has failed. It is
currently at a Diesel repair shop.

June 30, 2011:
Several items of interest to list today:
1 - The NLR City Council has given the approval to spend funds (A Homeland Security Grant and Act 833 Funds ) for new Computer Equipment for NLRFD
......Apparatus.) This equipment will be installed in 15 NLRFD Vehicles. Click HERE to read the NLR CIty Council Resolution.

2- Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100' Rear-Mount Aerial) has been filling in as Truck 7 at Station 7. It was observed late on June 29th still at
......Station 7.

3- Photos of the the current Standby Engines 101 and 103 are now posted on the website. Click on the Apparatus Menu, then click on Engines, and the the
appropriate Standby Engine.

4- The 1992 Pierce Arrow Pumper has been observed at Central - still lettered as Engine 4, but it looks probable that this apparatus will become Standby Engine 102.

June 22, 2011:
The Reserve Pumpers of the N.L.R.F.D. are apparently being reorganized. While Engine 1 was off track this morning, the 1987 Pierce Arrow Pumper, most recently
designated as "Standby Engine 101" was filling in as Engine 1. The 1987 Pierce Arrow is now designated as "Standby Engine 103" and is lettered as "S103" to reflect
this designation.

This morning, the 1995 E-One known most recently as "Standby Engine 103" (former Engine 7) was still lettered as Engine 7 at Central. Later this afternoon, however,
this apparatus was filling in for Engine 1, and is now lettered as "S101" and is designated as "Standby Engine 101."

The 1992 Pierce Arrow Pumper which has been assigned as Engine 4 was filling in as Engine 3 today. It has NOT been observed with any new numbering yet.

The 1995 E-One which has been known as "Standby Engine 102" (Former Engine 6) has been observed at Station 4. The large reflective "6" numerals are still
present, but smaller lettering has been changed to "Engine 4" on the sides of the pumper. It seems quite possible that this pumper may be in the process of
becoming Engine 4's permanent apparatus. This pumper does have high storage compartments on both sides of the body, and the 1992 Pierce only has high
storage compartments on the left side of its apparatus. The 1995 E-One is also air conditioned. More information on this will be posted as it becomes available.

June 5, 2011:
Station 5 has now reopened, and. Rescue 5 is running out of Station 5 again. Truck 7 has returned to Station 7, and has joined Engine 7 in running from
Station 7 again.

May 3, 2011:
Station 7 had plenty of fire apparatus at the station this afternoon: Engine 7 (2011 Ferrara Ember); Rescue 5 (2004 International/ Ferrara); Truck 7 (2002 Pierce
Platform/ Quint); Reserve Aerial 2 (1981 American LaFrance 100/ Aerial). Truck 7 had been temporarily assigned to fill in at Station 7, while Engine 7 and Rescue 5
both were at training. While Truck 7 was at Station 7, operating on Reserve Aerial 2, Truck 7's 2002 Pierce arrived and was ready to go back in service. It seems
that Truck 7 had swapped the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkel for the 1981 American LaFrance rear mount aerial at some point.

May 2, 2011:
Truck 7 has been operating on Reserve Aerial 1 for the last few days. Truck 7's 2002 Pierce Platform/ Quint is undergoing repairs for a leaking power steering
pump. Station 5 is temporarily closed so that approved repairs can begin on its structure. During the interim, Rescue 5 is operating out of Station 7 with
Engine 7. Truck 7 has temporarily relocated to Station 8.

April 18, 2011:
Former Engine 6 (1995 E-One 1250 Custom), which is now Standby Engine 102 has already seen its first two assignments as a reserve pumper. Its first assignment
was filling in as Engine 2. For the last few days, it has been filling in as Engine 9, while Engine 9 undergoes repairs.

March 24, 2011:
Funds have been appropriated by the NLR City Council for the Repair and Restoration of NLR Fire Station No 5 the "Park Hill" Station.
Click HERE to Read the NLR City Council Resolution

March 11, 2011:
The 1995 E-One 1250 Pumper formerly assigned as Engine 6 is now Standby Engine 102, and the 1995 E-One pumper formerly assigned as Engine 7 is now Standby
Engine 103. The 1981 American LaFrance Pumper, and the 1985 Seagrave Pumper are presently unassigned pumpers
, both of which are still on inventory.
February 24, 2011:
Truck 1's 2006 Ferrara 106' Rear Mount Quint was observed back in service early this morning.

February 22, 2011:
Truck 1 is now operating on Reserve Truck 2 - A
1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial. Reserve Truck 2 served as Truck 1A (later Truck 1) for 24 years
before being replaced by the present Truck 1. The 2006 Ferrara is undergoing brake repairs at Central.

February 13, 2011:
New Photos of
Engine 6's New Ferrara/ Ember 1250 GPM Custom Pumper at Station 6 are now posted on the website. Click HERE to view the photos.

February 11, 2011:
NLRFD apparatus were still running with chains this morning, but some companies, which were
observed this afternoon, had shed their chains due to improved
road conditions. Several new photos of Engine 7 and Station 7 were added to the website today. (See Engine 7 and Station 7's home pages. The webpage with
"more information and photos of Engine 7" on Engine 7's homepage has quite a few new photos, also.)

Februry 7, 2011:
Engine 6's New Ferrara pumper went in service today, February 7, 2011.
The two 1995 E-One Hurricane Custom Pumpers (Former Engines 6 & 7), are both
in a state of transition at present. They are being prepared to be placed in service as Reserve Pumpers.

February 3, 2011:
Engine 7's New Ferrara/ Ember Custom Pumper went in service as Engine 7 today. Due to the lack of light and
extreme cold, photos were not made of the
new pumper at Station 7 today. As soon a the sun returns and weather moderates a bit, photos of Engine 7's new apparatus at Station 7 will be posted to
this website.

Engine 7's former pumper, the 1995 E-One Hurricane 1250 Custom Pumper will soon be designated as a Reserve Pumper in the N.L.R.F.D. It was parked in
a heated bay at Central yesterday, as was Engine 6's new Ferrara. The 1981 American LaFrance pumper and the 1985 Seagrave pumper were both stored
at Old Station 8, which did allow for heated storage with the extreme cold.

It appears that the E-One pumpers (Engines 6 and 7) will both be designated as reserve pumpers after the new pumpers are placed in service. Watch this
website for more information about their status. Information will be posted as soon as Engine 6's new Ferrara is placed in service, also.

January 29, 2011: The two new Ferrara Ember Custom Pumpers arrived late last night at N.L.R.F.D. Central Station. Click HERE for photos made of the
two new pumpers on the morning of January 29, 2011.

As of this morning (January 29, 2011), Engine 7 is still operating on Standby Engine 101. (1987 Pierce Arrow Custom).

January 28, 2011: The two new Ferrara Ember Custom 1250 pumpers left the Ferrara factory in Holden, LA sometime this afternoon. They should
arrive in North Little Rock sometime tonight. Photos tonight will most likely be of very poor quality; therefore, photos of the new pumpers should
be posted on this website sometime tomorrow (January 29, 2011.)

Engine 7 was observed operating on Standby Engine 101 (1987 Pierce Arrow) late this afternoon. It will be interesting to see if Engine 7's new Ferrara
is placed in service first, or if Engine 7's current apparatus, the 1995 E-One Hurricane Custom 1250 is back in service before the Ferrara goes in service.

January 12, 2011: The two new pumpers on order from Ferrara Fire Apparatus Company continue to take shape at the Ferrara factory.
Ferrara is updat
ing the photos on their website once every 2-3 days as of late. Click HERE to see construction photos of pumper H-4699
Click HERE to see construction photos of pumper H-4700

7, 2011: Photos from Ferrara's Website were updated again today. The two new N. L. R. F. D. pumpers are really being put together at a very fast
pace! Click HERE to see construction photos of pumper H-4699
........ Click HERE to see construction photos of pumper H-4700

January 4, 2011: Photos of the two new N . L . R. F. D. pumpers under construction at Ferrara Fire Apparatus Company in Holden, LA have been placed on the
Ferrara Website. (

Click HERE to see construction photos of the first of the two identical pumpers. This pumper has a construction number of H-4699.
Click HERE to see construction photos of the second of the two identical pumpers. This pumper has a construction number of H-4700.

December 21, 2010:
Engine 1 was observed operating on Standby Engine 101 today. Rreasons for the '96 E-One being out of service are unknown as of now.

Engine 7 has operated on Standby 101 for a number of days lately. Numerous repairs were performed on the 1995 E-One. This apparatus
(the 1995 E-One) is a high-mileage vehicle, which reflects the number of runs it has made as Engine 7, since it went it service in Feburary 1995.

November 16, 2010:
A North Little Rock. F.D. pumper on long-term loan was returned to the NLRFD today. A 1976 International/ American LaFrance pumper that was
loaned to the Beebe, AR Fire Dept. after the 1999 tornado was returned to North Little Rock today. It was parked on the back lot of Central Fire
Station this afternoon. The addition of present Engine 2 (1999 Spartan
/ E-One to the roster) made this pumper available for the long-term loan.

November 15, 2010:
The date for the North Little Rock Christmas Parade has been set for Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.

The North Little Rock City Council appropriated $1,868.00 to purchase a trailer for the new Emergency Utility Vehicle - A 2010 Kimteck Polaris Ranger.
Click HERE to read the City Council Resolution.

Friday, November 12, 2010 found Engine 2, a 1999 Spartan/ E-One at Central for major brake repairs. Standby Engine 103, a 1985 Seagrave pumper, is
filling in at Station 2 as Engine 2. It will be interesting to see what the last assignment of the '85 Seagrave and the '81 American LaFrance pumpers ends
up being, since both of these old pumpers will most likely be decommissioned after the two new pumpers arrive in February 2011.

October 21, 2010:
The 1959 American LaFrance Pumper, which had been on the equipment roster for over 50 years, was recently sold at the annual city auction. It was
purchased by an individual who reportedly has a great interest in fire apparatus, and hopefully will give the old pumper a very good home. Most recently,
the pumper had been stored at the city yards, with a tarp covering it. This truck was originally Engine 5, and later was exchanged with Engine 3's pumper,
a 1947 American LaFrance. The 1959 American LaFrance was Engine 3 until 1982, when it became Engine 8. In 1985, it became a Reserve Pumper. Its
last assignment was as a parade pumper.

The lastest word on the two new Ferrara Pumpers, which are on order is that delivery will most likely now be in mid February 2011.

October 7, 2010:
The Annual NLRFD Fire Fest was held on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at the Kroger Store at McCain and North Hills. Most area fire departments were
represented at the event. Click HERE for a photo slideshow of Fire Fest

September 11, 2010:
Engine 7 returned to its regular apparatus on Thursday, September 9, 2010, after six days on Standby Engine 101.

September 5, 2010:
Station 7 is an "All Pierce Station" for the next few days. Engine 7 is operating on Standby Engine 101, a 1987 Pierce Arrow pumper, while Truck 7
operates on its regular apparatus, a 2002 Pierce 100' Platform. Engine 7's regular apparatus, a 1995 E-One, is having a broken right rear spring
repaired. Engine 7 has been operating on a reserve apparatus since Friday, September 3rd - perhaps a day earlier.
August 25, 2010:
Truck 7 returned to its regular apparatus late yesterday afternoon (8-24-2010). The 2002 Pierce Platform/ Quint had been undergoing repairs at Central.

August 16, 2010:
Truck 7 is again operating on Reserve Aerial 1, the 1975 American LaFrance Snorkel. Truck 7's 2002 Pierce Platform/ Quint is undergoing brake repairs
at Central.

ugust 6, 2010:
ruck 7's 2002 Pierce Aerial Platform/ Quint was observed back in service at Station 7 late in the afternoon of August 6th. The 2002 Pierce had been out of
service so that minor repairs could be repaired.

_6, 2010:
The 2006 Ferrara 107
' Aerial/ Quint of the N.L.R.F.D. was observed back in service as Truck 1 this morning. This ended three days with both reserve aerials in
service. The 2006 Ferrara had returned to the Ferrara factory in Holden, LA to repair damage from a collision on June 26, 2010. (This collision was not the
fault of the N.L.R.F.D.)

August 3, 2010:
Rescue 5's 2004 International/ Ferrara Heavy Rescue had to be taken 'off the tr
ack' for repairs sometime over the weekend of July 31st/ August 1st. Standby
Engine 103 (1985 Seagrave) filled in as Rescue 5.
This is only the second time that a pumper has filled in as Rescue 5, since the pumper at Station 5 was replaced
by a rescue unit in the fall of 1992. (The first time was on
February 16, 2008.) Rescue 5 returned to their regular apparatus, the 2004 International/ Ferrara
Heavy Rescue with a 1000 GPM pump, this afternoon.

Truck 7 exchanged apparatus today as well. Truck 7 is now operating on Reserve Aerial 1, the 1975 American LaFrance snorkel. Both ladder companies in the
city are now operating on a reserve aerial apparatus. Click HERE for photos of Truck 7 as equipment was exchanged between the two aerials this morning.

A new apparatus
has arrived at the North Little Rock Fire Department. It is a 2010 FIRELITE Transport Deluxe FDH-10 mounted on a a KIMTEK Polaris Ranger 4x4.
This apparatus was purchased with a grant received by the N.L.R.F.D. There is no
information on a unit designation or a station assignment for the new vehicle.
Click HERE for photos of the Kimtek Polaris Ranger 4X4.

July 20, 2010:
A gasoline tank truck overturned yesterday afternoon on I
-40 West between the Burns Park and Crystal Hill exits. Fortunately, the truck's cargo
remained intact. Engines 8, 2 and 1
, Hazmat 939, Command 1, Battalion 924, Units 950, 949 and 942 responded to the incident. Oak Grove
F. D
also responded. The westbound lanes of I-40 remained closed from the Burns Park exit to the Crystal Hill Exit until sometime past midnight.

July 13, 2010:
N.L.R.F.D. Truck 1's apparatus, a 2006 Ferrara 107' Aerial/ Quint left
North Little Rock on a flat-bed truck today, headed for the Ferrara factory in
Holden, LA. Damage to the aerial (from the accident on June 26, 2010) will be determined and repaired.

July 7, 2010:
Truck 1 continues to operate on Reserve Aerial 2 ('81 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial) while the 2006 Ferrara awaits repairs due to
the collision on June 26, 2010. (This collision was not the fault of the NLRFD.)

June 29, 2010:

Truck 1's regular apparatus, the 2006 Ferrara 107' rear mount aerial/ quint, was damaged in the early morning hours of Saturday, June 26, 2006.
Truck 1 was returning to its quarters at Central Station when it was struck by another vehicle at 14th and Main Streets. The NLRFD was not at
fault in this collision in any way whatsoever. The 2006 Ferrara will be out of service until repairs to the apparatus are completed.

June 19, 2010:
A commercial structure fire occured on the morning of Saturday, June 19, 2010 at MJ Communications on East 43rd Street. Initially, Engines 7, 9, 6, Truck 7
Rescue 5, Battalion 924 and Unit 931 responded to the fire. Engine 7 reported seeing smoke at McCain and U.S. 67/167. Engine 7 caught a plug and laid a 5
inch supply line to the fire. A fourth pumper was soon requested, and Engine 10 was dispatched to the fire. At some point during the incident, the following
engine companies were also dispatched: Engines 1, 2, 3, and 4. East Pulaski F.D. filled in at NLRFD Station 10. NLR Engine 8 filled in a Station 6. NLR Engine 6's
crew returned to Station 6 on Engine 4's apparatus, since Engine 6 had hose lines attached. Crews were rotated frequently, because of the heat and
humidity. A local televsion station reported on its 10:00 pm Saturday evening newscast that one firefighter was taken to the hospital for heat exhaustion,
but was released after treatment. MEMS had 3 trucks on the scene at one point.

Click HERE for photos of the fire at MJ Communcations.

On Saturday evening, the same companies that were initially dispatched on this fire (Engines 7, 9, 6 Truck 7, Rescue 5 and Battalion 924), were dispatched
for yet another commerical structure fire - a fire in the laundry room - at Fox Ridge Retirement Center at 17 Parkstone Circle. Engine 3 was dispatched
soon thereafter. Taking residents to safety and dealing with some degree of smoke were the two main issues that faced firefighters at Parkstone Circle.
The fire was extinguished by the time that the NLRFD arrived.

June 14, 2010:
All three reserve pumpers of the NLRFD were in service on June 9th and June 10th (2010). Engine 2 was already operating on Standby Engine 101,
while its air conditioning was repaired. Engine 10 began experiencing problems on June 9th, so Standby Engine 103 was dispatched to Station 10
to fill in. Later on June 9th, Engine 4 ('92 Pierce Arrow 1250) also needed to come off line for repairs. Standby Engine 102 was sent to Station 4 as
Engine 4's apparatus. By the afternoon of June 11th, both Engine 2 and Engine 4 had returned to their regular pumpers. Engine 10's 2001 Pierce
Contender returned to service during the afternoon of Monday, June 14th.

Click HERE to see photos of all three NLRFD Standby Pumpers in service at the same time. The photos were made on June 10th.

June 5, 2010:
As of early this morning, Truck 7 is operating out of Station 7 again, and Engine 9 has returned to its quarters. Click HERE for photos of Engine 9, when
it was operating temporarily out of Station 7.

May 28, 2010:
Engine 9 is now operating out of Station 7, while repairs are made to N.L.R.F.D. Station 9.
.There are now two engine companies assigned to
Station 7, since Engine 7 continues to operate out of Station 7. Truck 7 is now operating temporarily out of Station 8, along with Engine 8. These
temporary changes were made on Thursday, May 27, 2010. Command 1, which normally is housed at Station 8, is temporarily stationed at Central Station.

May 13, 2010:
Bid specifications from the North Little Rock Commerce Department indicate that bids will be opened at 10:00am on May 27, 2010 for some new
NLRFD pumpers. Basic specifications call for a top-mounted 1250 GPM pump, numerous compartments, 500 gallon tanks, and roll-up compartment
doors. Two pumpers are mentioned, with the option for purchasing a third pumper "at the same price."

April 16, 2010:
An update on the companies of the N.L.R.F.D. that responded to the incident at Tenebaum Recycling on West Bethany Road on April 11th and April 12th:
At some point during the incident, the following apparatus responded: Engines 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10; Trucks 1, 7; Rescues 1, 5; Unit 950, Unit 949, Unit 924,
Unit 942, Unit 931. Standby Engine 101 was at Station 10 as Engine 10 at some point, quite possibly while Engine 10's hose was still on the ground at
the fire. Little Rock's Truck 7 filled in at NLR Central Station, and Sherwood Truck 1 filled in at NLR Station 7. East Pulaski F. D. and Scott F. D. provided
water tankers for water shuttle to the incident. (Available hydrants were used as well.)

April 13, 2010:
Note: More information will be added t
o the entry below, as it becomes available. (Please see April 15, 2010 above)
A hugh fire was visible over much of North Little Rock on the afternoon of Sunday,
April 11, 2010. A fire broke at at Tenenbaum Recycling on West Bethany Road.
Black smoke was visible for miles. The North Little Rock Fire Department responded with Engines 2, 7, 10, Truck 1, Rescue 1, Battalion 924 and Unit 931. Unit 950,
and Truck 7 also responded. North Little Rock Engine 4 was seen filling in at Station 7 on Monday morning. The Little Rock F.D. sent an aerial company to fill in at
N.L.R. Central Station. The Sherwood F.D. sent an aerial company to fill in at N.L.R.F.D. Station 7, as well. East Pulaski F.D. and Scott F. D. sent tankers to run water
shuttle for the incident. The N.L.R.F.D. was on the scene unti some time on Monday, April 12th. Again, additional information on this incident will be added as it
becomes available.
Click HERE for Photos of the 4-11-2010 fire.

April 13, 2010:
The Arkansas Democrat- Gazette reports this morning that the North Little Rock City Council approved a $5 million dollar bond issue last night for capital improvements;
a $2 million dollar bond issue for parks was also approved. Funds for two badly needed pumpers for the N.L.R.F.D. were included in the capital improvements bond issue.
More information on the bond issue and funds for the N.L.R.F.D. will be given here, as it becomes available.

February 26, 2010:
Standby Rescue 16, a 1991 Ford F350 Diesel/ Taylor Ambulance Rescue unit caught fire on February 25, 2010. The apparatus was parked outside of
N.L.R.F.D. Station 10 when the fire occurred. The interior of the cab portion of the apparatus was heavily damaged. The TaylorMade Ambulance
portion (the body) seems to be unharmed by the fire. Rescue 16 was received by the N.L.R.F.D. in late 1990, although it was a 1991 year-model
apparatus. It was assigned as Rescue 19. Rescue 19 is now Rescue 1. The apparatus went to Station 10 to pull the boat assigned to Station 10
upon the arrival of the 2002 Freightliner/ E-One Heavy Rescue, which is the current Rescue 1.

Standby Rescue 16 has filled in for Rescue 1 and Rescue 5 on numerous occasions, when the regular apparatus of these companies has been in the
shop for repairs. Although a few apparatus have received paint damage when fighting major structure fires through the years, this is the first N.L.R.F.D.
apparatus to actually catch on fire in the 106 year history of the N.L.R.F.D.

Click HERE for photos of Rescue 16 after the fire.

January 20, 2010:
A residential structure fire occured at 1418 Parker Street on Satur
day morning, January 16, 2010. Engines 1, 6, Truck 1 and Rescue 1 responded.
A second alarm resulted in Engine 8 being dispatched as well.

A link to Arkansas Online follows:
... Information below the photo in this link
states that the fire was started by children
at play outside the house. Photos on a local Televsion station during the weekend showed substantial
damage to this residential structure.

January 10, 2010
The NLR City Budget for 2010 currently contains no funds for apparatus for the N.L.R.F.D. - with
the present economic situation for the city.
The Fire Station Construction Grant for new NLR Fire Station 11 still
shows as "Under Agency Review" on North Little Rock's City Website.
(These funds would be from the Economic Recovery Act.)

December 2, 20
Rescue 5 has been out of service for a few days now. Rescue
16 (1990 Ford/ Taylor Made - A former Rescue 19) is filling it at Station 5.

Nov. 1, 2009
The torrential rain storms that hit Central A
rkansas and North Little Rock on Thursday evening (October 29, 2009) resulted in all 9 Engine

, both Ladder companies, and both Heavy Rescue Companies being dispatched at some point during the evening. Many companies
were dispatched multiple times to rescue citizens from flooded residences, or from vehicles in high
waters. At some point, Standby Engine 103
was placed in service for a period of time. Standby Engine 101 was already filling in as Rescue 1.

October 4, 2009:
The Annual N.L.R.F.D. Fire Fest is Tuesday, October 6, 2009 on the Kroger Parking Lot - McCain & North Hills
The NLR Times report that Fire Fest will start at 5:00 p.m. and run for "At least three hours."

The 1979 Mack Pumper
, which was donated to the N.L.R.F.D. is now decked out in a new coat of pink and white
, and seems virtually ready, if not completely ready to be involved in the 'Race For The Cure' on October 17th.

September 19, 2009:
A 1979 Mack Pumper has arrived at the N.L.R.F.D. It was donated
to the N.L.R.F.D. - At no cost to taxpayers - and
will become the Department's Breast Cancer Awareness Pumper. It is in the process of being repainted for its
new assignment.

Photos of the process will be posted shortly.

August 24, 2009:
The following Resolution - R-09-137 is to be presented at tonight's NLR City Council Meeting. This Resolution
appropriates up to $60,000 for site preparation for the new N.L.R.F.D. Station 11 in eastern NLR.

Click Here to Read Resolution R-09-137

July 8, 2009
Engine 10 has returned to its regular apparatus as of today.

Several Webpages of this website have been updated:
1 - Engine 2's Webpage
2- Station 2's Webpage
3 - Hazmat Operations at Station 2 - Unit 938 now handles Hazmat and Decon Special Trailers.
4 - A Webpage has been added for Unit 937, now the Special Operations Truck at Central.
................Also a menu item "Special Operations" has been added under the Apparatus Menu, since
................Trench and Collapse Rescue now operate on Unit 937
out of Central Station
5 -
Engine 9's Webpage has been updated with recent photos.
6 - Standby Engine 101's Webpage has updated photos.
7 - A
n updated photo of the Special Operations Trailer at Central has been added to Unit 937's Webpage.

June 25, 2009
Work is now underway for the replacement of the Engine Room Doors at Central Fire Station. The North Little
Rock City Council approved ordinance
0-09-33 on April 27, 2009. This ordinance appropriated $20,903.59 from
Act 833 funds for the purpose of paying for new Engine Room Doors at Central. The new doors will
be identical
in appearance to the doors that are being replaced, since Central Fire Station is in the Argenta Historic District.

Truck 1 returned to their regular apparatus a few days ago.

Reserve Aerial 1 was at Central today while its ladders received their annual test. (All ladders, aerial and ground
receive an annual test.) All apparatus in the N.L.R.F.D. have already had ladders tested, or will in the near future.
May 31, 2009:
Friday, May 29, 2009 found Standby Engine 101 filling in as Engine 10 of the NLRFD.
A multi-agency response occured Friday afternoon (5-29-09). A report
of a person in the Arkansas River
resulted in the response of NLRFD Battalion Chief 924, Rescue 1 and Engine 1 to the Arkansas River launch
area near I-30 in downtown NLR. LRFD Battalion 2, Rescue 2, Water Rescue 2, and Engine 2 responded. MEMS
Units 417 and 954 also were on scence. Click HERE for a photo slideshow of the incident.

May 22, 2009:
Reserve Aerial 2, the 1981 American LaFrance is filling in as Truck 1 for
the next several days. Broken front
suspension parts were discovered on the 2006 Ferrara 107' Aerial Quint. It is now on the way to the Ferrara
factory in Louisiana for repairs. This is a great opportunity to get photos of the 1981 American LaFrance,
while it is in service again. This old aerial is 28 years old!

March 23, 2009
: The North Little Rock City Council will consider Resolution R9-48:


March 20, 2009: A residential structure fire occured this morning on West 16th Street. Engines 3, 1, 6, Truck1, Rescue 5, Battalion 924 and the Fire Marshall's Officeresponded to the alarm. The N.L.R.F.D. made an excellent 'stop' on this fire. Click HERE for photos of the incident.

February 2, 2009:
Robert Mauldin, former Assistant Chief of the North Little Rock Fire Department, became Chief of the North Little Rock Fire Department on February 1, 2009.

January 31, 2009:
A Retirement Celebration was held for Chief
Joe McCall of the NLRFD at the Hayes Senior Citizen Center on Friday, January 30, 2009. Chief McCall began his career with the North Little Rock Fire Department in 1972. He became Assistant Chief of the NLRFD in 2000, and was appointed Chief in 2002.

January 22, 200
Rescue 1's Freightliner/ E-One returned to service on 1/16/09.

January 14, 2009:
scue 1's 'Jake' brake is being repaired. Standby Engine 101 has been assigned as Rescue 1 since January 12th until Rescue 1's regular apparatus returns to service.

December 17, 2008:
Engine 2 will soon be back in service
, and will be sporting a new light bar. Photos will follow when E2 is back in service. Standby Eng. 101 is now filling in as Engine 2.

December 10, 2008:
residential structure fire occured today in the 400 block of Division Street. Arriving companies found the structure fully involved. Engines 1, 3, 6, Truck 1 and Rescue 1 all responded along with Battalion Chief 924. Units 931 and 942 were also on scene.

Engine 7 returned to i
ts regular apparatus yesterday.

December 6, 2008:
A gasoline tanker carrying approximately 8,000 gallons of gasoline overturned shortly after 5:30 PM on December 4th.
The contents of the tanker did ignite, causing a fire that was visible for quite some distance. The NLRFD dispatched several companies to the scene. Engines 8, 6, 4 2, Rescue 5, Haz Mat 939, and Unit 924 (Battalion Chief) were dispatched during the incident. Units 950 and 931 also responded. The fire kept Highway I-30 closed for some time. The west-bound lanes were still closed at approximately 10:00 PM.

Engine 7 has been operating on Standby Engine 103, while Engine 7's 1995 E-One undergoes some repairs. Here is an opportunity for Seagrave fans to get a shot of the NLRFD's last Seagrave apparatus in service.
November 5, 2008: Standby Engine 103 is back in service.

November 4, 2
Engine 10 returned to Station 10 today.
Standby Engine 103 continues to undergo repairs.

ober 30, 2008:
Standby Engine 103 filled in for Engine 10 beginning on
October 28th. Engine is undergoing radiator repairs. On October 30th, Standby Engine 103 was taken 'off the track' for front wheel repairs. Standby Engine 101 is currently at Station 10 as Engine 10, until the 2001 Pierce Contender Custom is ready for service.

October 19, 2008:
FireFest is Tuesday, October 21st on the Parking Lot of Krogers at McCain and North Hills. Check the Webpage o
n Reserve Fire Apparatus in Service for Recent Entries.

October 6, 2008:
Reserve (Standby) Engine 101 is filling in at Station 3. Engine 3's 2004 Pierce Custom Contender Pumper is undergoing brake repairs

North Little Rock's
Annual FIreFest will be Tuesday, October 21, 2008.

September 27, 2008:
Photos of the two 2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrids are now available for viewing. Click HERE for photos of The new Unit 950. Click HERE for photos of The new Unit 949.

August 25, 2008:
The NLRFD recently took delivery of at least one of two new staff vehicles. The 2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrids are the first Toyota vehicles that the NLRFD has owned
. These are also the first hybrids owned by the Department. The City of North Little Rock City Council Resolution Number R-08-129 launched a "Green Agenda" for the City. (See link below). The hybrid vehicles are quite possibly in response to this resolution.

Engine 7 has been operating on Standby Engine 101 since Friday, Augut 22, 2008. For any "Pierce Fans," this would be a great opportunity to get a photo of Station 7, with a Pierce Aerial and Pierce Pumper at Station 7 for the time being.

August 5, 2008:
The NLR City Council accepted a bid by Sunbelt Fire, Inc. for $59, 2
79.00 for eleven thermal imaging cameras for the NLRFD. The funds will be provided by Act 833 Funds. This action was passed at the July 28, 2008 City Council Meeting.

July 14, 2008:
A Fuel Spill incident occurred on the afternoon of July 11, 2008 at the Phillips 66 Station at North Hills and McCain. The Diesel fuel tank on a soft drink delivery truc
k developed a leak, which resulted in the North Little Rock Fire Department responding with Engines 7, 2, Hazmat 939 and Battalion 924. Click HERE to see Photos of the incident. An Apparatus Video of HM 939 leaving the scene at North Hills and McCain has also been added to the website: Click HERE to view the video.

July 3, 2008:
Rescue 1 received a new 'No Smoke' Exhuast System on July 1, 2008. Stanby Engine 101 filled in as Rescue 1. Engine 1 received a new 'No Smoke' Exhuast System on June 30, 2008. Stanby Engine 101 filled in as Engine 1.

A structure fire occured on June 26, 2008 at 4717
West Drive. The NLRFD did a tremendous job of saving this residence, and confining the fire to the structure, a garage, that was adjoined to the house via an overhead walkway. Click on FIRES on the Drop Down Menu at the top of this webpage for photos of the fire.

June 4, 2008:
Engine 2's 1999 Spartan/ E-One 1250 Pumper returned to service on Monday,
June 2, 2008. Engine 8 is operating on Standby Engine 103, as of Tuesday, June 3, 2008.

May 23, 2008:
The Agenda for the 5-27-08 North Little Rock City Council Meeting conta
s Resolution R-08-77, which provides for the Mayor and Fire Chief of North Little Rock to enter into a Mutual Aid Agreement with the East Pulaski Fire Department.

Engine 2 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of May 23, 2008. The 1999 Spartan
/ E-One is undergoing power steering repairs.

May 13, 2008:
Engine 4 is operating on Standby Engine 101 again, while pump repairs (packing, etc.)
are carried out on the 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom 1250.

April 29, 2008:
Engine 4 is now operating on Standby Engine 101. The pump plumbing on Engine 4's 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom is receiving
some repairs.

April 23, 2008:
The agenda for the April 28, 2008 North Little Rock City Council Meeting contains a resolution (R-08-56) to appropriate $87,000.00 for the purchase of 2.261 acres 'more or less' at the intersection of Michaela Drive and Judy Drive. The intent is for a new North Little Rock Fire Station
to be constructed on this site.

Click HERE to see a Google Map of this location.

Click HERE for the Web Page of the new NLR Fire Station.

R-08-46, which addressed funds for several items, including some Staff Cars for the NLRFD, was held at the 4-14-08 City Council Meeting.

April 16, 2008:
6 is operating on Standby Engine 103; Engine 10 is now operating on its regularly assigned apparatus - the 2001 Pierce Contender 1250 Custom.

April 14, 2008:
Engine 10 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of April 14, 2008.

April 13, 2008:
A structure fire occured on April 12, 2008 in Park Hill in the 3400 Block of
Poplar Street. This was - literally - right behind Station 5's Engine House. Rescue 5 was used to pump at the fire. Engines 6, 9, Truck 7, and Battalion 924 responded to this fire. Terri Cossey (Michael Cossey / made some excellent photos of this
incident. These photos were very generously passed along to this website. Click HERE to view the slide show.

April 3, 2008:
The North Little Rock Fire Department has been involved in the rescue and recovery effort on the Arkansas River on April 2nd and 3rd (2008). Apparatus involved includes: Engine 1, Engine 4,
Engine 8, Command 1, Rescue 1, Rescue 5, The J. W. Springer, The M. J. Bevans, 950, 949, 935 and 931.

March 28, 2008:
The webpage for Station 10 has updated photos of Engine 1
0. The webpage of Station 10 has been updated with photos of the Rescue Boat assigned to Station 0.

March 25, 2008:
A memorial tribute to Lt. Jerry Dial has been added to the web
site. It may be viewed from the home page of the

Engine 10 now has its own

March 23, 2008:
The agenda for the NLR CIty Council Meeting on
Monday, March 24, 2008 contains a Resolution for the appropriation of $8,674.00 of Act 833 Funds for a Ward No Smoke Diesel Exhaust Removal System for NLRFD Engine 4. (Engine 4 is a 1992 Pierce Arrow Custom 1250 Pumper.)

Also, $6151.21
of Act 833 Funds is to be appropriated at this same NLR City Council Meeting for the replacement of ceiling tiles at NLRFD Station 7.

22, 2008:
Brake repairs were carried out today on Rescue 5's 2004 International/Ferrara. Standby Rescue 16 filled in at Station 5.

February 21, 2008:
Rescue 5 operated on Standby Rescue 16 while the 2004 International/ Ferrara
heavy rescue received additional repairs on February 20, 2008.

February 19, 2008:
Truck 1
's Ferrara 107' Aerial /Quint was undergoing some warranty work today. While this was taking place, Truck 1 operated on Reserve Aerial 2, the 1981 American LaFrance 100' rear mount aerial, which was Truck 1 (and Truck 1A) from 1982 until 2006.

February 16, 2008:
A bit of 'history' was made in the NLRFD yesterday. For the first time in sixteen years
, a conventional pumper was assigned to Station 5. Standby Engine 101, a 1987 Pierce Arrow, filled in while the 2004 International/ Ferrara received some minor repairs. Rescue 5 was back on their regular apparatus by late afternoon. Click HERE for a photo of Rescue 5 on its way to Central Station to pick up the Ferrara Heavy Rescue/ Pumper after repairs had been finished.

February 4, 2008:
The North LIttle Rock Fire Department was called on for Mutual Aid this afternoon by the Oak Grove V. F. D. for a
structure fire on Lumsden Road, which is intersects with Crystal Hill Road. KTHV Channel 11's Website describe the facility as an auto repair yard. Evidently several automobiles and other items were stored inside the building. North Little Rock Companies responding to the structure fire included: Engines 4 and 8, Truck 7, 948, 946, 942, 924, 935, and 931.

January 30, 2008:
The North Little Rock City Council
meeting of January 28, 2008 provided approval for the expenditure of some of the Act 833 Funds allocated to the NLRFD this year. The funds will go for remodeling of the Kitchen Facilities at Station 1 (Central), unspecified remodeling at Station 3, and for repair work at Station 7.

Rescue 1 operated on Standby Engine 101 yesterday (January 29, 2008)
while minor repairs were applied to the 2002 Freightliner/ E-One Heavy Rescue, which is Rescue 1's regular apparatus.

January 16,
Rescue 1 is operating on the 2002 Freightliner/ E-One Heavy Rescue - its
regularly assigned apparatus.

January 15, 2008:
Rescue 1 is operating on Standby Engine 101
as of today. Rescue 1's Freightliner/ E-One is undergoing fuel pump replacement.

January 14, 200
Engine 2 has returned to the 1999 Spartan/ E-One 1250 GPM Pumper,
its regularly assigned apparatus.

January 7, 2008:
Engine 2 is operating on Standby Engine 101 as of to
day, January 7, 2008.



